Runtime efficiency and code simplicity are often competing goals. How can you deal with this problem? Is it possible to have code that is both simple and efficient?
In: Computer Science
Declare a list that is initialized with six of your favorite
sports teams. Print out the number of teams to the shell. Use a for
loop to print out the teams to the shell.
2. a. Declare a sporting goods list, initially with no
b. Use a while loop to prompt the user for a sporting goods item
and append the item to the list.
c. Break out of the loop when the user enters exit; do NOT append
the word exit to the list.
d. Write a for s in sport_list loop to print out the elements in
the list to the shell.
(BONUS) Add code to handle a ctrl-c exit.
3. a. Create a pressure list which initially contains no elements.
b. Using the SenseHat, take 25 pressure measurements and store each
measurement as a floating-point number in the list. Be sure to have
the program sleep for a second or two between each
c. After recording the measurements, calculate the average of the
pressure measurements- use the sum function and display the average
on the SenseHat.
4. Allow the user to enter new sporting goods items at a specific
index in the sporting goods list. Prompt the user for the index and
the new item’s name.
5. Sort the sporting goods list in ascending order. Use a while
loop to print out each item in the sporting goods list.
---Allow the user to delete an item from the sporting goods list.
Prompt the user for the item’s name.
-- Sort the sporting goods list in descending order. Use a while
loop to print out each item in the sporting goods list.
---a. Create a week_tuple and assign the days of the week as
strings to the week_tuple.
b. Print out the elements in the week_tuple.
---a. The following list has been declared as follows:
credit_list = [24,3,15]
b. Convert the credit_list to a tuple named credit_tuple.
c. Print out the elements in the credit_tuple.
---a. Write an initialize_list_values function that takes in a
number for the number of elements in a list and an initial value
for each element. The function creates a new list and appends the
elements with the initial value to the new list.
b. Pass in 5 and 3.4 as arguments to the intital_list_values and
store the returned list in data_list.
c. Use a loop to print the elements of the data_list.
---a. Create a tuple named inventory_items_tuple which has
Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi 2, and Raspberry Pi Camera
b. Create a tuple named out_of_stock_items_tuple which has
Raspberry Pi Zero. (Hint: add a , after “Raspberry Pi Zero”.)
c. Append these two tuples together into the all_items_tuple. Print
out each element in the tuple using a for loop and use the len
function to determine the number of elements in the tuple.
--a. Create a list of lists consisting of three rows and four
columns, which were initially set to 0.
b. Prompt the user to initialize each element in the list of
c. Compute the sum of all of the elements in the list. You may use
the sum function.
d. Prompt the user to enter a row number and use a loop to
calculate the sum of the elements in the row and print out the
In: Computer Science
If you have downloaded the source code from this book's companion web site, you will find the following files in the Chapter 07 folder: • GirlNames.txt--This file contains a list of the 200 most popular names given to girls born in the United States from the year 2000 through 2009. • BoyNames.txt--This file contains a list of the 200 most popular names given to boys born in the United States from the year 2000 through 2009. Write a program that reads the contents of the two files into two separate lists, allows a user to input either a girl's name, a boy's name, or both, then tells the user whether the name(s) was/were popular between 2000 and 2009. First, the program should prompt the user to choose a girl's name, a boy's name, or both by entering either 'girl', 'boy', or 'both.' Once they have chosen, they should be able to input a name. If the name was a popular name, like Jacob or Sophia, the program should print "Jacob was a popular boy's name between 2000 and 2009." or "Sophia was a popular girl's name between 2000 and 2009." If the name was not a popular name, like Voldemort, the program should print "Voldemort was not a popular boy's name between 2000 and 2009." If the user chooses to input both a girl and boy's name, ask for the boy's name, then the girl's name, and print two statements in the form mentioned above on two separate lines, with the statement about the boy's name coming first. For example, if the user inputs Voldemort and then Sophia, print: Voldemort was not a popular boy's name between 2000 and 2009. Sophia was a popular girl's name between 2000 and 2009.
