6. What is the difference between the correlation coefficient
and ?2? Why should the correlation coefficient be -1 and
7. What is the utility of marginal effects in regression
models? How are they obtained?
8. What is heterocedasticity and homocedasticity? Explain how
to detect and correct the first.
Describe the range of values for the correlation coefficient.
Discuss the difference between "r" and "p". In your own words, what
does it mean to say "correlation does not imply causation?" write a
full paragraph (5) sentences, min of 75 words, in APA format
Describe the range of values for the correlation coefficient.
Discuss the difference between "r" and "p".
your own words, what does it mean to say "correlation does not
imply causation?"
In your own words, describe the DIKW hierarchy.
1. What is the difference between data and information? Give an
2. What is the difference between information and knowledge?
Give an example.
3. What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Give an
How do you see the DIKW hierarchy influencing public health? How
is health informatics involved in this process?
1. What is the difference between Pearson’s
correlation coefficient, r, and the coefficient of
determination, r2?
What does each statistic tell us about the relationship between two
variables? What do these statistics NOT tell us about the
relationship between two variables?
In your own words, describe the difference between euthanasia
and physician-assisted suicide.
Select an argument for or against either euthanasia or
physician-assisted suicide.
How would you defend your argument?