sickle cell anemia: it is a genetic disorder caused by
the errors in the genes of the haemoglobin .
- it has sickle shaped erythrocytes.
- Pain experienced by the patients due to blockage of tiny blood
- pathophysiology: red cells with Hbs in oxygenated state bahave
normally but in deoxygenated state it aggregares ,polymerises and
distort the red cell to sickle .these sickle shaped cells block the
micro circulation due to their rigid structure .thesr are having
shorter life span and more fragile ,increased destruction leads to
lmhaemolysis ,anaemia and jaundice.
- Nursing care: preconceptional counselling ,antenal care during
pregnancy, prophylactic folic acid 1mg given daily ,iron
supplementation ,blood transfusions up to 6 months
- treatment : bone marrow transplantation and hydroxy urea
medication will help to stimulate the fetal hemoglobin
- thalassaemia major:it is also called as cooley anaemia
.there is a red cell destruction as there is on beta cell
production ,erythropoisis is ineffective.infabnt need repeated
blood transfutions
- there is progprogressive hepato spleeno megaly
,impaired growth,anaemia ,ccf,infection.
- the chance of survival beyond teens uncommon
- nursing care:
- preconceptional counselling .
- iv iron therapy contraindicated
- oral folic acid supplementation
- careful monitoring needed .