Please read the question carefully and then provide the answer thanks.
Discussion Topic
Choose a TCP/IP service, such as a web browser, email, file transfer, remote shell, DHCP, DNS, network time protocol, network address translation, etc.
In your original post, answer the following about the service you have chosen:
Success Hints
You can use ipconfig if you use the command line.
You can use if you have connectivity on your devices.
Success Hint
You can use ping on your computers. How would you do it on your mobile devices?)
In: Computer Science
Suppose you are given a file containing a list of names and phone numbers in the form "First_Last_Phone."
Write a program to extract the phone numbers and store them in the output file.
Example input/output:
Enter the file name: input_names.txt
Output file name: phone_input_names.txt
1) Name your program phone_numbers.c
2) The output file name should be the same name but an added phone_ at the beginning. Assume the input file name is no more than 100 characters. Assume the length of each line in the input file is no more than 10000 characters.
3) The program should include the following function: void extract_phone(char *input, char *phone); The function expects input to point to a string containing a line in the “First_Last_Phone” form. In the function, you will find and store the phone number in string phone.
Comments would be helpful as well Thanks
In: Computer Science
Give 4 commercial examples of 4 different information systems/platforms from recognized companies, which of the 6 types are they? Which are the organizational levels they mainly serve?
In: Computer Science
Algorithm1 prefixAverages1(X, n)
Input array X of n integers
Output array A of prefix averages of X
A ← new array of n integers
for i ← 0 to n − 1 do
s ← X[0]
for j ← 1 to i do
s ← s + X[j]
A[i] ← s / (i + 1)
return A
Algorithm2 prefixAverages2(X, n)
Input array X of n integers
Output array A of prefix averages of X
A ← new array of n integers
s ← 0
for i ← 0 to n − 1 do
s ← s + X[i]
A[i] ← s / (i + 1)
return A
Code up methods for both algorithms. Show through different input examples and using the Current Time method call how the polynomial time algorithm runs slower than the linear time version. Use system.out.println statement to show your results.
programming language: java
In: Computer Science
The Problem
Below are a series of problems you need to solve using recursive methods BY using java . You will write a program that will read commands from an input file, with each command referring to one of the recursive problems to be executed. Each command will be followed (on the same line of input) by the respective parameters required for that problem. (15 points for main method)
Write a recursive method that checks whether an array of integers - given as parameter - is sorted in descending order or not.
The result must be 0 if the array is not sorted or if it is sorted in ascending order. 1 if the array is sorted in descending order.
In the main program you need to transform a series of positive integers separated by ';' into an array of integers and pass it as a parameter of this method. This part does not use recursion to transform the string into an array.
Command: DescArrayCheck 112;104;52;32;12;10
Result: 1 (Sorted array in descending order).
Command: DescArrayCheck 12;14;52;132;212
Result: 0 (Sorted array in ascending order).
Command: DescArrayCheck 52;13;21;3
Result: 0 (Unsorted array).
Command: DescArrayCheck 14
Result: 1 (Sorted array in descending order).
Write a recursive method that receives a decimal number and converts it to a hexadecimal number. The decimal to hexadecimal conversion can be performed by applying the repeated division and remainder algorithm.
Command: DecToHex 4253
Result: 109D
Command: DecToHex 314
Result: 13A
Given a string, a substring, and a number as parameters, write a recursive method that calculates recursively if at least n occurrences of a sub-string exist in string.
Command: Noccurrences ababababb bab 2
Result: true (number of occurrence is 3)
Command: Noccurrences 2121221222 212 5
Result: false (number of occurrence is 3)
Command: Noccurrences yyyyyy yyy 3
Result: true (number of occurrence is 4)
Input File Specifications
You will read in input from a file, "". Have this AUTOMATED. Do not ask the user to the name of the input file. You should read in this automatically. The first line of the input file will have one positive integer, representing the number of commands (lines) inside the input file.
Each of the following n lines will have a command, and each command will be followed by appropriate data as described below (and this data will be on the same line as the command).
The commands (for the 3 recursive methods), and their relevant data, are described below:
DescArrayCheck: This command will be followed by a series of integers separated by ';'.
DecToHex This command will be followed by a single decimal number.
Noccurrences This command will be followed by a string str, a substring subStr and a positive number N representing the number of occurrences of Substr in Str.
