In: Nursing
As a Nurse assigned to teach student nurses on clinical at your facility, you have been selected to teach them on Anaemia. design a simple lesson plan for the lecture.
Anemia is a specific disease in which the individual will lack enough healthy red blood cells that is RBC to carry adequate amount of oxygen to our human body's tissues. Having anemia will make an individual feel tired as well as weak
There are numerous forms of anemia that affect our human body , each with its own Specific cause. Anemia can be temporary or can occur for a long term period , and it can be mild to severe in individual .
Types of anemic that affects human body are
Aplastic anemia which occur as a result of low production of RBC as a result of bone damage
Iron deficiency anemia as a result of low level of iron
The Sickle cell anemia occur as a result of abnormal RBC
Thalassemia and Vitamin deficiency anemia are the one that usually occur in the human body
Symptoms of anemia are
The signs as well as the symptoms vary Specifically depending on the cause of the Anemia in the individual . If the anemia is Specifically caused by the chronic disease, then the disorder can cause Masking them, so that Anemia in the individual will only be detected by tests for another condition in the individual.
It can include :
Fatigue in the individual
Heart beat irregularities
Weakness in the individual
Sob that is shortness in breath in the individual
Pale or an yellowish skin colour in the individual
Dizziness as well as lightheadedness in the individual
Angina or Chest pain
Cold hands in the individual as well as the feet
There can also be headache
Iron deficiency anemia main causes are .
a shortage in iron in the body of the individual . The bone marrow of our body needs iron to make hemoglobin in them.
Vitamin deficiency anemia has the main cause thatbsi deficiency of vitamin B12 that is needed for the development of RBC .
Anemia due to inflammation has the causes like chronic conditions like cancer or AIDS and other disease like inflammatory disease .
Aplastic anemia has the main causes like auto immune disease and also Specifically any exposure to toxins .
Hemolytic anemias in the individual and has cause like certain blood disease and due to destruction of the RBC in the individual.
Sickle cell anemia in the individual has the main causes like defective for of the RBC in the individual and cause Anemia.
Complications of Anemia are
If the Anemia in the individual is left untreated, anemia can cause many health problems in the individual like
Very severe fatigue. Can occur in the individual
Pregnancy complicationes can occur like prematurity of the child
Heart problems in the individual are like tachycardia and irregular heart beat will occur in the individual.
Death is the ultimate complication .
Prevention of anemia
Can be by taking of iron rich food like cereals , red need , as well as folate suppliment , and vitamin B 12 in the individual like soya products in the individual.
Treatment of anemia
It includes iron supplements
Blood transfusion
Vitamin supplement as pills