
In: Economics

According to Kant, which of the following is the primary response that Kant offers to those...

According to Kant, which of the following is the primary response that Kant offers to those people in the Inquiring Murderer example who think that lying is justified in an extreme case of life and death?

A. We cannot be sure if truth telling is morally right.

B. We cannot be sure if lying is morally right.

C. We cannot be sure of the consequences of our actions.

D. We can be sure of the consequencees of our actions.

True or False

Both John Mill (Utiltarianism) and Immanuel Kant (Kantianism) believe that moral rules hold without exceptions.


Expert Solution


Answer: B. We cannot be sure if lying is morally right


Answer: True

Reason:- Kant believes that moral rules are duties and Mill refers to them as subordinate principles. Which signifies that moral rules hold no exception.

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