My code is working perfectly on boy and girl but it only reads that a name was not popular for boy and girl when running both.
def searchBoyName(boysList, name): #Searching for given boy name in list if name in boysList: #If found print("\n " + str(name) + " was a popular boy's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); else: #If not found print("\n " + str(name) + " was not a popular boy's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); def searchGirlName(girlsList, name): #Searching for given girl name in list if name in girlsList: #If found print("\n " + str(name) + " was a popular girl's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); else: #If not found print("\n " + str(name) + " was not a popular girl's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); def main(): #Reading data from files boysList = open("BoyNames.txt", "r"); girlsList = open("GirlNames.txt", "r"); #Initializing lists boyNames = []; girlNames = []; #Adding boys names for name in boysList: name = name.strip(); boyNames.append(name); #Adding girls names for name in girlsList: name = name.strip(); girlNames.append(name); #Accepting input from user type = input("\n Enter 'boy', 'girl', or 'both':"); #Searching for boy name if type == "boy": # Reading boy name bname = input("\n\n Input a boy name: "); # Searching searchBoyName(boyNames, bname) #Searching for girl name elif type == "girl": #Reading girl name gname = input("\n\n Input a girl name: "); #Searching searchGirlName(girlNames, gname); #Searching for both elif type == "both": #Searching for given boy name in list bname = input("\n\n Input a boy name: "); #Reading girl name gname = input("\n\n Input a girl name: "); if bname in boysList: #If found print("\n " + str(bname) + " was a popular boy's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); elif bname not in boysList: #If not found print("\n " + str(bname) + " was not a popular boy's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); #Searching for given girl name in list if gname in girlsList: #If found print("\n " + str(gname) + " was a popular girl's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); elif gname not in girlsList: #If not found print("\n " + str(gname) + " was not a popular girl's name between 2000 and 2009. \n"); else: print("\n Invalid selection.... \n"); #Calling main function main();
In: Computer Science
1. Write a function called compute_discount which takes a float as the cost and a Boolean value to indicate membership. If the customer is a member, give him/her a 10% discount. If the customer is not a member, she/he will not receive a discount. Give all customers a 5% discount, since it is Cyber Tuesday. Return the discounted cost. Do not prompt the user for input or print within the compute_discount function. Call the function from within main() and pass in 150.78 and True. Call the function from within main() and pass in 98.23 and False. Print out the returned discounted cost with two decimal places of precision in the main function.
2. Add annotations and comments to the compute_discount()
function. Call the appropriate functions from within main() to
display the annotations and comments and print the output.
3. a. Create a new file (module) named
b. Write a function, take_picture_effect, that takes two
parameters, the filename and an effect.
c. Take a picture with the filename and effect. Use camera.effect
to set the effect. Use help(PiCamera) to find the effects which you
can apply.
d. Create a second file
e. Import the take_picture_effect function from the camera_picture
f. Prompt the user for the filename.
g. Prompt the user for the image_effect. help(PiCamera) to see the
list of image effects.
h. Call the function with the filename and the effect as
3. Write a function that prints a menu that allows the user to
select an effect with a letter. Call the take_picture_effect
function with the appropriate arguments.
a. cartoon
b. pastel
c. emboss
a. Create a new file (module) named
b. Write a function, alert_fun that takes three parameters, the
GPIO pin for the LED, the GPIO pin for the Buzzer, and the duration
of the light to be on and the buzzer to sound.
c. Create a second file
d. Import the alert_fun function from the light_sound module.
e. Prompt the user for the GPIO pin for the LED, the GPIO pin for
the Buzzer, and the duration.
d. Call the function with the duration as an argument.
In: Computer Science
Argue for or against the following statement: "Robots are better than humans in all business capacities."
