In: Computer Science
Formulate different metrics that could be used to compare the performance of the robotic system with the presently used manual system
Performance Metrics for
Coverage task is difficult for a robot because the environment is
dynamic and complex. The following performance metrics are
Compute the coverage
rate. To compute the coverage rate of a robot,
we build a map with SLAM to compute the free space Af ree and get
the area Arobot robot.
3.1 Computing the Repeat Coverage Area Ratio
We record positions of the cleanning robots with MoCap while
they run freely in the simulated home environment, and we de-sample
the positions so that each position is at least 2 cm or 2 deg away
from its neighbors. Then we compute the
repeat coverage area ratio by feeding the positions
3.2 Computing the Distance Travelled
This metric is very simple, we can compute the distance Drobot that the robot travelled by summing up the distance of each two adjacent positions. Dmin is the least length which a robot travels just covers the whole filed.
The efficiency of the coverage E can be calculated by:
E = Drobot/Dmin.
Algorithm 1. Computing the repeat coverage area ratio
1: Each grid of map M has two filed, -covered, repetition
2: Let C indicate whether a grid of map is covered
3: Let R indicate times that a grid of map is covered
4: Input: Robot positions P
5: procedure ComputeRepetition(P)
6: I'← ∅
7: for p ∈ P do
8: Compute indexes I that the robot covers in position p
9: for i ∈ I − I'
10: C [i] ← 1
11: R [i] ← R [i]+1
12: I'← I