I want to compare a string with the previous strings in a forEach loop using javascript.
So im accessing data from an API. Im iterating through them using a forEach() loop. I want to compare the current 'title' string from the api with all previous title strings its pulled. The title is located under article.title
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
data.articles.forEach((article) => {
If the title matches any other title used already id like to skip the entire iteration.
In: Computer Science
Create a memory diagram for the following C program when the program reaches point 1.
void foo (int *a);
int bar(int *x);
int search(int *c);
int main(void)
int q, p=10;
q= search(&p);
return 0;
void foo(int *a)
*a += 2;
//point 1
*f *= 10;
int bar(int *x)
return 2* *x;
int search(int *c)
int z= *c + bar(c);
return z;
In: Computer Science
CSE/EEE 230 Assignment 4
Fall 2019
Due Sept 30 (11:59PM)
In this assignment, you are to complete a MIPS program so it will
perform the required tasks. The main function of the code is
provided. Do not change the code in the main function. There is a
loop in the main function.
You are to complete the program by writing two functions. Pay
particular attention to the purpose of each function and how the
parameters and return value are to be used.
1. getinput
$a0 - minimum value
$a1 – maximum value
$v0 – integer input in range defined
This function must prompt the user to input an integer and then get
the input from the user. The process of printing a prompt and then
reading input must be repeated until a value from the minimum to
the maximum values is read (inclusive). The input value is then
returned in $v0.
2. printsum
The function is to the add the two parameters ($a0 and $a1) and
then print the sum.
Sample Input and output:
Enter a number 2 This means that the main will loop 2
Enter a number 7
Enter a number 3
The sum is 10
Enter a number -3
Enter a number -1
Enter a number 25
Enter a number 3
Enter a number 0
Enter a number 6
The sum is 9
• Comment the beginning of your programs with your name and
assignment number.
• Comment every instruction.
• Comment each function. Describe which registers are used in the
function and how they are used.
Submit your .asm file with the complete program.
Copyright 2019 D.Calliss Arizona State University All rights
# add any strings at this point as needed
.globl main
addi $a0, $0, 2 # set minimum value as 1
addi $a1, $0, 5 # set maximum value as 15
jal getinput # get a positive number for the loop
addi $s0, $v0, 0 # save input value
beq $s0, $0, end # while there are more repeats
addi $a0, $0, 1 # set minimum value as 1
addi $a1, $0, 15 # set maximum value as 15
jal getinput # get a value from 1..15
ori $s1, $v0, 0 # save the result
addi $a0, $0, 3 # set minimum value as 3
addi $a1, $0, 18 # set maximum value as 18
jal getinput # get a value from 4..18
ori $a1, $v0, 0 # set the second parameter for printsum
ori $a0, $s1, 0 # set the first parameter for printsum
jal printsum # call function to print sum of input
addi $s0, $s0, -1 # decrement counter
j repeat # do it again
end: ori $v0, $0, 10 # set command to stop program,
syscall # end program
In: Computer Science
1- The best choice for a data type used to store the grade to be
recorded at the end of the term for this course would be a(n)
____________. Valid values would be A, B, C, D, or F, no A- or B+
would be permitted, instead a single value will be stored.
The best choice for a data type used to store the name of the city
where you currently live would be in a(n) [a].
3-The best choice for a data type used to store the cost of a pair
of shoes would be in a(n) ____________. Hint: For your answer enter
the default data type.
4-________ would be stored in x after the following statement
(x++), assuming there was a compile time initialization of x
defined as int x = 15;
5-If you had three integers defined, x, y and answer, an assignment
statement to add the two value together would look like:
6- The best choice for a data type used to store a counter for the
number of courses that you are currently enrolled is a(n)
In: Computer Science
PLEASE USE THE FLOWORITHM APPLICATION FOR THE ANSWER . I need that not a flowchart .Design the logic for a program that takes in three numbers from the user. Find the largest of the three numbers and output the largest number.
In: Computer Science
['Mary', 'Anna', 'Emma', 'Elizabeth', 'Margaret', 'Minnie', 'Clara', 'Bertha', 'Ida', 'Annie', 'Alice']
Task #2: Using the list above create two sets (using the set data structure) (2 points)¶ Write code that will take the values from the list created above and add them to two different sets. You must utilize the set data structure to complete this task.
The set criteria is as follows: set1 - Includes customers with a name length smaller than or equal to 5 characters set2
- Includes customers with a name length greater than or equal to 5 characters
Your code should print the following: {'Clara', 'Alice', 'Emma', 'Mary', 'Anna', 'Ida', 'Annie'}
{'Clara', 'Bertha', 'Margaret', 'Elizabeth', 'Alice', 'Minnie', 'Annie'}
In: Computer Science
You are required to write 4 significant JUnit tests for the Account class outlined below taking into account the specifications below. Your code must include 3 negative test cases.
