In: Nursing
1. Besides medication, discuss other factors that are
important for an asthmatic to control in order to prevent
2. What are the expected pharmacological actions of
the beta2 adrenergic agonists such as albuterol?
3. When educating the patient, the nurse knows that
the patient needs to wait _______ minute(s) between inhalations of
the same inhaled medication and ________ minutes between
inhalations of different inhaled medications.
4. What is the therapeutic range of
5. When using a bronchodilator, such as albuterol and
a steroid inhaler, such as budesonide, which inhaler would you use
first? Explain why.
6. What is the select prototype medication for the
leukotriene modifiers?
1, Asthma is a condition that cause breathing difficulty, we can
manage the illness by preventing asthma flareups other than taking
medicine by avoiding astham triggers that increase the asthma
symptoms. avoidng asthma triggers like pollens, exercise, pet
danders or mold avoid asthma flareups.
2, Beta adrenergic drugs are bronchodilators used for asthma, COPD
and other respiratory problems. Beta 2 adrenergic receptors on
airway smooth muscle cause activation of adenyl cyclase that
increase in the intracellular concentration of cyclic 3,
5-adeneosine monophosphate(cAMP), high cyclic AMP cause activation
of protein kinase A that inhibit phosphorylation of myosin and
lower the intracelluar ionic calcium concentration that leads to
3, when educating the patient the nurse knows that the patient
needs to wait one minute between inhalation of the same inhaled
medications and 5-10minutes between inhlations of different inhlaed
4, Therapeutic range of theophylline generally considered to be
5-15mcg/ml for adults, 5-10mcg/ml for neonate and children, more
than 20mcg/ml considered as toxic.