
In: Psychology

1.Thinking about your own life using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, can you draw a picture of the...

1.Thinking about your own life using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, can you draw a picture of the various layers of context in which you grew up?

2.What is your understanding of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Do you know someone who you would consider has reached the highest levels?

3.Discuss separation anxiety. What behaviors indicate the child is trying to keep the attached person from leaving? What emotions might a child display? How can an adult help the child to separate from the person he or she is attached to?

4.What are your ideas, thoughts, or feelings about working with families around issues of attachment? What experiences do you have in supporting parents’ attachment to their infant?

5.Have you ever known a family that valued interdependence over independence? Which parts of this chapter would not pertain to them? Which parts would?

6.How much do you help a child who is struggling to do something on his or her own? What experiences do you have in teaching self-help skills? Do you agree that children should be given opportunities to do things on their own, or do you feel better about helping children, especially when they are struggling? Which was stressed more when you were growing up—independence or interdependence?

7.How do you react to the idea of an “internal government”? Do you believe it is better for children to always have someone in authority watching them and taking charge of their behavior?

8.What is your opinion of the expectations that street musicians (“Perspectives on Child Rearing,” pp.87-88) have of their daughter? Are the parents’ expectations hampering her development? How much play time do children need? Does it harm them to put the good of the parents over their own urges to play and run around all the time? Remember, these are cultural questions. Different perspectives give different answers. If you talk with someone who disagrees with you, try to create a dialogue instead of a debate or argument.

9.What was your reaction to the section about the power of adult attention and use of affirmations? What are your experiences with using praise to motivate children?

What was your reaction to the list of ways to teach pro-social behaviors? Did some resonate more than others? Were there any that you disagreed with?

The cultures in this chapter 6 are not labeled. Does that frustrate you? Why do you think the author chose to deal with patterns rather than particular cultural differences? Why do you find no lists in this book of typical characteristics of the most common cultures in the United States and Canada today?

What are some of the factors in children’s lives that work against their pro-social development?

Discuss how the environment can be used to curb behavior and restrict a child from doing something dangerous or unacceptable. What is an example of learning from experiencing a consequence? Is your example a logical or a natural consequence?

Give examples of three prosocial behaviors you would want to teach young children. Have you ever taught these behaviors? If yes, how? Would you use this particular discussion question when working with parents? If yes, why? If no, why not?


Expert Solution

Urie bronfenner ecological model suggested that a child is influenced by the environment he grows..School,family ,peers and linkages. i grew up in a very strict environmment where i was not allowed to socialize and not much of friends circle, it was a rigid environment. my communication was hampered, emotional instabilty and understnding of the world was culture upbringing was very strong. forced culture values that i did not get an opportunity to understand other culutures.

Abraham maslow hiearchy of needs that every person need physiological ,self esteem, belonging,esteem and self actualization.All these needs have to be fulfilled to lead a normal contented life. i do not know anyone who has reached all.There is always something lacking as i felt they had to give up one to get one.if money was important he would probably have to go far from his family and work,so there is lack of love and belonging .

seperation anxiety is fear of being seperated from home or people they are attatched to. initially infants do not understand this till the age of 2 but as they grow they accept parents leave them for a while.but there are chidren who cannot be seperated from parents as they suffer anxiety or fear.usually the children throw tantrums or stubborness,refuse to leave the attatchment even when they sleep.parents should expose their child in safe environments where the child starts trusting and feelng secure.

Attatchment to parents as an infant is normal.As they children get older i would advise the families to invite other children to come over and spend as much the indian cultural context joint family system was very common.children grew up in th same house with cousins and many relatives.However it is not possible always. The idea of schooling and day care is advisable as children spend time with peers.

yes regarding interdependance the joint a fmily system is a good example. the memebers of the family are reliant on each other.for example they would depend on each other to conduct errands regarding the house or family matters.There is a mutual understand that each one of them has a task allotted.

children need to be monitored at everystage but we are not talking about authoritative discipline were there are strict regimes.children need to be told when they are wrong,rather explain to the child that good behaviour is rewarded. positive reinforcement is better for children. it is important to teach a child good behavviour but constant watching would not allow a natural environment and may create a fear that they would make a mistake.children should be taught it is ok to make mistakes.

children should be taught to share things,this is one quality we always teach children,but parents should also make children why art of sharing is a wonderful thing.helping another person.A child may not understand ways of helping,but these lessons should start from home. teach children to help with chores around the house.This forms a habit and understanding. children should learn to cooperate .it is not an easy task. it helps the child to build self esteem. feeling of acceptance.parents should be educated as the time they spend with child are more than school. children learn and pick up habits from home environment. They watch parents and learn from them. parents need to practice what they preach so they need to follow these rules too.

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