In: Computer Science
Write a Java application, and an additional class to represent some real-world entity such as a technology item, an animal, a person, a vehicle, etc. Keep in mind that a class is a model in code of something real or imagined, which has attributes (member variables) and behaviors (member methods).
The class will:
Create a total of 5 member variables for the class, selecting the appropriate data types for each field. For example, a class to represent a lamp might include color, price, height, numBulbs, batteryOperated. Each of these 5 variables need a data type.
Include at least three different constructor methods, in addition to the default constructor (0 argument constructor). The constructor is a function (method) which allocates memory and initialized the member variables specified in (a.).
Include getters/setters for to serve as as mutators and accessors for each variable. Name these appropriately such as setColor & getColor, setPrice & getPrice, setHeight & getHeight, setNumBulbs and getNumBulbs, and setBatteryOperated & getBatteryOperated.
Create a member function showValues() to display the values of an object in a formatted manner.
Create at least 2 other member functions (methods) for the class that will perform some operation on the data (i.e. calculations or additional report/display of output). For example, turnLampOn, changeBulb, etc.
The Java application class (with a main method) will:
Instantiate at least three objects (using each of the constructors at least once) with your program.
Note: Set the remaining data with the mutator methods.
Store the data from the individual objects into an ArrayList (or some other dynamic data structure of objects.
Utilize the showValues() method and each of the two methods on each of your objects to demonstrate their use.
Required Output: Generate output samples demonstrating all of your member functions, adequately testing them and showing their functionality (i.e. inputting values, outputting values (displaying them), performing calculations, etc.).
In: Computer Science
SDS operates stores in the following cities: Melbourne, Ballarat, Geelong, Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Stores are referenced by store number. SDS also keeps store name, street, city, state, postcode, telephone, and manager's details. Each store is assigned a supervising store where major customer complaints are referred, training is conducted, and server applications and help desk functions are located. The supervising store currently supervises stores within its own state boundaries but this is not necessarily going to continue in the future.
When a customer rings with a complaint, details of the complaint are to be recorded. The details include the date the complaint was made, the employee id of the person recording the complaint, the customers first name, last name, street address, town, state, postcode and phone numbers. A customer may provide the employee taking the call with more than one type of phone number and include mobile, fax, home and office numbers. A complaint may be one of three different types. It may be related to the store, one or more employees or product(s) of the store. If a complaint is about the store a short description of the complaint is recorded and it is referred to the manager. If the complaint is about employees of the store, the ID(s) of the employees involved in the complaint is recorded, along with a short description of the problem. If the complaint is about products, the product id, the number of items and a short description are recorded. A customer may be involved in a number of complaints. Currently, complaints are provided with individual identification numbers. Once a complaint has been resolved, the date that the complaint was closed is recorded.
Whilst the complaint is open all contact with the customer is recorded. Details of the date, time, the employee making contact, the type of contact (phone, fax, email or personal visit) and a short description of the contact are all recorded.
If the complaint is about a product, a replacement is normally provided. The store likes to keep track of all of the products replaced and the date the items were sent to the customer.
The store would also like you to interface your database with its products table in its inventory database. The products table has fields including ProductId, ProductName, ProductDescription, ProductUnitCost.
You are required to design (using an E-R diagram) an entity-relationship model of the problem, convert the model into a relational model, assess the normal form of each schema and write SQL queries that will answer the following queries.
In: Computer Science
Formulate different metrics that could be used to compare the performance of the robotic system with the presently used manual system
In: Computer Science
In: Computer Science
In: Computer Science
discuss which is better: Boolean algebra or K-map?
What are the limitations of Karnaugh Maps? Explain with an example.
In: Computer Science
good documentation as well as explanations would be great. I need the code to be written without (#include if possible. Please don't just copy and paste someone else's answer.
In this HW assignment we will simulate a car wash and calculate the arrival time, departure time and wait time for each car that came in for a car wash. We will use the following assumptions about our car wash:
Each car takes 3 minutes from start of the car wash to the end.
