In: Biology
What is characteristic of an enzyme-coupled receptor? How is it different from GPCRs?
Discuss the activation of a receptor tyrosine kinase and it's subsequent assembly of an intracellular signaling complex.
Describe the GTPase Ras in detail and what role does it play in regards to RTK.
Discuss the role of Ras in cancer. Is this a proto-oncogene or tumor suppressor gene and why?
What is MAP kinase? What time does it play in RTK?
Discuss the activity of the P1 3-kinase Akt with
regards to apoptosis and cell survival.
Enzyme coupled receptors
-these class of receptors are utilized by peptide hormones
Consist a large extracellular ligand binding domain connected
through a single transmembrane helical peptide chain to an
intracellular subunit having enzymatic
Mutation GTPase ras result in permanently activated ras which result in overactive signaling inside the cell even absence of signal result cancer.
Mutated ras is most common oncogenes in humans.
Normally activated ras GTP is activated by enzyme called GAP .In mutated ras GTPase GAP is not functioned.
MAP Kinase is a mitogen activated protein kinsae
Which is activated in presence of direct mitogens,heart shock and proinflammatory cytokines.
It's functions include cell proliferation,g geneexpression,apoptosis and mitosis.
P13 kinase is enzyme activated by enzyme coupled receptors which will activate the enzyme PIP3 result activation of ATK
This ATK bind with BAX ,and prevent apoptosis
In absence of ATK ,BAX cause holes in the mitochondria and cause apoptosis.