Michael S. – basic history and case outline
MS is an instructor at a Culinary College
He has battled weight his whole life
He had the gastric sleeve surgery done
MS is a 57 year old male
Before going into surgery he was 300 lbs
He walked into our office at about 260 lbs because he had hit
the wall (thus lost 40 lbs directly from surgery)
As you will see we are progressively taking weight off MS and
we have added an additional 30 lbs of weight-loss in a very healthy
progressive way
For the purposes of this case you are starting with him at 260
lbs, like we did
MS has a sweet tooth and craves sweets
MS can get sweaty and irritated when not eating
MS has bouts of diarrhea and constipation on and off
MS does nothing more than just walk for exercise maybe once
per week with is dog
MS drinks very little fluids and was drinking crystal light
beverages as recommended by RD at hospital due to its low calorie
MS is divorced and in no relationship at this time
MS is taking care of an ill parent currently
MS comes across as a very caring, friendly warm
MS has been told he might have to go on Metformin and/or
Statin drug (he doesn’t want to because the reason he had done the
surgery was to prevent all these issues) – MS wants to do all in
his power to achieve optimal health and not be on medication
MS understands he has limitations, but wants to be healthier
and happier, he wants to stop feeling “disgusted” with himself as
he puts it.
1.Identify Michael's chief complaint?
2. What if any further lab tests are necessary?
3. Comprise a 1 day food protocol treatment plan.
4. Identify any dietary, supplement and lifestyle
modifications that Michael should make.