Specifications for the Account class:
// The outline of Account class. You are not required to complete these public class Account { … public Account(String name, String ID, double amt) { …. } public double withdraw(double amt) throws AmtTooLow, AmtTooHigh, InsuffientBalance { … } }
You are required to write the methods with the @Before and @Test annotations only. You should not attempt to run these tests (as the Account class is not complete).
// you need not write the include
public class AccountTest {
// Code to be inserted in the box
In: Computer Science
Windows XP Command Line questions.
a) What is the command to display all of the files on the disk in drive A:--do not use the DIR command or the CHKDSK command C:\>
b) Display the contents of the PERSONAL.FIL file located in the root directory of drive A: one screenful at a time
C) Display the contents of the PERSONAL.FIL file located in the root directory of drive A:, one screenful at a time, beginning with the 25th record, on a clear screen using the MORE command.
D) What is the command to append the contents of the file named STEVEN.FIL to the file called CASES.FIL Both files are on the root directory of drive A:
E) Create a subdirectory under the HOMEWORK directory called CIT-40
F) Copy the file called NAME.NEW from the \TEMP directory into the \HOMEWORK\CIT-40 subdirectory
In: Computer Science
A program at host A sends a UDP datagram carrying 4500 octets1 of data (or payload) to its counterpart at host C. In between A and C is router B. The MTU between A and B is 1500 octets while between that B and C 1320 octets. Show IP packets and fragments along the path. For each IP packet and fragment, show key header fields like Total Length, Identification, More Flag, and Fragmented Offset
In: Computer Science
2. What are data elements and records?
3. List three control structures in modular design.
4. Draw a picture which shows an example of iteration structure.
5. Provide an example of structured English?
6. Provide an example of decision tables with three conditions.
7. Provide an example of the decision tree.
In: Computer Science
Given two sorted lists, L1 and L2, write an efficient C++ code to compute L1 ∩ L2 using only the basic STL list operations. What is the running time of your algorithm?
In: Computer Science
*In Java please!
Concept Summary:
1. Exception handling
2. Class design
Write a program
that creates an
exception class called
ManyCharactersException, designed
to be thrown when
a string is
discovered that has
too many characters
in it.
Consider a program
that takes in the
last names of
users. The driver
class of the program
reads the names (strings) from
the user until the
user enters "DONE".
If a name is
that has more than
20 characters, throw
the exception.
Design the program
such that it
catches and handles
the exception if it
is thrown. Handle
the exception by
printing an appropriate
message, and then
continue processing more
names by getting more
inputs from the user.
Note: Your program
should exit only
when the
user enters "DONE".
Enter strings. When finished enter DONE
Short string
You entered: Short string
Medium size string
You entered: Medium size string
Really really long string, someone stop me!
You entered too many characters
You entered: DONE
Good bye!
Design the Exception class
(20 points):
Constructing the Try…
Catch… Throw within the
Driver class (40 points)
Constructing Error Message
for the Exception
class (10 points)
Constructing other error
messages (20 points)
Loop and other
constructs to complete
the program (10 points)
In: Computer Science
In: Computer Science
Flow control is one of the main building blocks that determines
how a program should run.
Ghana Cocoa Growing Company wishes to compare the impart of two
newly acquired
fertilizers on cocoa. They will do this by applying the same
quantity of the two fertilizers on
two similar but different cocoa plant under the same conditions
(humidity, sunlight, soil
moisture etc.). They will then choose the fertilizer whose crop
produces the best harvest
(highest quantity per square feet). As a programmer,
a. Suggest a flow control method that would be used to do the
comparison and explain
the reason why you chose it.
b. Write a flow control statement that would do the comparison in
“a” above. (5
c. The Ghana Statistical Services (GSS) is interested in your
statement in “b” above but
it is of the view that it is too specific. They want you to modify
it by creating a
function that takes four arguments i.e. (the names of the two
fertilizer and their
individual yields). The function should return the name of the
fertilizer with the
greatest yield.
In: Computer Science
Add two lines of code in main() function to create a variable, goodStudent, whose type is Student with name, "John" and age, 21. public class Student { private String name; private int age; public Student(){ name = ""; age= 0; } public Student(String initName){ name = initName; age = 0; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setAge(int anAge) { age = anAge; } public static void main (String[] args) { // !!!! Your two lines of code come here !!! } }
In: Computer Science