
In: Computer Science

Below is my C++ program of a student record system. I have done the program through...

Below is my C++ program of a student record system. I have done the program through structures. Please do the same program using classes this time and dont use structures. Also, please make the menu function clean and beautiful if you can. So the output will look good at the end. Thanks.

using namespace std;
struct StudentRecord {
   string name;
   int roll_no;
   string department;
   StudentRecord *next;
StudentRecord *head = NULL;
StudentRecord *get_data()
   //creating a temporary node in which we will store all the student records and return the temporary node in the end of the function
   StudentRecord *rec = new StudentRecord;
   cout << endl;
   cout << "You chose option #1." << endl;
   cout << "What is the student's name?: ";
   cin >> rec->name;
   cout << "What is the student's roll no?: ";
   cin >> rec->roll_no;
   cout << "What is the student's department?: ";
   cin >> rec->department;
   rec->next = head;
   return rec;

void add_data(StudentRecord *current)
   // We will store the address of the present head node in the next field of the current node and later we will make the current node as head node
   current->next = head; // store the address of the pointer head(second field)
   head = current;

void display_data(double key)
   cout << endl << endl << "Student record: " << endl;
   cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
   // We will create a node named start and will iterate it through the whole linked list and display the data
   StudentRecord *start = head;
   if (!start) {
       cout << "No Data!" << endl;
   while (start != NULL)
       if (start->roll_no == key)
           cout << "Name : "<<start->name << endl;
           cout << "Roll no : "<<start->roll_no << endl;
           cout << "Department : "<<start->department << endl;
       start = start->next;
   cout << "Record not found" << endl;
void search(double key)
   // We will iterate the head through the linked list until it finds the required variable or until the end of linked list
   while (head != NULL)
       if (head->roll_no == key)
           cout << "key found" << endl;
           // cout<<head->uin<<endl;
           cout << "name = " << head->name << endl;
           cout << "department = " << head->department << endl;
       head = head->next;
   cout << "Key not found" << endl;
void UpdateData(double key)
   StudentRecord *temp;
   temp = head;
   // We will iterate the head through the linked list until it finds the required variable or until the end of linked list
   while (temp != NULL)
       if (temp->roll_no == key)
           cout << "What is the student's name?: ";
           cin >> temp->name;
           cout << "What is the student's uin?: ";
           cin >> head->roll_no;
           cout << "What is the student's date of birth?: ";
           cin >> temp->department;
           cout << "Record updated..." << endl;
       temp = temp->next;
   cout << "Key not found to update" << endl;
void DeleteRecord(double key)
   StudentRecord *temp1, *temp2, *temp;
   temp = head;
   // We will iterate the head through the linked list until it finds the required variable or until the end of linked list
   while (temp != NULL)

       if (temp->roll_no == key)


           head = temp->next;

           cout << "Record Deleted successfully...." << endl;


       if (temp->next->roll_no == key)
           temp1 = temp->next;
           temp2 = temp1->next;
           temp->next = temp2;
           cout << "Record Deleted Successfully..." << endl;
       temp = temp->next;
   cout << "Key not found to Delete Record" << endl;
void processMenu()
   // creating current node for StudentRecord struct
   StudentRecord *current = NULL;
   int ser;
   char choice = 0;
   while (1) {
       cout << endl << "What would you like to do?" << endl;
       cout << "==========================" << endl;
       cout << "1. Enter a student record. " << endl;
       cout << "2. Display student records. " << endl;
       cout << "3. Search. " << endl;
       cout << "4. Update. " << endl;
       cout << "5. Delete. " << endl;
       cout << "6. Exit. " << endl;
       cin >> choice;
       while (cin.get() != '\n');
       if (choice == '1') {
           current = get_data();
       else if (choice == '2') {
           cout << "Enter student uin to Display records" << endl;
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '3') {
           cout << "Enter student uin to search for records" << endl;
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '4') {
           cout << "Enter student uin to Update records" << endl;
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '5') {
           cout << "Enter student uin to Delete records" << endl;
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '6') {
       else {
           cout << "Allowed Selections are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6." << endl;

int main()
   // Program starts execution from main block
   cout << "Student Record Program." << endl << endl;
   return 0;


