
In: Biology

Without the concept of Qi, would shiatsu still be different from western massage therapy? As someone...

Without the concept of Qi, would shiatsu still be different from western massage therapy? As someone seeking body based therapy, discuss your thoughts about weighing the different options. Why would you choose one over another? Discuss the above questions in detail and be specific.


Expert Solution

Shiatsu: It is an old and traditional form of oriental massage therapy developed with observations. This includes some pressure properly combined with stretching like western therapies

It seems to improve blood circulation, lymphatic flow, release of toxins and deep muscle relaxations. It may also improve the hormonal balance as well as the immunity of the body. Some claims also said that this technique is able to improve the stamina, vitality and energy of the body.

It is sometimes considered to be like Japanese therapy as its name suggests that pressure applied with fingers. It is different from the western massage as the western massage involve the free flow movement of hands that seems to knead the muscles, it involve rhythmic and gradual pressure across the body. In western massage there is applying of pressure along with intense stretching and it is a modern form of massage.

Eastern massage like shiatsu consider the connection of mind with body during therapy, on the other hand the western massage sees the mind and body as two different entities. It typically based on anatomy, pathology, and physiology. It is more towards medical based and specific. However this also involves the relaxation, circulation, motion and relieving muscle tension as a result. The main steps in western massage are kneading, gliding, tapping, friction and vibration.

Both the massages are somehow giving similar benefits so any of them can be recommended.

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