
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Case Study 2 Calculations: Calculate the client's target heart rate using the Karvonen formula. Training Program:...

Case Study 2

Calculations: Calculate the client's target heart rate using the Karvonen formula.

Training Program: Design a full 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training program. This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

Include the following in your case study submission:

  • A description of your professional responsibilities as discussed in the stages of the drawing-in process (Unit 12)
  • Discussion of any fitness tests, methods of evaluation, and data collection used to assess and evaluate the client's needs
  • Specific conditions that you have identified in the client profile
  • A fully detailed 12-week comprehensive and periodized training program including specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. Use an integrated approach in your program recommendations.
  • Specific and detailed nutritional strategies and an explanation as to how the strategies will assist the client in meeting energy needs
  • Explanation for your chosen assessment, programming, and nutritional recommendations. (Be sure to reference course concepts when discussing rationale for your recommendations.

Keep in mind that a client should be able to take your program and put it into practice without having to contact you to clarify what you intended by your recommendations or to explain parts of your program.

Don't forget your explanation for WHY you listed and recommended what you did. Reference the concepts and theories covered in the course. Be sure to address why the program and exercises recommended are appropriate for the specific client given the client's history, current abilities, and intended goal(s). For example: if you are developing a program for a beginner client without any resistance training experience, explain how your program addresses the lack of experience, initial need for foundational development, process by which you would safely progress the client, etc. Tying your program to course concepts is a critical component of your case study.

Client Profile: Diana Prince

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Resting Heart Rate: 75 bpm

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 165 lb

Body Fat Percentage: 31%

Background and Goals: Diana is a 37-year-old mother of two children. She used to exercise fairly consistently (mostly jogging and light aerobic activities) before having kids. Ever since she had her first child 9 years ago, she has not been very active. Diana has her 20-year high school reunion coming up in 3 months (12 weeks). She would like to look and feel her best and is eager and willing to spend the next 12 weeks doing what she can to change her body.


Expert Solution

Client Profile: Diana Prince

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Resting Heart Rate: 75 bpm

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 165 lb

Body Fat Percentage: 31%

BMR calculation:

BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)=66 + (6.23X 165) + (12.7X 5.5) + (6.8X 37)

= 66 + 1027.95 + 69.85 + 251.6

= 1415.4 is the BMR of Diana Prince

BMI Formula

BMI = [Weight in Pounds/(Height in inches x Height in inches)] x 703

BMI of Diana Prince 38.81, so according to the weight status of Diana with standards of BMI chart (mentioned below), it fall in obese category (30 and above are considered as obese).

Target Heart Rate = ((max HR − resting HR) × %Intensity) + resting HR

Max HR = 220 - 37 (Age) = 183

In case, the resting HR is not mentioned, an average value of 70 bpm can be used for resting heart rate.

At 60% intensity, Target HR = ((183 - 75) x 0.6) + 75 = 139.8 (Diana Minimum Training Heart Rate)

At 80% intensity, Target HR = ((183 - 75) x 0.8) + 75 = 161.4 (Diana Maximum Training Heart Rate)

Overall, the training heart rate zone of Diana will therefore be 139.8-161.4 beats per minute.


According the BMI and BMR results, Diana is overweight and obese. As, mentioned that Diana is not very active from last few years after their child, So, the best starting approach is to lose the weigh as maximum as possible with scheduled 12 week exercise plan. Because concentrating on muscle exercise seems to be irrelevant in this time period, so along with muscle power the main focus is to lose the maximum possible weight.

So, first to get the exact strength and power to start the exercise, initial training and test would be performed, so that 12 week schedule can be designed.

So, very initial test for next program is the body composition assessment, as her BMI is very high, so this is very important parameters. This require measuring tape for height and waist circumference. The standards suggest that the waist circumference should be less than half of the total height. As per reports, average women has a waist size of 37.5 inches, and it indicates higher risk of obesity-related diseases due to high visceral fat, the type of fat that's around your organs. Further, Waist-to-Hip Ratio and Waist-to-Height Ratio, and standards suggest that a healthy women with WHtR is between 0.42 and 0.48. Results of Diana showed waist size 38 inches, while WHtR is 0.82.

