Examine the following shell script and describe its function line-by-line: #!/bin/bash echo -e "Which file would...

Examine the following shell script and describe its function line-by-line:


echo -e "Which file would you like to copy> --> \c"

echo -e "Which file would you like to copy? --> \c?"


mkdir /stuff || echo "The /stuff directory could not be created." && echo "The /stuff directory could not be created."

cp -f $FILENAME /stuff && echo "$FILENAME was successfully copied to /stuff"

In: Computer Science

Modifiability comes in many flavors and is known by many names. Find one of the IEEE...

Modifiability comes in many flavors and is known by many names. Find one of the IEEE or ISO standards dealing with quality attributes and compile a list of quality attributes that refer to some form of modifiability. Discuss the differences.

In: Computer Science

We see that data structures, collections, and abstract data types are closely related concepts. Objects that...

We see that data structures, collections, and abstract data types are closely related concepts.
Objects that are contained within these entities are typically called items or elements.
From the object-oriented perspective, data structures have both private data and public behaviors.
The behaviors define data structures in an abstract, implementation independent manner.
Other equivalent terms used for behaviors are operations, methods, public interface, and usage interface. In this discussion, we explore the primary behaviors needed to use data structures.

- Remove an item
- Replace an item

Discuss these behaviors.

In: Computer Science

AES (a) Give the names of at least two finalist ciphers, besides Rijndael, of the AES...


(a) Give the names of at least two finalist ciphers, besides Rijndael, of the AES competition.

(b) What are the main four layers (steps within each round) of the AES and what is their role in the encryption?

(c) The recommended key sizes for the AES are 128, 192 and 256 bits. How many rounds of AES should be done for each of these sizes?

(d) DES has 8 different S-boxes, AES has only 1. State briefly negative security consequences of these two choices, separately for DES and AES.

(e) In order to strengthen AES one could increase the number of rounds and/or increase the size of the block. Which of the three options would be best for this purpose and why?

In: Computer Science

Using the class Date that you defined in Exercise O3, write the definition of the class...

  1. Using the class Date that you defined in Exercise O3, write the definition of the class named Employee with the following private instance variables:
  • first name               -           class string
  • last name                -           class string
  • ID number             -           integer (the default ID number is 999999)
  • birth day                -           class Date
  • date hired               -           class Date
  • base pay                 -           double precision (the default base pay is $0.00)

The default constructor initializes the first name to “john”, the last name to “Doe”, and the birth day and hired day to the default date (1/1/1960).

In addition to the constructors, the class has the following public instance methods:

  • void readPInfo(Scanner scan ) that uses the Scanner object parameter to read the values for the instance variables first name, last name, ID number, birth day, and date of hire.
  • void readPayInfo(Scanner scan ) that uses the Scanner object parameter to read the value for the base pay instance variable.
  • String getPInfoString( ) that returns a string in the following format:

                  NAME: <lastName + “, “ +   firstName>

                  ID NUMBER: <Id-Number>

                BIRTH DAY: <string-birth-day>

DATE HIRED: < string-date-hired >

  • void setBpay( double newBpay ) that sets the value of the base pay to the new value, newBpay.
  • double getBpay( ) that returns the value of the base pay instance variable.
  • double getGpay( ) that returns the value of the gross pay (which is the base pay).
  • double computeTax(   ) that computes the tax deduction on the gross pay and returns it as follows:

If gross pay is greater than or equal to 1000, 20% of the gross pay;

If 800 <= gross pay < 1000, 18% of gross pay

If 600 <= gross pay < 800, 15% of gross pay

Otherwise, 10 % of the gross pay.

  • String getPayInfoString( ) that returns a string in the following format:

                  GROSS PAY: <gross-pay>

                  TAX DEDUCTION: <tax-deduction>

                NET PAY: <Net-pay>

  1. Define another class named ExerciseO4 that contains the method main that does the following:
  1. Define an object and instantiate it with the default constructor, then output its personal information (by calling the instance methods getPInfoString( ).
  2. Define an object and initialize its instance variables as follows:

John   Doe   111111   10/25/1990   11/15/2010 750.00

And then output its personal and pay information (by calling the instance methods getPInfoString( ) and getPayInfoString( )).

