Answer:-malicious programs become more complex, it becomes
increasingly likely that the disassembler fails somehow, or the
decompiler produces obfuscated code. So, reversers need more time
to understand the disassembled or decompiled code. And this is time
during which the malware may be wreaking havoc on a network.
Because of this, there has been an increasing focus on dynamic
malware analysis. Dynamic malware analysis relies on a closed
system (known as a sandbox), to launch the malicious program in a
secure environment and simply watch to see what it does.
reverse engineer tool
- angr — Platform-agnostic binary analysis framework
- bamfdetect — Identifies and extracts information from bots and
- BARF — Open source multiplatform Binary Analysis and Reverse
engineering Framework.
- binnavi — Binary analysis IDE for reverse engineering
- Capstone — Disassembly framework for binary analysis and
- codebro — Web based code browser with basic code analysis.
- dnSpy — .NET assembly editor, decompiler and debugger
- Evan’s Debugger (EDB) — Modular debugger with a Qt GUI
- Fibratus — Windows kernel exploration and tracing tool
- GDB — The GNU debugger
- GEF — GDB Enhanced Features, for exploiters and reverse
- hackers-grep — Uility to search for strings in PE
- IDA Pro — Windows disassembler and debugger
- Immunity Debugger — Debugger for malware analysis
- ltrace — Dynamic analysis tool for Linux executables
- strace — Dynamic analysis tool for Linux executables
- objdump — Static analysis tool for Linux binaries
- OllyDbg — Debugger for Windows executables
- PANDA — Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis
- PEDA — Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
- pestudio —Static analysis tool for Windows executables
- plasma — Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS
- PPEE (puppy) — PE file inspector.
- Process Monitor — Advanced monitoring tool for Windows
- Pyew — Python tool for malware analysis
- Rdare2 — Reverse engineering framework
- ROPMEMU — Framework to analyze, dissect and decompile complex
code-reuse attacks
- SMRT — Sublime Malware Research Tool, a plugin for Sublime Text
3 focused on malware analyis.
- Triton — A dynamic binary analysis (DBA) framework
- Udis86 — Disassembler library and tools
- Vivisect — Python tool for malware analysis
- X64dbg — Debugger for windows
- AnalyzePE — Wrapper for a variety of tools for reporting on
Windows PE files.
- chkrootkit — Linux rootkit detector.
- Rootkit Hunter — Detect Linux rootkits.
- Detect-It-Easy — A program for determining types of files.
- hashdeep — Compute digest hashes with a variety of
- Loki — Host based scanner for IOCs.
- MASTIFF — Static analysis framework.
- MultiScanner — Modular file scanning/analysis framework
- nsrllookup — A tool for looking up hashes in NIST’s National
Software Reference Library database.
- PEV — A multiplatform toolkit to work with PE files, providing
feature-rich tools for proper analysis of suspicious binaries.
- — Python script for searching in database.
- TrID — File identifier.
- YARA — Pattern matching tool for analysts.
- PEiD to detect packers, Dependency Walker to view dynamically
linked functions, Resource Hacker to view the
malware's resources and PEview and FileAlyzer to
examine the PE file headers and sections.
- Anti-virus vendors did not provide much information about this
particular trojan, and later examination of virus databases
disclosed lack of documented details regarding the trojan’s
capabilities, probably due to its relatively low profile. Since the
discussion on the Incidents mailing list in June 2001, the trojan
did not seem to catch the public’s eye, and has remained relatively
unexplored. However, our interest in this program was rekindled
after a recent posting to the mailing list by Pete Schmitt on 10
March 2001.PS His brief description of the trojan that has infected
his computer seemed to match the one discussed on the mailing list
eight moths earlier. Pete also observed that the trojan attempted
to connect to an IRC server using the name of “
,” which later allowed us to tie this incident to
another variant of this trojan. Our research methodology and
findings are documented in the following pages.