Thomas Hobbes view humanity is "A His view on human nature was
negative, or pessimistic. life without laws would be solitary,
poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Q1. Why is his view so negative?
Q2. Do you agree with his view? Why or why not?
How do Hobbes' and Locke's views of life in the state of nature
differ? What implications do these differences have for each
theorist’s proposal to exit the state of nature and establish a
society (e.g. the social contract, the sovereign, government etc.)?
Which theorist do you find more compelling?
Approaches to psychology -
Compare schools of therapy
Family and humanistic
View of human nature:
Is change possible?:
If so, what is the origin of such changes?:
Nature of the “self”:
What view of human nature is articulated in the term Homo
economicus? Contrast the views of Adam Smith and Marcel Mauss
on human nature in this regard and its implications for social and
economic organization.
Hobbes introduces a rather bleak account of Human Nature and
describes the “natural condition of mankind” in detail. Briefly
introduce each followed by a discussion of how, according to
Hobbes, the state of nature (or the “natural condition of mankind”)
arises as a consequence of his account of human nature.
Please compare and contrast radical approach to human nature
with conservative and classical liberal perspective. Please clearly
and with the max 10-15 sentence