  1. Define an object, read its personal and pay information (by calling the methods readPInfo(Scanner scan ) and readPayInfo(Scanner scan )) , and then output its personal and pay information (by calling the instance methods getPInfoString( ) and getPayInfoString( )).
  1. Define an object and instantiate it (or read the values for its instance variables) with an invalid date (date of birth or date of hire).

excercise 03 is the code written below

import java.util.Scanner;

class Date {

   private int month; // to hold the month (1 – 12)

   private int day; // to hold the day (1 – 31)

   private int year; // to hold the year 1960 - 2019

   static final String[] monthList = { " ", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August",

           "September", "October", "November", "December" };

   public Date() // default constructor


       month = 1;

       day = 1;

       year = 1960;


   public Date(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear) // constructor


       month = newMonth;

       day = newDay;

       year = newYear;



   public void inputDate(Scanner scan) // use the Scanner object to read the month and the day


       month = scan.nextInt(); // read the month

       day = scan.nextInt(); // read the day

       year = scan.nextInt(); // read the year



   private void checkDate() // to validate the month and the day


       final int[] daysPerMonth = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

       if ((month < 1) || (month > 12) || (day < 1) || (day > daysPerMonth[month]) || year < 1960 || year > 2016) {

           System.out.println("Invalid date");




   String getStringDate() // returns the string consisting of the month followed by the day


       return (monthList[month] + " " + day+" "+year);


   public int getMonth() // to return the month


       return (month);


   public int getDay() // to return the day


       return (day);


   public int getYear() // to return year


       return (year);


   public boolean equalTo(Date obj) {

       return (month == obj.month && day == && year == obj.year);


   //which Date object is greater

   public static boolean isGreaterThan(Date obj1, Date obj2) {

       if(obj1.year > obj2.year)

           return true;

       else if(obj1.year == obj2.year) {

           if(obj1.month > obj2.month)

               return true;

           else if(obj1.month == obj2.month) {

               if( >

                   return true;




       return false;



public class Test {//driver class

   /*------- Program is executed with a month and a day as command line arguments -----*/

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Date defaultDate = new Date(); // to hold today’s month and day



       /*------------------------------------ read today’s month and day ---------------------*/

       Date today = new Date(3, 25, 2016); // set Today's date

       System.out.println("Todays day is:\t"+today.getStringDate());


       /*------------------------------------ read dueDate month and day ---------------------*/

       Date dueDate = new Date();

       Scanner input = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Enter today’s month, day and year:");


       /*------------------------------------ compare today and dueDate ---------------------*/

       if (today.equalTo(dueDate))

           System.out.println("Your project is on time");

       else {

           if(Date.isGreaterThan(today, dueDate))

             System.out.println("Your project is late");


               System.out.println("Your project is early");



       /*------------------------------------ inavlid date ---------------------*/

       Date invalidDate = new Date(25, 4, 2000);



In: Computer Science

This is C++ there are intruction and descriptions. Please give me the answer because I understand...

This is C++
there are intruction and descriptions. Please give me the answer because I understand the concept, but don't know how to put in the actual problem yet.
Instructions and Assumptions

Declare and implement the three functions described below. Your declarations should go in AnyList.h. Your definitions should go in Functions.cpp.
For all of these functions, assume the list contains at least three elements. No need to consider the empty list cases.

The Functions

1. Overload the insertion operator as a friend function of AnyList. It should print only the first and last element.
For example, if the list were [1, 3, 5, 7], it should print "1 7".

2. Overload the > operator as a non-member function. It should compare two AnyList objects. Given two lists, ListA and ListB, ListA > ListB if the largest element of ListA is greater than the largest element of ListB.
For example, if ListA = [1, 2, 5] and ListB = [3, 4, 3], then ListA > ListB because 5 > 4.

