In: Computer Science
You are asked to create to to-do list program to store and manage to-do items for user.
You need to define a class to-do item which holds the following attributes:
• Id => number, generated by the program when item is created
• Title => string • Description => string
• Type (e.g. shopping, housing, work, etc.) => Enum
• Priority => number between 1 to 5
• Status => (e.g. done, in progress, hold, etc.) => Enum
• Create date => date struct, to be set on creation
• Due date => date struct
• Last modified date => date struct, to be changed every time user makes a change
Write (3) three different constructors beside default constructor to initialize:
1. Title, Description, Type
2. Title, Type, Priority,
3. Title, Type, Priority, Due date Write set / get function of each of the attribute defined above.
You are required to define a to-do list class which holds a one dimension array of to-do objects with MAX_SIZE = 100 and the list of the following functions:
• Constructor: to initialize an empty to-do list
• Copy constructor: to initialize to-do list from another to-do list
• Add to-do item: ask the user to enter the attributes for to-do item and then insert the to-do item to the bottom of the list
• Edit to-do item: ask the user which attribute to edit and then make the change to the existing to-do item
• Delete to-do item: ask the user for the id of to-do item to be deleted
• Delete multiple to-do item by type: ask the user for the type
• Delete multiple to-do item by status: ask the user for the status
• Write list to text file o Each line in the text file represent one to-do item, all attributes are written as comma separated
. • Read list from text file
• Sort list by: o Priority o Due date o Create date o Type with inner sort by: Priority Due date
• Print list to the console with different options: o All items o Filtered by type given by the user o Filtered by priority given by the user o One item by id given by the user
• Merge another to-do list: to define a function to pass an object of to-do list, the new items will be added to the bottom of the list
• Clone to-do list to another to-do list In addition, you need to define the following global functions:
• Copy to-do list items to 2 dimensional array, each row represents item’s type.
• Copy to-do list items to 3 dimensional array,
o Second dimension represents item’s type.
o Third dimension repreents the priority
// I have defined the structure of the first few functions to
give you all the idea you need. You can modify it and define the
rest on your own to serve your purpose.
#include <iostream> // std input output
#include <string> // use string data type
#include <ctime> // to use date time datatype
using namespace std; // to easily ise cin and cout without writing
#define MAX_SIZE 100 // defining MAX_SIZE to represent 100
enum type //defining an enumeration data type by the name type
which can hold the given values
enum status //defining an enumeration data type by the name status
which can hold the given values
// Class For To Do Item
class ToDoItem
// below mentioned are all the attributes given in the
int Id;
string Title;
string Description;
type Type;
int Priority;
status Status;
// time_t is a datatype for date time
time_t CreateDate = time(0); // time initialized with present
time_t DueDate;
time_t LastModified;
// The different constructor functions
ToDoItem(int Id, string Title, type Type, string Description)
this->Id = Id;
this->Title = Title;
this->Description = Description;
this->Type = Type;
ToDoItem(int Id, string Title, type Type, int Priority)
this->Id = Id;
this->Title = Title;
this->Type = Type;
this->Priority = Priority;
ToDoItem(int Id, string Title, type Type, int Priority, time_t
this->Id = Id;
this->Title = Title;
this->Type = Type;
this->Priority = Priority;
this->DueDate = DueDate;
// all the get/set methods required
int getId() { return Id; }
void setId(int Id) { this->Id = Id; }
string getTitle() { return Title; }
void setTitle(string Title) { this->Title = Title; }
string getDescription() { return Description; }
void setDescription(string Description) { this->Description =
Description; }
type getType() { return Type; }
void setType(type Type) { this->Type = Type; }
int getPriority() { return Priority; }
void setPriority(int Priority) { this->Priority = Priority;
status getStatus() { return Status; }
void sets(status Status) { this->Status = Status; }
time_t getCreateDate() { return CreateDate; }
void setCreateDate(time_t CreateDate) { this->CreateDate =
CreateDate; }
time_t getDueDate() { return DueDate; }
void setDueDate(time_t DueDate) { this->DueDate = DueDate; }
time_t getLastModified() { return LastModified; }
void setLastModified(time_t LastModified) { this->LastModified =
LastModified; }
// ToDo list class for maintaining an array of to-do items
class ToDoList
int count; // We will be mainiaining the number of to do items in
the to do list
ToDoItem TODoObjects[MAX_SIZE];
// Constructor
ToDoList() { count = 0; }
// Copy Constructor
ToDoList(const ToDoList &list) { ToDoList TODoObjects = list;
// method to add a to do item
int AddToDoItem()
string Title;
string Description;
cout << "Enter Title: ";
cin >> Title;
cout << "Enter Description: ";
cin >> Description;
string inp; // we will take a string input and match it with our
type enumerator because directly taking an enumerator input is not
possible in C++
type Type;
cout << "Enter Type: ";
cin >> inp;
if (inp == "shopping")
Type = shopping; // we change the value of our type enum as per the
value of our string input
else if (inp == "housing")
Type = housing;
Type = work;
TODoObjects[count] = ToDoItem(count, Title, Type, Description); //
we have used the counter to give the id number to our to do item,
you can use any other approach too.
count++; // after inserting the to do item, we have increased the
count to reflect the number of to do items
return count;
// this is the driver function to run the above class functions
and achieve our task
int main()
ToDoList mytodo;
int i, n;
// you can provide all the menu options required. I have displayed
2 as an example.
cout << "You can perform the following operations:\n1. Add To
Do Item\n2. Exit the program";
// 1 means always true, so infinite while loop is run so that we
can ask the user again and again what he wants to choose, untill
they opt to exit, in which case we call run
while (1)
cout << "Enter your choice";
cin >> i;
// Switch menu to perform different operations of your
switch (i)
case 1: // thsi will be called when the user wants to add an item
in the to do list
n = mytodo.AddToDoItem(); // we will take the count number and
hence the id to display the user where the item is inserted, so
that they can refer to it for future modifications/deletions
cout << "New item added to the list with Id: " <<
case 2:
return 0;
default: // the default case is triggered when none of the correct
options have been selected, thus the user will be asked for a
choice again
cout << "Please enter the right choice.";
return 0;