Only one car can be in the car wash at a time. This mean that if a car enters a car wash at 1:00 PM then no car can enter the car wash till 1:03 PM.
Simulation will start at the opening time of the car wash and will be represented with 0. We do not not care about the actual time as we are interested in time intervals. Example: a car arrived at time 5 means that car arrived 5 minutes after the opening of the car wash.
We will assume that car wash opens at 8:00 AM and closes at 5:00 PM. This implies that car wash is open for 9 hours or 540 minutes.
Simulation will run for number of minutes given by SIMULATION_END_TIME. We will set it to 540 as our car wash is open for 540 minutes.
The arrival time of cars will be stored in the file named arrival_time.txt. The file will list the arrival time of one car per line. The numbers of cars that will come to our car wash will be variable. You can have an input file with arrival time for 5 cars or for 100 cars. Example of input file is given at the end of this handout. Any car that arrives after the closing time given by SIMULATION_END_TIME will not be serviced.
The program will display the following information about each car: car number, arrival time, car wash start time, departure time, wait time, and total time in form of a table.
Arrival time, car wash start time, and departure time will be in minutes from the opening of the car wash.
Arrival time and car wash start time may be same if there are no cars in the car wash.
Wait time is car wash start time – arrival time.
Total time is the departure time – arrival time.
The program will also display the following statistics: total wait time, average wait time, total car wash use time, percentage of time car was was in use.
Hint: Use a Car class to keep track of car number, car arrival time and car wash start time.
Sample Input File:
Sample Output (Set SIMULATION_END_TIME to 60 for this example):
Opening Time: 8:00 AM (0 minutes)
Closing Time: 9:00 AM (60 minutes)
Start of Simulation
Car Number |
Arrival Time |
Car Wash |
Departure Time |
Wait Time |
Total |
1 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
0 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
7 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
7 |
10 |
3 |
6 |
4 |
10 |
10 |
13 |
0 |
3 |
5 |
13 |
13 |
16 |
0 |
3 |
6 |
15 |
16 |
19 |
1 |
4 |
7 |
16 |
19 |
22 |
3 |
6 |
8 |
75 |
Car arrived after closing time and was not served. |
End of Simulation
Total wait time: 9 minutes
Average wait time: 1 minutes and 17 seconds
Total car wash use time: 21 minutes
Percentage of time car was was in use: 35%
Use Queue STL to keep track of the arrival time.
Multiple cars can arrive at same time.
Input file is sorted by arrival time.
Sample arrival_time.txt:
In: Computer Science
A void function named NextLeapYear() that takes an int reference parameter. If the parameter is positive, the function will assign it the next leap year after it; otherwise, the function will assign 4 to it.
In: Computer Science
create a file with 1000 alphanumeric ones written one per line. Write a program in python that randomly selects 100 of them, holds the index of each alphanumeric, adds the hash of the previous 100 and tries to find a random alphanumeric so that if it adds it to the list of indicators the SHA256 of the whole to have 10 zeros at the end. You start with the original Hash: 1111..111
my solution so far:
import random
import string
# here i create a file with 1000 alphanumerics
f = open("key.txt", "w")
randomstring =
''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters +
string.digits) for _ in range(1000))
for char in randomstring:
with open("key.txt") as m:
sample_of_100 = random.sample(m.readlines(),100)
idx = []
sample_str = ' '.join([str(elem) for elem in sample_of_100])
for num, name1 in enumerate(sample_str, start=1):
for num, name2 in enumerate(randomstring, start=1):
if name1 == name2:
idx = name2
print("index {}: {}" .format(randomstring.index(name1), idx))
In: Computer Science
in a gui ' in java write a program that draws equal a simple fence with vertical, spaced slats backed by two boards. Behind the fence show a simple house support Make sure the in the und. house is visible between the slats in the fence.
In: Computer Science