:In a molecular weight determination by freezing point
depression experiment:
- 1) To determine the apparent molecular weight of the solute
from the lowering of freezing point. 2) To determine the extent of
dimerization and dissociation of acetic acid in benzene
- 3. Introduction: The properties of a solution differ from those
of a pure solvent due to interactions that take place between the
solute and solvent molecules. The properties that exhibit such
changes are called the colligative properties and include vapor
pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, freezing point
depression and osmotic pressure change. These properties are
dependent only upon the number of particles (ions or molecules)
which are dissolved in the solvent and not on the identity of the
particles. Freezing-point depression, one of the colligative
properties of solution, is used in this experiment to determine the
molecular weight of an unknown compound A. The temperature at which
a solution freezes will be lower than the temperature at which the
pure solvent freezes.
- 4. The difference between the freezing point of a solvent (ΔTf)
and the freezing point of the solution (Tf) is referred to as the
freezing point depression (ΔT). A solution’s freezing point is
related to the molality (m) of the solution. The equation that
describes the relationship between freezing point depression and
molality is: ΔTf = (Kf)(m) ΔT represents the freezing point
depression: ΔT = Tf- Ti Tf is the freezing point of the pure
solvent. Tf is the freezing point of the solution. Kf is the molal
freezing point depression constant. The value of Kf is
characteristic for a given solvent. The units of Kf are given in
oC/m. m is the molality of the solution. m = moles of solute/ kg of
- 5. Insert the thermometer and stirring rod inside the tube and
place it in the ice bath. Pipet out about 25.00 mL benzene into the
freezing point test tube. Record the its initial temperature. Fill
the small Dewar flask with ice-water mixture Pre-chill the benzene
in an ice bath.
- 6. Add four 0.05 mL glacial acetic acid successively repeating
steps 4 to 7 with each addition. Add 0.10 mL glacial acetic acid
and repeat the previous steps of taking temperatures. Get the tube
from the icebath and warm it with hand until the crystals formed by
supercooling have melted. Continue taking temperature readings at
30 sec-intervals for another 5 mins or when the temperature becomes
constant. Stir steadily up and down and take temperature readings
at 30-second interval until the temperature remains constant
- 7. Data and Calculations: TEMPERATURE READINGS BENZENE After
addition of glacial acetic acid + 0.05 mL + 0.10 mL + 0.15 mL +
0.20 mL Initial temp: 24.4oC 20.2 oC 23.1 oC 20.1 oC 21.5 oC 30 s
interval: 12.9 oC 14.3 13.6 13.9 14.6 8.4 8.2 7.8 7.7 8.3 6.4 6.4
6.1 5.5 6.3 5.5 5.2 5.6 5.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.1 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.0 3.8 4.0
4.1 4.1 3.5 3.5 3.2 3.3 4.1 3.6 3.5 2.1 1.9 4.1 3.6 3.2 2.1
- 8. Table 2: Calculated values for Van’t Hoff factor, apparent
molecular weight, extent dissociation and polymerization after
addition of concentrated glacial acetic acid. + 0.05 mL CH3COOH +
0.10 mL CH3COOH + 0.15 mL CH3COOH + 0.20 mL CH3COOH Δ Tf 0.5 0.9
2.0 2.6 Mass of acetic acid 0.05245 g 0.10490 g 0.15735 g 0.20980 g
Molality 0.039893 m 0.079787 m 0.119681 m 0.15974 m Van’t Hoff
factor ( i ) 2.448 2.203 3.264 3.182 Molecular weight 60.00189
g/mol 59.9964 g/mol 60.00189 g/mol 58.56455 g/mol α polymerization
-2.896 -2.406 -4.528 -4.364 α dissociation 1.448 1.203 2.264
- 9. Density of benzene: 0.8765 g/mL Volume of benzene: 25 mL
Density of acetic acid: 1.049 g/mL Kf of benzene: 5.12 0C/m Mass of
benzene: (vol of benzene x density of benzene) = = 21.9125 g Mass
of acetic acid: (volume of acetic acid x density of acetic acid)
For 0.05 mL= = 0.05245 g For 0.10 mL= = 0.10490 g
- 10. For 0.15 mL= = 0.15735 g For 0.20 mL= = 0.20980 g Molality
of solution= For 0.05 mL = = 0.039893 m For 0.10 mL = = 0.079787 m
For 0.15 mL = = 0.119681 m For 0.20 mL = = 0.159574 m
- 11. Van’t Hoff factor: For 0.05 mL = = 2.448 For 0.10 mL = =
2.203 For 0.15 mL = = 3.264 For 0.20 mL = = 3.182 Apparent
molecular weight: For 0.05 mL = = 60.00189 g/mol
- 12. For 0.10 mL = = 59.99644 g/mol For 0.15 mL = = 60.00189
g/mol For 0.20 mL = = 58.56455 g/mol Extent polymerization: α = For
0.05 mL = = -2.896 For 0.10 mL = = -2.406 F0r 0.15 mL = = -4.528
For 0.20 mL = = -4.364
- 13. Extent dissociation: α = For 0.05 mL = = 1.448 For 0.10 mL
= = 1.203 F0r 0.15 mL = = 2.264 For 0.20 mL = = 2.182
- 14. The freezing point of a liquid is depressed when it
contains a dissolved solid. The freezing point depression, or the
difference between the freezing points of the pure solvent and
solution, depends upon the number of particles in solution. The
size of freezing point depression depends on two things: a) the
size of Kf for a given solvent, which is well known, and b) the
molal concentration of the solution which depends on the number of
moles of solute and kg of solvent. The greater the concentration of
the solution, the greater will be the freezing point depression. In
the experiment, as time passes and more acetic acid is added in
pure benzene, the freezing point decreases.
- 15. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Temperature(C)
TIME (s) Freezing point depression pure benzene 1st addition 2nd
addition 3rd addition 4th addition
- 16. Electrolytes have larger effects on boiling point elevation
and freezing point depression. For a given concentration, a solute
that dissociates will also bring about a greater freezing point
depression. Acetic acid, a weak electrolyte, can dissociate or
dimerize depending on the solvent. In aqueous solution, acetic acid
dissociates into H+ and CH3COO-, thus, giving twice as many
particles in solution. Van't Hoff factor ( i ) is used to introduce
the effect of ion pairing or association of ions that prevents the
effect of being exactly equal to the number of dissociated ions. It
is the measure of the extent of ionization or dissociation of the
electrolytes in the solution.
- 17. It has an ideal value of 3 for 2:1 electrolyte like K2SO4
and CaCl2 and a value of 2 for 1:1 electrolytes like NaCl, KI, and
also for acetic acid. In organic medium, the acetic acid tend to
form dimers [(CH3COOH)2]. Dimerization occurs when two similar
molecules join together by addition or condensation to form a
larger molecule. The values of i calculated was then used to
estimate the extent of dimerization of acetic acid in benzene.
- 18. From the lowering of freezing point observed in the
experiment, the computed values for the molecular weight of acetic
acid are: 60.00189, 59.99644, 60.00189 and 58.56455 having an
average of 59.64118. With this, the percent relative error from 60
g/mol molecular weight of acetic acid is -0.598%. The values for
the degree of polymerization for 0.05 mL, 0.10 mL, 0.15 mL and 0.2
mL are: - 2.896, -2.406, -4.528, and -4.364 respectively. The
computed values for the degree of dissociation are: 1.448, 1.203,
2.264 and 2.182.