
In: Nursing

I was supposedly recording myself and explain how I have arrived in my chosen topic which...

I was supposedly recording myself and explain how I have arrived in my chosen topic which is 'social media algorithm' using freewriting and clustering but it turned out my explanations are wrong and felt sad coz I spend my whole week doing this thing. how can I explain this? our recording should only limit at 2-4 minutes. I need help. I'm really feeling swamped right now.


Expert Solution

An algorithm is a mathematical set of rules that specifying how a group of data behaves , In the social media , algorithms helps maintain order and assists in ranking search result and advertisements , For example ;- On facebook , there is an alogorithm which directs the pages and content to displays in a certain order. There was approximately 4 billion internet users and it increasing day by day .That's a massive undertaking to monitor and manage . That 's why algorithms are so crucial in determining the validity and placement of social media accounts and content . While there 's no handbook on the many algorithms and how to maintain them , as we know enough to maneuver the  social media landscape and succeed .


The social media algorithms that vary by platform .Therefore , we can break it down by the social media brand .The main platforms are the pinterest , Facebook ,LinkedIn , Instagram and Twitter .

Facebook  ;- Meaningful customer engagement is the key to Facebook's algorithm layout . It s created to intensify the importance and the viewership of local , familial and friendly posts , rather than thhe business posts. .Paid content is ranked separately but still resolves around engagement and customer response and relevance to the subject matter . While the user friendly content is key here and another strategy the Facebook algorithm took on recently is spasm management

Pinterest ;- while the Pinterest has a very different layout and follower strategy as it counts as a social media platform , nonetheless . Its guided the search method uses data collected from past contsnt interaction to encourage the new links . for exampel ;- that if w e' re previously viewed wedding hairstyles , pinterest is more likely to show us more hairstyles the next time we log in . The benefits to this interest themed algorithm is that it 's always showing thw user something Pinterest knows very well   they like . This makes the content more likely to be consumed and enjoyed .

LinkedIn ;- LinkedIn is a social platform dedicated to networking rather than building followers ,It 's crrently the most common platform for fortune 500 company use ..The    site has been developed an algorithm based on connection and engagement , as so strong and relevant contsnts is the key to LinkedIn success. Even if we don't have a lot of link in our networking chain then we can build thei s later if we read worthy content .

Twitter ;- The Twitter is a unique in that it ranks its posts not only by relation to the user but to time and date posted ,Fresh and updated materials ranks higher than day old news ,The numbers of comments a Tweet has will also infuence its rank .

Instagram ;- The Instagram is about showing as many people as much information in a day as possible Therefore , its algorithm focusses on every aspect of the social media , from relevancy and connection to the engagement and content popularity. The reasoning behind the Instagram algorithm is to encourage the comments , likes, adds , share and further posting .

What the profit from the social media algorithms

Some social media users view alogorithm as ropes which bind us to a specific rule set , but they also create a map for teh success. It 's learning platform to read that map which will help us to overcome competitors and rise to the top . As whether we 're using the social media for our own marketing needs or we 're representing a client tehse platforms are a major benefits to traffic and ROI . As with a low overhead ( we're free ,after all) and minimal time commitment , social  media has the  ability to produce increased revenue with little to no output .

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