Expert Solution

Note: replaced struct with class and made all data members public

wherever I changed print statement are marked as //Changed here

using namespace std;
class StudentRecord { //replaced struct with class and made all data variables public
   string name;
   int roll_no;
   string department;
   StudentRecord *next;
StudentRecord *head = NULL;
StudentRecord *get_data()
   //creating a temporary node in which we will store all the student records and return the temporary node in the end of the function
   StudentRecord *rec = new StudentRecord;
   cout << endl;
   //cout << "You chose option #1." << endl; Changed here
   cout << "What is the student's name?: ";
   cin >> rec->name;
   cout << "What is the student's roll no?: ";
   cin >> rec->roll_no;
   cout << "What is the student's department?: ";
   cin >> rec->department;
   rec->next = head;
   system("cls");//changed here
   return rec;

void add_data(StudentRecord *current)
   // We will store the address of the present head node in the next field of the current node and later we will make the current node as head node
   current->next = head; // store the address of the pointer head(second field)
   head = current;

void display_data(double key)
   cout << endl << endl << "Student record: " << endl;
   cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
   // We will create a node named start and will iterate it through the whole linked list and display the data
   StudentRecord *start = head;
   if (!start) {
       cout << "No Data!" << endl;
   while (start != NULL)
       if (start->roll_no == key)
           cout << "Name : "<<start->name << endl;
           cout << "Roll no : "<<start->roll_no << endl;
           cout << "Department : "<<start->department << endl;
           cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
       start = start->next;
   cout << "Record not found" << endl;
   cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
void search(double key)
    cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
   // We will iterate the head through the linked list until it finds the required variable or until the end of linked list
   while (head != NULL)
       if (head->roll_no == key)
           cout << "Record found" << endl;//changed here
           // cout<<head->uin<<endl;
           cout << "name = " << head->name << endl;
           cout << "department = " << head->department << endl;
           cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
       head = head->next;
   cout << "Record not found" << endl;//changed here
   cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
void UpdateData(double key)
   StudentRecord *temp;
   temp = head;
   // We will iterate the head through the linked list until it finds the required variable or until the end of linked list
   while (temp != NULL)
       if (temp->roll_no == key)
           cout << "What is the student's name?: ";
           cin >> temp->name;
           cout << "What is the student's roll number?: ";
           cin >> head->roll_no;
           cout << "What is the student's department?: ";//changed here
           cin >> temp->department;
           cout << "Record updated..." << endl;
       temp = temp->next;
   cout << "Record not found to update" << endl;//changed here
void DeleteRecord(double key)
   StudentRecord *temp1, *temp2, *temp;
   temp = head;
   // We will iterate the head through the linked list until it finds the required variable or until the end of linked list
   while (temp != NULL)

       if (temp->roll_no == key)


           head = temp->next;

           cout << "Record Deleted successfully...." << endl;


       if (temp->next->roll_no == key)
           temp1 = temp->next;
           temp2 = temp1->next;
           temp->next = temp2;
           cout << "Record Deleted Successfully..." << endl;
       temp = temp->next;
   cout << "Record not found to Delete Record" << endl;//Changed here
void processMenu()
   // creating current node for StudentRecord
   StudentRecord *current = NULL;
   int ser;
   char choice = 0;
   while (1) {
       cout << "\n\t==========================" << endl;//added tab space
       cout << "\t1. Enter a student record. " << endl;
       cout << "\t2. Display student records. " << endl;
       cout << "\t3. Search student record " << endl;
       cout << "\t4. Update student record " << endl;
       cout << "\t5. Delete student record " << endl;
       cout << "\t6. Exit. " << endl;
       cout << "\t==========================" << endl;
       cout<<"\n\tPlease Enter Your Choice (1-6): ";
       cin >> choice;
       while (cin.get() != '\n');
       if (choice == '1') {
           current = get_data();
       else if (choice == '2') {
            system("cls");//changed here
           cout << "Enter student roll number to Display record" << endl;//changed here
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '3') {
           cout << "Enter student roll number to search for records" << endl;//changed here
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '4') {
           cout << "Enter student roll number to Update records" << endl;//changed here
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '5') {
           cout << "Enter student roll number to Delete records" << endl;//changed here
           cin >> ser;
       else if (choice == '6') {
       else {
           cout << "Allowed Selections are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6." << endl;

int main()
   // Program starts execution from main block
   cout << "Student Record Program." << endl << endl;
   return 0;

Output of main menu:

Student Record Program.

1. Enter a student record.
2. Display student records.
3. Search student record
4. Update student record
5. Delete student record
6. Exit.

Please Enter Your Choice (1-6):

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