3. Write a function called findAndModify that is a member function of AnyList. It should take one parameter - an integer called key. It should return a boolean value, which will be true if the key was found and false otherwise. This function should not print any error messages.
The function should search the list for key. If it finds key, it should add one node to the beginning of the list whose data should be key + 10.
Assume the list is [3, 5, 20, 8, 5, 20]
findAndModify(3) --> return true; resulting list is [13, 3, 5, 20, 8, 5, 20]
findAndModify(5) --> return true; resulting list is [15, 15, 3, 5, 20, 8, 5, 20]
findAndModify(100) --> return false; resulting list is [3, 5, 20, 8, 5, 20]

// Put your name on this file.
// Put the declarations for the functions where indicated.
// Do NOT add any other functions to DoublyList.
// Do NOT change any other functions in this file.
// Turn in this file

#ifndef ANYLIST_H
#define ANYLIST_H

#include <string>        //Need to include for NULL           

class Node
    Node() : data(0), next(nullptr) {}
    Node(int theData, Node* newNext)
        : data(theData), next(newNext) {}
    Node* getNext() const { return next; }
    int getData() const { return data; }
    void setData(int theData) { data = theData; }
    void setNext(Node* newNext) { next = newNext; }
    ~Node() {}
    int data;
    Node* next;

// Declare Functions Here, if needed  

class AnyList{

    // Declare Functions Here, if needed   

    // Do not modify anything below //
    AnyList(int* elems, int numElem);
    void destroyList();

    Node* first;
    int count;       


#include "AnyList.h"

    first = nullptr;
    count = 0;

AnyList::AnyList(int* elems, int numElem) {
    first = new Node(elems[0], nullptr);
    Node* last = first;
    for (int i = 0; i < numElem; i++) {
        last->setNext(new Node(elems[i], nullptr));
        last = last->getNext();
    count = numElem;

void AnyList::destroyList(){
    Node* temp = first;

    while (first != nullptr){
        first = first->getNext();
        delete temp;
        temp = first;
    count = 0;

#include "AnyList.h"

// Put your name in this file
// Implement your functions in this file
// Submit this file

// Definition of Function 1 goes here

// Definition of Function 2 goes here

// Definition of Function 3 goes here

// Use this file to test your code
// Don't submit this file

#include "AnyList.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

    int elems[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
    AnyList testList(elems, 8);

    return 0;

In: Computer Science

Briefly explain two modes to convey information in the SNMP protocol.

Briefly explain two modes to convey information in the SNMP protocol.

In: Computer Science

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of database. This data model...

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of database. This data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a data definition language, which can then be used to create a database. (Wikipedia).

Using a diagram/chart software, elaborate a database design


Define your database objective
Explain your database's type of table relationship
Explain and design your database elements and datatypes (tables, fields, etc,).
Identify your entities and relationships and using flowcharts or any graphic application, create an entity relationship diagram (ERD)

In: Computer Science

Convert your "To Do List" application to use Hibernate in order to save its data. Then...

Convert your "To Do List" application to use Hibernate in order to save its data. Then add a web UI, so that it runs on the Tomcat web server. You will have to add JSP code for each of the web pages (show to-do list, add a to-do item, delete a to-do item). Your to-do-list application should already be well structured, separating the back-end from the front-end, so that adding a web UI is just a matter of adding a new front-end which would call the existing back-end.

Here's my code so far:

package assignment1;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Random;
public class assignment4 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

private static void ArrayList_Op() {
ArrayList<Integer> arr_list = new ArrayList<>();
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i=0; i<200000; i++)
for(int i=0; i<200000; i++)

private static void LinkedList_Op() {

LinkedList<Integer> list = new LinkedList<Integer>();
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i=0; i<200000; i++)
for(int i=0; i<200000; i++)

private static void HashTable_Op() {

Hashtable<Integer, Integer> hash = new Hashtable<>();
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i=0; i<200000; i++)
hash.put(i, rand.nextInt(200000));
for(int i=0; i<200000; i++)

We're using Apache Web server, its already been downloded on the computer.

