
In: Nursing

1 . Create a longitudinal descriptive design to address: How do nursing students cope with stress...

1 . Create a longitudinal descriptive design to address: How do nursing students cope with stress during clinical practicum? Describe a research question, the setting/sample, and the data collection procedure.

2. Suppose we are interested in testing the effect of a special high-fiber diet on cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., cholesterol level) in adults with a family history of cardiovascular disease. Recommend a research design for this problem. Indicate what confounding variables you would need to control? How you would control them? Identify the major threats to the internal validity of the design.


Expert Solution

1. Longitudinal descriptive design

           Research problem

                           Methods used by nursing students to adjust with stess during clinical practice.


                            Second year Bsc nursing students worked in medical ICU.

          Data collection procedure

                   * Data collection from students with the help of following methods,


                                              * Observing students in MICU for one month and assess their amount of

                                               work and how they doing it properly and their management in emrgency

                                               situvations and take feedbacks from students about their opinion in

                                               practices in MICU.


                                              * Preparing a questionaire about emotional problems of students in the


                                 Stress assessment tool

                                              * creating a stress assessment tool to know the level of stress of students

                                                 worked in MICU.

2.Nonrandomized control group design is a type of experimental research design which is useful to

conduct this type of this design experimental and control group selected without using

randomization. in this control group is people who not take high fiber diet with family history of heart

    problems and experimental group is people who take high fiber diet with family history of heart


* In this problem confounding variable which is needed to control is the family history of cardiovascular

    diseases. it can control through,

                                * Block the association between history of cardiovascular diseases and cholesterol

                                  level both are result in future cardiac problems.

Major threats of internal validity of design in this research is,

                                  * If mortality occur in any members both experimental and control group it affect

                                     result of the study.

                                  * if any of the group already practicing and continously following exercises which

                                     affet the internal validity of study.

                                  * Instrument used for checking cholesterol level should be accurate otherwise it

                                    affect the entire study.






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