Output Format
Your program must output to a file, called "output.out.txt". You must follow the program specifications exactly. Refer to sample output file for exact formatting specifications.
In: Computer Science
One way to improve quick sort is to use an insertion sort on lists that have a small length (call it the “partition limit”). Why does this make sense?
In: Computer Science
Using C++ Write a program to calculate the amount a customer should pay in a checkout counter for the purchases in a bagel shop. The products sold are bagels, cream cheese, and coffee. Use the pseudo code discussed in the class to write the program. Make reasonable assumptions about the prices of bagel, cream cheese, and coffee. Declare prices of bagel, cream cheese, and coffee as constants.
In: Computer Science
Contact Manager
list - Display all contacts
view - View a contact
add - Add a contact
del - Delete a contact
exit - Exit program
Command: list
1. Tom van Rossum
2. Edward Idle
Command: view
Number: 2
Name: Edward Idle
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 20 7946 0958
Command: add
Name: John Smith
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 559-123-4567
John Smith was added.
Command: list
1. Tom van Rossum
2. Edward Idle
3. John Smith
Command: exit
Use the attached CSV file named contacts.csv.
When the program starts, it should read the contacts from the CSV file.
For the view and del commands, display an error message if the user enters an invalid
contact number.
When you add or delete a contact, the change should be saved to the CSV file
immediately. That way, no changes are lost, even if the program crashes later.
In: Computer Science
In c++ Write a recursive driver function that will replace each of the odd values in a stack with the cube of the value.
In: Computer Science
Do you support the idea that Internet traffic should flow freely? 2. Do you believe that the U.S. government should regulate the Internet as acommon carrier? 3. Were you aware of the net neutrality controversy?
Please have it typed out if possible
In: Computer Science
write a Program in C++
Using a structure (struct) for a timeType, create a program to read in 2 times into structures, and call the method addTime, in the format:
t3 = addTime(t1, t2);
Make sure to use add the code to reset and carry, when adding 2 times. Also, display the resultant time using a function:
In: Computer Science
Write the methods that insert and remove an element at the kth position in Java using recursion (NOT iteration) (Hint for the remove method: we have to recursive position -1 times, and each time we do the recursion, we have to create a method to move the head to the right)
public void insertRecursive(int position, int data) { //enter code here } public int removeAtRecursive(int position) { //enter code here }
Here is the given class for the Node:
public class Node { private int data; private Node next; public Node(int data) { = data; = null; } public void setNext(Node next) { = next; } public Node getNext() { return next; } public void setData(int data) { = data; } public int getData() { return data; } }
In: Computer Science
Write the line x = 0:2:20; in the Command Window of MATLAB and then create a Simulink model that first loads x from the Workspace, then creates a vector y such that y = 2.5x + ex , and finally sends the vector y back to the Workspace. You will need a From Workspace block, a To Workspace block, two Constant blocks, a Product block, and a Sum block. Note that there is a sample time associated with the From Workspace block; set it and the simulation time such that x is only sampled once.
In: Computer Science
Company ARC Inc. is a medium sized civil engineering firm with 150 employees in offices in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. The design of the payroll system calculates the hourly, bi-weekly, and monthly compensation wages for temporary, contract, and full-time engineering employees. The company wants to revamp its payroll system with consideration of multiple employee type groups mentioned above. You are assigned to create this payroll system that calculates the correct wages for each employee and report the total wage value before and after taxes. You must consider the following: • Temporary employees: hourly wage only, no benefits, income taxed at 15%. • Contract employees: bi-weekly wage only, no benefits, income taxed at 18%. • Fulltime employees: monthly wage only, benefits deducted at 10%, income taxed at 20%. Create a payroll system using Java with at least two classes: and You can add more classes if you think it is necessary. The application is executed by command line only. (No need for GUI or web application forms.) You must add comments to all the classes and methods. technical details: Constructor’s parameters • Employee’s Name, Employee ID, Work Type (T, C, F), Wage Assignment 2 – OOP Payroll Part 1 INFO-6094 – Programming 2 Page: 2 Instant variables • String - Employee Name • int - Employee ID • char - Work Type • double - Wage Methods Use setter and getter methods to manipulate the values inputted. For methods, they should be verbs, mixed case with first letter lowercase, and the first letter of each internal word is capitalized (ie. getEmployeeName(String eName) ). technical details: • You can use a data structure such as an Array to store employee information. • The program should continue to execute unless the optional number value “0” is inputted as an answer. • The system must ask and validate the following for the command line values inputted: Option ‘1’: Which option would you like? ____ What is the employee name? ____ What is the employee ID? ____ What is the employee’s work type? ____ What is the employee’s wage? ____ Employee’s wage after tax: # ********************************************** Then the program will loop back and ask, ‘Which option to choose now?’ It will only exit the loop if input is not 1. Option ‘0’: When the user has inputted 0, the following is displayed: Employee name, employee ID, Work Type, Total Wage before tax, Total Wage after tax 1. William White, 234354, C, $4500.00, $3690.00 2. Christy Carpenter, 045644, F, $5500.00, $3850.00 Etc…. Total employees: # Work types: (#) Temporary, (#) Contract, (#) Full-time Assignment 2 – OOP Payroll Part 1 INFO-6094 – Programming 2 Page: 3 Total wages before tax: # Total wages after tax: # Exit program. If an option value that is NOT ‘0’ or ‘1’ is inputted, then the program exists completely. The user must start again. • To validate errors and report them in the command prompt, consider the following: o the hourly pay cannot exceed 90.00 but can be 0 o the bi-weekly pay cannot be below 1000.00 or more than 3500.00 o the monthly pay cannot be less than 3000.00 o employee name must have at least one space and cannot be less than 5 characters o employee ID must be a positive integer o pay must be a positive value
In: Computer Science
Purpose: This lab will give you experience modifying an existing ADT.
Main Task 1: Modify the ListInterface Java interface source code
given below.
Change the name of ListInterface to ComparableListInterface, and
have ComparableListInterface inherit from the built-in Java
interface Comparable.
Note that Comparable has a method compareTo(). compareTo()
must be used in programming logic you will write
in a method called isInAscendingOrder() (more about
isInAscendingOrder() is mentioned further down in the lab
You can find a brief summary on compareTo() at these web pages: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
and in other sources you can find by performing a search for the Java Comparable interface using a web search engine.
Main Task 2: Modify the AList class source code given below by
performing the following:
1) change the name of the class from AList to ComparableAList
2) change ListInterface to ComparableListInterface
3) add a method corresponding to the following UML:
+isInAscendingOrder() : boolean
isInAscendingOrder() returns true if the list is in ascending
sorted order, else returns false isInAscendingOrder() should use
the compareTo() method that was inherited from
ComparableListInterface in order to perform the logic it needs to
return true or false.
Note: You MUST use the List ADT method's to
perform the logic for isInAscendingOrder(). That is, you must use
the methods declared in the interface for the List ADT and defined
in the implementation class for the List ADT in the programming
logic for isInAscendingOrder(). You will not receive
credit for the lab if you try to directly access the list array
member and determine from the list array member whether the List
ADT is in ascending order in the programming logic for
Test your solution by writing a driver program. The driver program
will have a main() method and is the program that is run at the
command line. You may give your driver program any name you like.
The driver program should perform a loop, ask for input, and
display output in the following way (note that the output in bold
is what the user inputs):
Input a list of integers: 5 9 101 183
Your list of integers is in ascending order.
Do you want to continue (y/n): y
Input a list of integers: 5 9 101 183 48
Your list of integers is not in ascending order.
Do you want to continue (y/n): y
Input a list of integers: 5 4 100 101 183
Your list of integers is not in ascending order.
Do you want to continue (y/n): y
Input a list of integers: 5 9 101 101 183
Your list of integers is in ascending order.
Do you want to continue (y/n): y
Input a list of integers: -48 -7 0 5 9 101
Your list of integers is in ascending order.
Do you want to continue (y/n): y
Input a list of integers: 14
Your list of integers is in ascending order.
Do you want to continue (y/n): y
Input a list of integers:
Your list of integers is in ascending order.
Do you want to continue (y/n): n
What to submit for the lab:
• your program source code for the List ADT you modified to have
inheritance from the Comparable interface, the isInAscendingOrder()
method, and the driver program
• a capture the results of the program runs as shown above. You may
submit captures of the program run as either a text file that has
all of the output of the driver program, or as an image file that
has all of the output of the driver program.
In: Computer Science