
In: Nursing

What kind of aphasia is when you have a L MCA CVA. And have dizziness and...

What kind of aphasia is when you have a L MCA CVA. And have dizziness and dysarthria with milf R UE paresis

I have an idea but idk if I am correct


Expert Solution

The LMCA CVA : it is the left middle cerebral artery stroke cerebrovascular accident: generally the arteries carry blood that contains oxygen to the brain the flow of blood through the arteries can stop if the artery is blocked or bleeds this is known as stroke it is also know as a cerebrovascular accident , if the stroke effects the left middle ceredral artery it is stroke for that particular artey generally the middle cerebral artery divides into a right middle cerebrl artery and a left middle cerebral artery, the left middle cerebral artery provides blood to a large part of the left side of the brain this in turn divides into the small artery branches, based on the place of the blockage in the artery or in the branches the effects will vary and the changes are seen in the movement and senastion, attention , memory and judgement, perception , speech and vision and rarlely hearing problem and if the stroke is in the artery then the problem will be seen in the right side of the body , the changes in the speech is seen they are problems in the speech and understanding of the language is called aphasia and in this stroke 2 types of aphasia is seen they are nonfluent apahasia: it is the range from finding the right word to being able to say that word , b) fluent aphasia: in this the person will not have trouble in saying a word. and also we can see right hemiparesis and right hemisensory loss and right visual field cut, right hemiparesis it is the unilateral pareis is weakness of one entire side of the body including the face, arms , hands and chest , legs and feet.

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