In: Nursing
"Looking Back and Ahead"
Class: Health Information Systems
Review the course outcomes. Looking back on everything you have learned in this class,
what has been the most surprising or interesting lesson learned? Why?
Predict what the focus of health information systems will be ten (10) years from now. Justify your post with examples.
Additionally, consider an example of a human technology interface in healthcare, from clinical technology to administrative or electronic data.
Propose one way the future of healthcare will improve with Human Interface Technology.
Next, provide one (1) example of how Human Interface Technology could hinder future healthcare delivery. Justify your response.
HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM refers to a system designed to manage healoth care data, this includes systems that collect , store, manage and transmitt a patient's electronic medical record. The health information system will get most modern development in the future ten years.we look at the last 10 years we can see that there are so many changes in the health information system. it will goes on day by day most modern technic and findings will be develop the health information system, now a days we can see that before 10 years manual settings in every health systems, but now a days we can see that there are computer and online system are handling thesystem, after 10 years surely we can see that there are robots who handle the systems and information technology. there will be vast changes in this field because day by day scientists are finding many more ideas and equipments related to this field
Ten years from now , more patients will be living longer. the ability to treatvpatients with chronic disease such as heart disease is clearly lenghtening their lives.
more technology - as genetic diagnosis and treatment translate from cell to beside, the information and armamentarium available to the clinician will increase perhaps inconvceivably over the next 10 years. markedly improved less invasive imaging. eg, computer assisted diagnosis of coronaryartery disease combining echo, magnetic resonance , and positron emission tomography. along with lessinvasive treatment using catheter techniques will provide better functional outcomes with provide better functional out comes with earlier resumption of activity, DNA chip technology or genetic fingerprinting will vastly improve risk assessment. elacronic technology will improve efficiently. the electronic medical record will be tried directly to billing. it wiull soon be possible for a physician to dictate directly into the record and have software that analyze the type of visit or procedure and CPT code automatically.
As the technology improves , the information deriving from patient care will also improve. the electronic medical record will not only be able to store patient information but also to provide information on best practice instantaneously. additionally we will develop better information on severity of disease
with improved availability of data to the public, process and outcomes will improve. patents care wqill become more regularized, making it possible to develop a better understanding of the best care delivery model. for examble, it will be possible to measure the outcomes of nurse practitoners, generalist physicians etc....