
In: Computer Science

1-Which of the following algorithms cannot be implemented without using the timer interrupt? a. RR b....

1-Which of the following algorithms cannot be implemented without using the timer interrupt?

a. RR b. SJF c. Priority d. FCFC

2-A program that performs mostly arithmetic or scientific calculations is considered as?

a. CPU bound b. I/O bound

3-Operating System is:

a. System processes that manages hardware resources b. System processes that provide services to the user application programs c. Interface between the hardware and user processes d. All the above e. Not of the above

4-A goal of the scheduling algorithms is to maximize CPU Utilization while minimizing Throughput

True or false


Expert Solution

Question 1) Answer Option A

Reason: Option A is correct because round robin uses time quantum for interruption of processes

Option B is incorrect because shortest job first uses burst time in order to interrupt a process so it does not require a timer.

Option C is incorrect because although it works on the basis of the priority of the process it depends also on the time management but priority is the main concern

Option D is incorrect because it works on the basis of the order in which a process comes.

Question 2) Answer Option A

Reason: Option A is correct because in order to perform arithmetic operations we need the processor which is present in the CPU.

Option B is incorrect because in order to perform arithmetic operation we don not need the I/O

Question 3) Option D All of the above.

Reason: Option A is correct because it is a system process used to handle the hardware process by using human interaction or even not

Option B is correct because it a system process which are used by the process in order to provide service.

Option C is correct because it is a interface to interact the software with the hardware.

Question 4) Answer False

Reason: It is false because a scheduling algorithm is designed in such a way that it provides maximum CPU utilisation such that the CPU is in use all the time and it provides the maximum throughput

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