
In: Computer Science

Create a memory diagram for the following C program when the program reaches point 1. void...

Create a memory diagram for the following C program when the program reaches point 1.

void foo (int *a);

int bar(int *x);

int search(int *c);

int main(void)


int q, p=10;

q= search(&p);

return 0;


void foo(int *a)


*a += 2;

//point 1

*f *= 10;


int bar(int *x)


return 2* *x;


int search(int *c)


int z= *c + bar(c);


return z;



Expert Solution

For given c program:

void foo (int *a);

int bar(int *x);

int search(int *c);

int main(void)


int q, p=10;

q= search(&p);

return 0;


void foo(int *a)


*a += 2;

//point 1

*f *= 10;


int bar(int *x)


return 2* *x;


int search(int *c)


int z= *c + bar(c);


return z;


Summary: Starting execution from main function, two variables p type integer equals 10 and address of p passed as parameter calling search function, from search bar with address of p passed bar computes 2 * 10 and returns 20 and bar discarded from stack, z value computed as 30 in search, after foo is called where *a becomes 12.

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