
In: Nursing

Mr Roy was admitted under your care with community acquired pneumonia. As part of the treatment...

Mr Roy was admitted under your care with community acquired pneumonia. As part of the treatment regime IV Benzyl penicillin infusion was commenced. Minutes after commencement, client complained of shortness of breath and itching all around the IV cannula. On examination, you find that the client has wheeze, is short of breath and has raised red rashes developing on the arm, face and neck. SBP is low, patient is tachycardic, respiratory rate is 32, oxygen saturation is 85% on room air.

13.1) What is possibly wrong with Mr Roy? Rationalise your answer.

13.2) Describe how would you respond in this situation as an enrolled nurse(40-50 words).


Expert Solution

What is possibly wrong with Mr Roy? Rationalise your answer?

as per above case study its look like Adverse drug effect for Benzyl penicillin, Mr. roy developed symptoms rash either its drug reaction may be has a allergic to this drug previously based on the severity of the symptoms, rash, itching, wheezing, low blood pressure, tachycardia these all are symptoms of allergic reactions of penicillin drugs.

Describe how would you respond in this situation as an enrolled nurse(40-50 words).?

  1. Immediately need to stop the IV infusion and start the oxygen on NRM 10l/min to correct the desaturation levels and inform MD immediately
  2. cardiac monitoring continually to monitor any other life risk complications
  3. monitoring the blood pressure still its low after discontinued from the drug need to admin the 0.9% sodium chloride as well its correct tachycardia and tachypnea
  4. Need to administer the antihistamines to treat the rash and itching
  5. Bronchodilators such albuterol nebulization to reduce the wheezing
  6. Cortiocosteroids applied to the skin or PO or IV
  7. Compelte systemic examination after each intervention is done for allergic reaction

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