In: Computer Science

how internet has revolutionated the world?

how internet has revolutionated the world?

In: Computer Science

1. I need a java program that prints the following rows of arrays, like shown [3,5,6...

1. I need a java program that prints the following rows of arrays, like shown


7, 61, 71,

9, 99, 999,

4, 1, 0]

2. I also need a program that prints the sum of all the arrays

3. and a third program that only prints the elements from row one.


In: Computer Science

Write a program that repeatedly generates a random integer in the range [1, 100], one integer...

Write a program that repeatedly generates a random integer in the range [1, 100], one integer at a time, and displays the generated numbers on the screen according to the following rules:

  • If the second number generated is greater than the first number, they are displayed on the screen in the order of their input and while the next random number generated is greater than the previous one, the random number is displayed on the screen and the program continues. As soon as the number generated is less than or equal to the previous one, the program terminates. For example, if the first 6 random numbers generated are 1, 5, 31, 69, 87, and 11, the output of the program would be:






  • If the second number generated is less than the first number, they are displayed on the screen in the order of their input and while the next random number generated is less than the previous one, the random number is displayed on the screen and the program continues. As soon as the number generated is greater than or equal to the previous one, the program terminates. For example, if the first 3 random numbers generated are 43, 31, and 31, the output of the program would be:



  • If the second number generated is equal to the first number, the program terminates and no message is displayed on the screen.

In: Computer Science

A formula with a positive integer (less than 32 bits) and a positive decimal (number with...

A formula with a positive integer (less than 32 bits) and a positive decimal (number with decimal points) is expressed in the median formula. Change the given median to postfix and write a program that outputs the results of the calculation.
operand ::= positive integer or positive error
Positive integer ::= A number expressed as less than 32 bits consisting of 0 to 9.
Positive integer representation of 0, 0100, 00934, 1056, 65535 is allowed
Positive decimal ::= Positive integer and decimal point (.) and positive integer number
A positive decimal representation of 0, 000.0100, 0.0001054, 0065.535, 1000.32 is allowed
Operator ::= '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', 'u' means unary operator - (negative sign)
The rest are all binary operators.

(1) A median formula containing a positive integer and a decimal number is entered.
(2) Change the entered median to the post-modality and output the correct formula.
(3) If the median formula is reasonable, calculate the modified formula and output the result.

Output through program source and input example

e.g. infix : (15+5)* (15+u5) // Actual formula is (15+5)* (15+5)
Postfix: 15 5 + 15 5 u + *
Result value = 200

The input infix : 003.14 * 05^2 // actual formula
Postfix: 3.14 5 2 ^ *
Result value = 78.5

The input infix : (13.75 – 06.25)/u2 // The actual formula is (13.75 – 6.25)/(-2)
Postfix: 13.75 6.25 - 2 u /
Result value = -3.75

Entered infix : (13.2 – 3.2)/2* (5.6 + u2.6) + 3)
Output: This formula cannot be calculated.
Entered infix : 2* 5.6 – 3.14*-4
Output: Unacceptable number representation. (-4)

In: Computer Science

In C++ Given a sorted list of integers, output the middle integer. A negative number indicates...

In C++

Given a sorted list of integers, output the middle integer. A negative number indicates the end of the input (the negative number is not a part of the sorted list). Assume the number of integers is always odd.

Ex: If the input is: 2 3 4 8 11 -1

the output is:

Middle item: 4

The maximum number of inputs for any test case should not exceed 9. If exceeded, output "Too many numbers". Hint: First read the data into a vector. Then, based on the number of items, find the middle item. 276452.1593070

( Must include vector library to use vectors)

In: Computer Science

How Data transparency is provided in character-oriented protocol? What is duplex communication channel?

  1. How Data transparency is provided in character-oriented protocol?

  2. What is duplex communication channel?

In: Computer Science