Second test would be the abdominal plank position, the standard suggested time is the two minutes, if you are in initial stage, this is very important to build the abdominal muscles and reduce the stomach fat, and will get toned body. In this test, Diana is able to hold on this position for only 30 sec, suggest that her abdominal muscle strength is very low with respect to the initial work out plan.

The third test is sitting-rising test, it forecast the longevity and includes that how you rise from a seated position on the floor in different positions. The standards are set according to the scoring i.e. sitting-rising test (SRT) includes a score of 0-5 for each movement (sitting and rising), with a total of 10 being the highest score, awarded for those who can sit and rise from the floor without any assistance from their hands or knees. In this test, Diana got 5 score in sitting rising test. Besides, some other important cardio test will be performed such as running, isokinetic strength tests, and abdominal strength test. Diana is not able to walk for 5 mins on treadmill, this suggest her cardio exercises would be in priority. So, all the data were collected as per standard evaluation methods, based on the parameters, the major consideration is the diet plan and also the exercises.


The plan is to get rid of visceral fat and get into the shape in 12 weeks, this is not easy but if Diana will follow this, she will get in shape in school reunion. This all depends upon what you eat, what you looks, how much cardio you so, etc. so diet and exercise both play an important role. Diana’s goal is to lose fat, get in shape, maintain muscle mass (very important) as much as possible in 3 months.

So, for Diana, the plan here starts with the 12 week eating plan, most important.

  • Week 1 – First three days with 1500 calories and low carbohydrates (carbs), next three days with 1600 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 2 - First three days with 1400 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1600 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 3 - First three days with 1300 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1600 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 4 - First three days with 1200 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1600 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 5 - First three days with 1500 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1500 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 6 - First three days with 1400 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1500 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 7 - First three days with 1300 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1500 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 8 - First three days with 1200 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1500 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 9 - First three days with 1500 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1400 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 10 - First three days with 1400 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1400 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 11 - First three days with 1300 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1400 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • Week 12 - First three days with 1200 calories and low carbs, next three days with 1400 calories and moderate carbs, while last day with 1900 calories and very high carb at the end of the day.
  • The intake of protein must be a minimum of 100 grams per day, and if you take little more protein, then cut down some fat to make the calories.
  • For get in shape, the intake of fat intake must be around 20-30% of your daily calories.
  • Avoid junk foods, snack, etc. as it will get excess of calories.

Cardio workout-12 Week plan

This session will get improve your heart beat and you have to select it by your own, like treadmill, elliptical, or swimming. It must be remember that you start with slow, because you are out of shape, and this session is to get in shape in 12 week. You have to trust the schedule, and you feel that your endurance will significantly improve. Plan first 6 week with rest on one day between cardio workouts, after that you can perform a 2day on, 1-2 day off schedule. The session will be like-  

  • Week 1-It includes 3 cardio sessions and they are of 5, 8 and 5 minutes duration.
  • Week 2 - It includes 3 cardio sessions and they are of 8, 10 and 8 minutesduration
  • Week 3 -It includes 3 cardio sessions and they are of 10, 12 and 10 minutesduration
  • Week 4 -It includes 3 cardio sessions and they are of 12, 15 and 12 minutes duration
  • Week 5 -It includes 3 cardio sessions and they are of 15, 20 and 15 minutesduration
  • Week 6 -It includes 3 cardio sessions and they are of 20, 20 and 20minutesduration.
  • Week 7 -It includes 4 cardio sessions and they are of 20, 22, 20 and 20 minutes duration.
  • Week 7 -It includes 4 cardio sessions and they are of 22, 25, 22 and 25 minutes duration.
  • Week 9 -It includes 4 cardio sessions and they are of 25, 27, 25 and 27 minutesduration.
  • Week 10 -It includes 4 cardio sessions and they are of 27, 30, 27 and 30 minutesduration.
  • Week 11 -It includes 4 cardio sessions and they are of 30, 35, 30 and 35 minutesduration.
  • Week 12 -It includes 4 cardio sessions and they are of 35, 40, 30 and 45 minutesduration.

