The benefits of web based patient education portals:
- Accessibility. They provide high levels of accessibility to
healthcare information. Patients can be proactive and research
about their illnesses and also halp form an opinion about the
various treatment modalities available their inherent risks vs
benefits, details of procedures that may be needed and the
preparations that need to be done beforehand. This can also help
alleviate anxiety.
- More time to take in the information. Often patients are highly
anxious while discusiing medical conditions with healthcare
practitioners. With web based patient education portals, they can
take their own time to understand their condition in depth.
- Useful in states of public epidemic like the recent COVID-19
pandemic. In such situations, direct access of information from
hospitals or healthcare workers is not possible. The web based
eductaion portals of organizations like the CDC play a major role
in such situations to provide information on preventive measures
and precautions to be taken.
- Lacks the human-touch. Learning about medical conditions can be
psychologically taxing and the presence of a doctor or nurse may
make the situation better for some.
- Can be confusing. It is difficult to tailor content in such a
way that there is adequate understanding for people from all walks
of society. People with no relation to healthcare may find
navigating the information tough and confusing.
- Reliabilty can become an issue with online content. The
information provided can be vastly outdated or even inaccurate.
Often peple who suffer from the illness contribute their
understanding to common portals, which may not be accurate and may
not take in account the wide variation of physiology and
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics across patients.
Nurses who deal with patients who provide web- based information
can help in verifying the accuracy of the information, clear
misunderstandings and guide the patient in the correct path so that
they take informed decisions about their conditions