In: Chemistry
Describe an example of the complimentary principle of matter. This is the concept that matter has both particle and wave properties.
Complimentary principle of matter is mainly known as the Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle.This principle states that
'' It is impossible to determine simultaneously, the exact position and exact momentum of an electron''
mthematically it can be written as
in momentum
If the postion of the electron is
with high accuracy that means is very
small, then the velocity of the elctron will be large i.e
large.On the other side If the velocity of electron is precisely
very small, then the position of the will be very large. A simple
example is if we want to measure the thickness of a sheet of a
paper with an unmarked meterstick. but the result should have
chance of inaccurate. for that we should use an instrument
graduated in units smaller than the the thickness of the sheet of a
paper . This is the concept of matter which deals with the
wave-particle behaviour. And by using this concept Heisenberg had
started work on it.
Dual behaviour of matter
Actually this concept was first given for the light by Albert Einstein. He stated that light has dual character. Later it was modified by Louis de-Broglie and he stated that all material has have dual nature that means wave as well as particle nature.
In his view
i. all form of matter i.e electron, proton, neutron atoms and molecules etc.
ii. the wave length associated with a particle having mass m and posses velocity v is given by the relation