BLOOD PRESSURE: It is defined as the lateral pressure exerted y
the coumn of blood on wall of arteries.The pressure is exerted when
blood flows through the arteries.
- Normal Blood pressure=Systolic blood pressure/diastolic Blood
120/80 mmog
Hg(range=110-140/60-80 mm of Hg)
- Blood Pressure varies bacause of Physiological and Pathological
conditions in them AGE is one of the physiological variatiom
- In puberty and adults, Normal/ Resting Blood pressure =120/80
mm of Hg
- Age 50 and after 50 Resting Blood Pressure = 140/85 mm of
- I consider Resting Blood Pressure equal to normal i.e, 120/80
mm of Hg
- Blood Pressure after Moderate Aerobic Exercise=140/80 mm of Hg
(in moderate exercise the systolic BP increases due to increase in
rate and force of contraction and the increased value range upto
20-30 mm Hg Hgand Stroke volume and Diastolic BP remains Constant
it depends on peripheral resistance which is not affected by
moderate exercise)
- Blood Pressure after vigorous Aerobic Exercise=160/70 mm of Hg(
in Vigorous exercise the systolic BP increases due to increase in
rate and force of contraction and increases ranges between 40 to 50
mm of Hg and the Diastolic BP decreased because the peripheral
resistance is decreased in severe exercise.
- Blood pressure in arms and legs exercise depends on the Heart
rate and oxygen uptake, in this I considered constant Oxygen uptake
and heart rate varies based on the type of exercise and number of
and type of muscles work and the Blood Pressure is higher in arm
exercise compared to leg exercise at lower heart due to high
sympathetic outflow and small and less number of muscles work which
causes vasoconstriction and in leg exercises the more number of
large muscles work causing vasodilatation in return causes decrease
in peripheral resistance.
- Blood pressure after Mild- Moderate Arm Curls=160/80 mm of Hg
(Increasd Systolic BP due to increase in heart rate and The
diastolic BP remains constant as there is no change in peripheral
resistance and ranges between 130-150/80 mm of Hg)
- Blood Pressure after Mild-Moderate bench press=170/90 of Hg
(Increased Systolic BP due to increase in heart rateand more
muscles work increasing work load and the Diastolic BP remains
constant or may have mild change and ranges between 150-175/80-90
mm og Hg)
- Blood pressure after mild to moderate leg press=157/80 mm of
Hg(Comparitively less than arm because of more muscles work and
vasodilatation and no effective heart rate fluctuations ranges from
150-160/80 mm og Hg)
- Blood Pressure after mild to moderate Leg extension=165/85 mm
of Hg(Due to more muscle work, vasodilatation and no effective
heart rate fluctuations ranges from 160-170/80-90 mm og Hg)
- Breat holding Increases the blood flow to the lungs and causes
vasodilatation leading to decrease in blood pressure but it
disturbs the blood chemical balance.
- Blood Pressure after overseated bench press=180/95 mm of Hg
(because in this trunk muscles also involves and the heart rate
increased and vasoconstriction leads to increased diastolic
- Blood pressure after Seated Leg press=150-160/80 mm of Hg
(Because there is no effective change in heart rate so no visible
fluctuations in BP)
- Blood pressure after inverted leg press=140-150/70 mm of Hg
(Because of its posture in this the peripheral resistance decreases
as the blood flows easily towards heart )
Usually General Principal ways for prescribing ways for exercise
- Respiratory Exercises
- Upper Extremity Exercise
- Trunk Exercise
- Lower Extremity Exercises
- Usually 30 mins exercise program regimen is suggested for
Hypertensive patients which helps in lowering Blood Pressure.
WARM UP:Respiratory exercise Like Deep breathing is prescribed
because it increases the blood to the lungs leading to vasodilation
and lowers BP and For Upper Extremity like arm swinging,shoulder
rotation,arm flexion,extension and for Trunk exercises like trunk
rotation and for lower extremity hip extension flexion,knee flexion
extension acts as a warmup by stimulating Muscles and
preventing Injury by increaing blood flow and it done for 10
Aerobic Exercises like Brisk walking,jogging,swimming,bicycling
helps in loweing BP as the physical activity helps by increaing
work load on heart by increasing blood flow to heart which
stimulates internal mechanism to regulate the High BP which makes
indirectly to lower BP and this makes your heart stronger and