In: Chemistry
Molecular binding between different molecules stabilises the
physical association of molecules. Cooperative binding occurs
between molecular species, it can affect the rate of enzyme
catalysed reactions. A model that explains the cooperative binding
is called cooperative binding model. In this case the enzyme has
more than one subunit and active site. In cooperative binding model
binding of one substrate makes easier to bind another molecule of
the substrate, it means after binding of the first substrate the
newly formed second subunit has an affinity to bind other molecule
of the substrate, which once bound increases the affinity for the
third subunit and goes on. This increases affinity of the enzyme
toward substrate forms a Sigmoid (S) curve which is simmilar to the
following curve.
The example of cooperative binding is oxygen binding to Hemoglobin. Here, after the binding of one oxygen (as a ligand) to the firstunit of Hemoglobin, the newly formed 2nd unit has an increased tendency to bind other molecule of oxygen, again the third subunit also enhanced tendency to bind oxygen. Therefore the rate of reaction increases with increasing concentration of oxygen.