
In: Nursing

Choose one nutritional supplement you see commonly prescribed or recommended by medical professionals in your practice....

Choose one nutritional supplement you see commonly prescribed or recommended by medical professionals in your practice. Discuss the reasons why this supplement is recommended and its method of action. What concerns should you have regarding a patient taking this supplement? Could the patient overdose and if so what are the consequences and treatment?


Expert Solution

A nutritional supplement that we see commonly prescribed or recommended by medical professionals in our practice includes vitamins such as the; Vitamin D. The reason why Vitamin D is recommended includes vitamin D being required to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. As insufficient vitamin D results in soft bones in children called as rickets and fragile, bones in adults called as osteomalacia. We also need vitamin D for other important body functions. The concerns we should have regarding a patient taking this supplement include correct dosage according to the bodyweight which is neither an overdose nor low dose. In case of the patient overdose, the consequences include; vitamin D toxicity leading to a buildup of calcium in our blood (hypercalcemia), which can cause nausea and vomiting, weakness, and frequent urination. The treatment of vitamin D toxicity involves stopping vitamin D intake and restricting dietary calcium. Prescribing of the intravenous fluids and medications, such as the corticosteroids or bisphosphonates may be recommended.

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