
In: Operations Management

Find a poet who appeals to you from a culture other than your own in our...

Find a poet who appeals to you from a culture other than your own in our text Compact Literature. Why does his or her work appeal to you? Explain your ideas and feelings so that your colleagues can understand why you have chosen this particular author. *Note that the poet that you choose to discuss in this posting should come from a culture that is different from your own. You need to explain those differences and how they are reflected in the poet’s work. You will have to do a little research for this particular discussion posting, but you can also use your textbook to help you. Make sure to include a specific poem from this poet and explain why you like it. Once you have examined the cultural elements of the chosen poem, ask yourself: how does the culture in Achebe’s novel impact my understanding of the story? Does your chosen poet bring new meaning to his/her culture? …to your culture?


Expert Solution

I like the poems of poet Elizabeth Bishop, though she died a long time ago, her work is still appealing to me a lot. She can be seen as a prolific writer of the short stories and a great consultant in poetry and thus she has a great legacy behind her. In the year 1956, she won the Pulitzer Prize contest.

The main reason for her to be so prolific writer of poems are her poems being very much connected with the practice life experience, her stories and poems were having a very constructive theme and there are a number of awards which were given to her

I think that there are a number of poets who are not having a strong focus on simple things when we talk about poetry development. Thus for the poets of the current time, it is important to have a look at the work of Elizabeth Bishop and many other great poets so that they can get inspired from their work and can improve their work and thus making their work both interesting and captive

In short, I can say that the work done by Elizabeth Bishop is outstanding which indicates the commitment and high level of inclusion of interesting phrases and expressions while writing the poems and thus when we talk about the poems, she left a very high level of legacy. For me, the current poets are lacking that inspiration and uniqueness in their work and thus she can be a good inspiration for these poets.


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