
In: Nursing

Your healthcare organization has a history of adopting technology and information systems that are not well...

Your healthcare organization has a history of adopting technology and information systems that are not well received or utilized by the staff. It was recently determined that a major effort will be made to acquire a new clinical solution system.

In your role as informatics nurse, create an implementation plan to improve user acceptance of this new system.

Review the steps of project management and create an plan that addresses each step as well as the team members, roles, and responsibilities


Expert Solution

As case described that I am working for healthcare organization with a history of adopting technology and information systems which are not well received or utilized by the staff and it is recently determined with a major effort need to be made to acquire a new clinical solution system.
As an informatics nurse and assignee of implementation personnel, i would create an implementation plan in looking forward to improve the user acceptance of new system. I would create a project management plan which would address all the staff in one rule with ease of access to operate and understand the latest technology. I would firstly divide the plan into four major milestones.
1. First one will be to develop the in-house team which can have proper training and sound knowledge of clinical system going to be installed.
2. Second one will be documentation : As part of good management and implementation practice it would be documented in systematic way and presented as guiding steps to others to use the system and adopt it as easily and fastly as they can.
3. I would take initiative as team member and lead the team to conceptualise and explain the agenda of the new system going to be implemented soon in the hospital. How would it benefit the organization and how would it aid to resolve the issues in current practice of health management.
4. Thier one will be training and executions of project : I would conduct training sections and make the team and staff actually handle the system with demo that would help them to make themselves habitual with a new system.
5. Based on training response and expertise i would assign the responsibilities to the team members and kick start the process of implementations as best as possible.
6. I would plan the essential review meetings and timely take track records of the newly implemented technology and would collect the experience of staff regarding the new technology which would help to find out the loop holes in current project plans so as to make changes in it to achieve the desired goal of implemented systems such as eg. documentations practice and record management in hospital.
7. This would ultimately help to manage and monitor the project and track it's progress within the organization
8. Section four would be report and feedback : As soon as the desired goal of system implementation was reached i would prepare a base summary of project and present it in front of seniors or superior staffs so as they can take final call whether to continue with the system in organization or to close it with proper evaluations.

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