Negative feedback is the mechanism by which if
some factor becomes excessive or deficient, a series of changes are
initiated that will return the factor toward a certain mean value,
thus maintaining homeostasis.
One example for negative feedback mechanism is Secretion
of thyroxine hormone by thyroid gland under the influence of
thyroid stimulating hormone
- Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) produced by hypothalamus
stimulates pituitary gland to produce thyroid stimulating
hormne(TSH). TSH is released from pituitary gland stimulates the
secretion of thyroxine hormone by thyroid gland. When thyroxine
level increases in blood, it inhibits the secretion of Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone from pituitary. As a result the secretion of
thyroxine from thyroid gland decreases. On the other hand, if
thyroxine secretion by the thyroid gland is less, the concentration
of thyroxine in the blood decreases, which in turn stimulates the
pituitary gland to release Thyroid Stimulating Hormone which in
turn stimulates thyroid gland to secrete thyroxine.