
In: Nursing

Question 1 True or False? Nurses have abundant valuable knowledge about their activities for the CQI...

Question 1

True or False? Nurses have abundant valuable knowledge about their activities for the CQI process.



Question 2

The culture of excellence which CQI aims to foster resembles a


culture of achievement.


safety culture.


quality culture.


culture of enrichment.

Question 3

True or False? Recent increased use of CQI in US health care results, in part, from the Affordable Care Act.



Question 4

If you want to innovate in the hospital which you manage, you should


lead by dictate.


increase staff pay.


institute extensive patient surveys.


lead by example.

Question 5

What most directly helps make the financial case for using CQI in health care?


Federal regulations


Decline in overall revenue


More than 3 lawsuits per year


A reasonable return in a reasonable time


Expert Solution

Ans. 1. The correct statement is ture .

In a CQI environment, everyone in the organization (staff, managers, physicians, nurses, technicians, volunteers) is responsible for helping to make quality improvements. Our leaders and managers drive the CQI effort by their complete commitment and involvement in learning what is best for, and expected by, the patients. They also help the various hospital employees make those expectations a reality by funding the time allocation that continuous quality improvement requires.1 Frontline employees, such as operating room nurses, technicians and other service staff, work day-to-day with all the systems and processes in the hospital. There is a tremendous opportunity to act on any problems and strive to make improvements in our daily work tasks. And, if we use a process improvement like CQI, in which systematic efforts are made to understand every aspect of a process in order to reduce rework, variations in quality and outcome, and needless complexity.

Ans2. The correct answer is c quality culture.

A continuous quality improvement program aims to ensure that all team members, employees, managers, and other stakeholders feel consistently empowered to improve efforts and results.

Ans 3. The correct statement is ture

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) five years ago, much attention has been drawn to healthcare quality improvement by payers, clinicians and consumers alike. The level of buy-in across industry stakeholders highlights the importance of quality improvement efforts in health care. Escalating healthcare costs and a higher-than-ever number of insured Americans have also heightened the need for better quality. Today, a great deal of research around patient outcomes and safety, care coordination, efficiency, and cost cutting is underway. Additionally, care redesign initiatives are being evaluated to guide future healthcare quality improvements.

Ans 4. The correct answer is b . Incresease staff pay.

Give someone the responsibility and the authority to coordinate innovation at your organization. Who is responsible for innovation in your organization? If you say everyone is responsible, it is the same as saying no one is responsible. Pick out a restless, innovative person and put him or her in charge of driving innovation in your organization. Develop a system to engage employees in the innovation process. This could include quarterly meetings to hear the voice of the customer, incentives for employees to come up with ideas event to focus on improving a department process.

Ans 5. The correct anser is federal regulation.

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