Gym workout split- 12 week

Thissession includes the exercises of lower and upper parts of body during the 12 week plan, and repetition are merely important. You can use the same weight, no need to increase in every set, take as per your convenience. This whole schedule you have to follow for 12 weeks.

  • Day 1 - Upper part includes exercises such as Incline Bench Press, One Arm Dumbbell Row, Seated Barbell Press, Pull Ups, Skullcrushers, Dumbbell Curl
  • Day 2 - Lower A, this will includes Squats, Leg Curl, Leg Extension, Leg Press Calf Raise, Plank, and Twisting Hanging Knee Raise
  • Day 3 – Off, take rest as this is muscular session
  • Day 4 - Upper B includes Dumbbell Bench Press, Barbell Row, Dumbbell Lateral Raise, Lat Pull Down, Cable Tricep Extensions, and EZ Bar Preacher Curl
  • Day 5 - Lower B includes exercise such as Leg Press, Still Leg Deadlift, Walking Dumbbell Lunge, Seated Calf Raise, Cable Crunch, and Russian Twist.
  • Day 6 –Take rest, will be Off
  • Day 7 - Take rest, will be Off

Nutritional Strategies

Any plan will revolve around the basic three magical macronutrients i.e. carbohydrates, protein and fats. You have to build the lean muscle and reduce the fat to get in shape, so all will be in balanced ratios.

FIRST 4 WEEKS:during this session, your ratio will be like 2/2/1, so same amount of carbs and protein for calories but half fat.

WEEK 5-8: In this phase, your ratio will be 1/2/2, this shows that you have to decrease the amount of carbs but take equal protein and fats for calories.

WEEK 9-12: In this phase, i.e. the last phase, you ratio changed to 0.5/2/2, this means that your carbs intake will be one fourth, and protein and fats equal amount, the biggest difference.

Source of Crabs, protein and Fats for 12 week plan

Carbs- it can be of high glycemic i.e. fast digesting or slow digesting. Fast digesting sources are Sugary foods, some processed foods and white potatoes, and it will spike the Insulin and blood glucose level, and digest and absorbs fast. However,slow digesting includes whole grains, sweet potatoes, some fruits, vegetables, it will have less dramatic effect on Insulin and blood glucose levels, digest very slow and not so helpful, so better to take faster one.

Protein- Most essential and the best source are Chicken, Eggs, Fish, Ostrich, Venison, Pork, Lamb, Beef, protein is the hardest to convert into fat or cabs, and is very important to build the muscle and reduce fat.Protein consists of amino acids, which are considered as the building blocks of muscles. Amino acids are the bricks and muscles as the walls that needs to be built.

Fats- fat is also very important and of two kinds good and bad fats, so take good fat. Like omega fats r very important and essential because body cannot able to make it, its sources are Fish e.g. Salmon, Flaxseed Oil, Tuna, Almond Butter, Sardines, Olive Oil, and Coconut Oil. It will help to increase muscle recovery and growth. Another are the monounsaturated fat, it will help to reduce the bad cholesterol and risk of heart disease. It also contains high levels of vitamin E, which is a very important antioxidant. Its rich sources are peanut butter, avocados, nuts, olives. Another are the saturated fats, these are the bad fat up to a level but important as well, so try to take limited. The best sources are whole eggs, red meat, and animal fats. Egg yolk helps to maintain the muscle and integrity of its cell membrane. The last fats are the culprit and are bad fat, trans fatty acids. They only increase the heart disease and cancer, and travel to arteries and its sources are sweets cookies, fried foods, chocolate drink mixes, cakes, muffins, pancake mixes, and chips.

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