
In: Computer Science

Imagine you are writing a program to manage a shopping list. Each shopping list item is...

Imagine you are writing a program to manage a shopping list. Each shopping list item is represented by a string stored in a container. Your design requires a print function that prints out the contents of the shopping list. Using a vector to hold the shopping list items, write a print function to print out the contents of a vector of strings. Test your print function with a main program that does the following:

Create an empty vector.
Append the items, "eggs," "milk," "sugar," "chocolate," and "flour" to the list. Print it.
Remove the last element from the vector. Print it.
Append the item, "coffee" to the vector. Print it.
Write a loop that searches for any item whether it is present in the vector or not.
Write a loop that searches for the item, "milk," and then remove it from the vector. (You are permitted to reorder the vector to accomplish the removal, if you want.) Print the vector.




eggs milk sugar chocolate flour

eggs milk sugar chocolate

eggs milk sugar chocolate coffee


eggs sugar chocolate coffee


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void printShoppingList(vector<string> s)
    for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i)   //iterate vector from start to end
        cout<< *i<<" ";                           //print each item from vector
int main()
    string str;
    cout<<"Enter what you want to search ?\n";   //get item from user for searching
    vector<string> s;  
    s.push_back("eggs");   //push items into vector
    cout<<"\nInitial shopping list: \n";  //print initial shopping list
    s.pop_back();                         //popo last item 
    cout<<"\n\nAfter removing last item from shopping list: \n";
    s.push_back("coffee");               //append item
    cout<<"\n\nAfter appending coffee item in shopping list: \n";
    int flag=0;                          
    cout<<"\n\nFinding "<<str<<" item in shopping list: \n";
    for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) {//iterate vector
            flag=1;                    //item is found then set flag
    if(flag==0)                     //if flag is not set then item is not found
        cout<<"Not present";
    cout<<"\n\nFind milk item and remove it from shopping list: \n";
    for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) {  //iterate vector
        if(*i=="milk")                          //find item is present in list
            s.erase(i);     //if present then remove it here erase() function will remove element from vector by its index
    return 0; 



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