Given some data in a text file, the task is to scramble the text and output...

Given some data in a text file, the task is to scramble the text and output in a separate text file. So, we need to write a Python program that reads a text file, scrambles the words in the file and writes the output to a new text file.

Rules to be followed:

  • Words less than or equal to 3 characters need not be scrambled.
  • Don’t scramble first and last char, so Scrambling can become Srbmnacilg or Srbmnailcg or Snmbracilg, i.e. letters except first and last can be scrambled in any order.
  • Punctuation at the end of the word to be maintained as is i.e. “Surprising, ” could become “Spsirnirug, ” but not “Spsirn, irug”

In: Computer Science

As computer systems have evolved, there has been a pattern of increasing complexity and sophistication of...

As computer systems have evolved, there has been a pattern of increasing complexity and sophistication of individual components. Compare and contrast the evolution of the input functions of the computer system and the output functions of the computer system in modern computers.

In: Computer Science

Imagine that you are the Information Security Officer (ISO) of your organization. Develop a plan to...

Imagine that you are the Information Security Officer (ISO) of your organization. Develop a plan to conduct a Web application penetration test on your network. Identify and explain all steps necessary to successfully complete the test.

In: Computer Science

● The Faculty & Staff parking permit allows a car to park in YELLOW and GREEN...

● The Faculty & Staff parking permit allows a car to park in YELLOW and GREEN slots. User

can purchase multiple Faculty & Staffparking permit.

● The Student parking permit allows a car to park in GREEN slots. User can purchase multiple

student parking permit.

● The Resident parking permit allows a car to park in ORANGE and GREEN slots. User can add

a premium package to this kind of permit that allows one of user’s friend to share this permit, but

each user can only purchase one Resident parking permit.

● The Visitor parking permit allows a car to park in ORANGE, YELLOW and GREEN slots.

The permit is only valid for one day and user can only purchase one Visitor parking permit.

User can purchase more than one type of ticket at a time, as many Faculty & Staff and student as

they choose.

Your goal is to write a program that sells the permits and using the existing functions in


//      This is the main program that you need to write
int main ()
   // Variable Declarations
   char Choice = '\0';   // what the user enters
   int NumPermits = 0;   // how many permits they want to buy
   int TotalPermits = 0; // total number of permit sold so far
   float Price = 0.0;    // the price of one set of permit
   float TotalPrice = 0.0;    // the total price of all permits
   char ExitChoice = 'N'; //whether or not the user wants to exit

   // Print your name and ID
   cout << "Name: \n"
        <<"ID: \n\n";
   // Loop until the user is done
      // Print the main menu describing the tickets offered

      // Ask the user type what permit they want to purchase next
      // If the user selects Faculty&Staff parking permit calculate the price of tickets
      // If the user selects Student parking permit be sure to note the reference parameters

      // If the user selects Resident parking permit, ask if they want the premium package
      // If the user selected visitor parking permit, make sure they decided to order them

      // Add the permit price to a running total 
          //Add the number of permits to a running total  
          // Ask if they want to continue (Y or N)

      // When the loop is done
      // Print out the total number of permits sold, and the amount of all the permits, with a $.

   return 0;

In: Computer Science

Given the following array named 'array1': array1 DWORD 50h, 51h, 52h, 53h Write instructions to swap...

Given the following array named 'array1':

array1 DWORD 50h, 51h, 52h, 53h

Write instructions to swap the items in array1 (using only MOV and XCHG instruction), so that the array1 become:

53h, 51h, 50h, 52h

( That means the first item in the array is 53h, second item is 51h, third item is 50h, forth item is 52h).

You can use registers to perform the MOV and XCHG operation.  

Write the code to perform above mentioned transformation.

In: Computer Science

In C# please and thanks so much, Create an Employee class with five fields: first name,...

In C# please and thanks so much,

Create an Employee class with five fields: first name, last name, workID, yearStartedWked, and initSalary. It includes constructor(s) and properties to initialize values for all fields.

Create an interface, SalaryCalculate, class that includes two functions: first,CalcYearWorked() function, it takes one parameter (currentyear) and calculates the number of year the worker has been working. The second function, CalcCurSalary() function that calculates the current year salary.

Create a Worker classes that is derived from Employee and SalaryCalculate class.

  • In Worker class, it includes two field, nYearWked and curSalary, and constructor(s). It defines the CalcYearWorked() function using (current year – yearStartedWked) and save it in the nYearWked variable. It also defines the CalcCurSalary() function that calculates the current year salary by using initial salary with 3% yearly increment.

Create a Manager class that is derived from Worker class.

  • In Manager class, it includes one field: yearPromo and constructor(s). Itincludes a CalcCurSalary function that calculate the current year salary by overriding the base class function using initial salary with 5% yearly increment plus 10% bonus. The manager’s salary calculates in two parts. It calculates as a worker before the year promoted and as a manager after the promotion.

Write an application that reads the workers and managers information from files (“worker.txt” and “manager.txt”) and then creates the dynamic arrays of objects. Prompt the user for current year and display the workers’ and managers’ current information in separate groups: first and last name, ID, the year he/she has been working, and current salary.

Please make streamreader read text from file and the new line so that the text files stay original.






In: Computer Science

Consider the STAR schema with dimensions Customer, Product, and Time. The fact table has a measure...

Consider the STAR schema with dimensions Customer, Product, and Time. The fact table has a measure called Purchase_Price. This measure is:

- additive



In: Computer Science

In Java: Write a program that generates a random number and asks the user to guess...

In Java: Write a program that generates a random number and asks the user to guess the number and keeps track of how many guesses it took

  • If the user input is negative or zero then the loop must stop reading further inputs and display how many guesses they used
  • If they guess the correct number display a message telling them they got it and exit the program
  • If they guess the wrong number (but still a legal guess) you should tell them if they are too high or too low.
  • You may choose to assign a limit to the range of the random number (ex. limit to numbers between 1 and 100, 1 and 1000, etc.)
  • Use JOptionPane for all input and output
  • Validate input to only accept integer values. If a non-integer is entered you should display an error message and prompt the user to try again – the count of how many guesses they’ve made should not be interrupted and the program should gracefully continue once valid entry is received.
  • Hint: import java.util.Random and use Random rand = new Random(); to declare the rand variable and then use numberToGuess = rand.nextInt(x); to generate a random number (replace x with the upper limit you want to impose on your random number).
  • You may write this with all code in the main method or you may use user generated methods.

In: Computer Science

Write a complete main method that does the following: Takes any number, but at least two,...

Write a complete main method that does the following: Takes any number, but at least two, command line arguments which are words (represented as strings) and will print to the console the number of words of that end with a digit. (Hint: loop through the args array)

If there are not at least two command line arguments, throw an IllegalArgumentException with an appropriate message.

In: Computer Science

For the following MIPS instructions, (1) show its format or type (I-format, R- format, or J-...

For the following MIPS instructions, (1) show its format or type (I-format, R- format, or J- format); (2) translate them into binary using the follow procedure (Note: $s0-$s7 are the 16-23th registers, $t0-$t7 are the 8-15th registers). For example,

addi    $s0, $s1, 2               # the op code of addi is 0010002

Format (?):

lw       $s1, 4($s1)               # the op code of lw is 1000112

Format (?):

bne     $s1, $t1, loop           # the value of loop here is 00102 and

# the op code of bne is 0001012

Format (?):

jal       leaf                           # the value of leaf here is 0x2000016

                                 # the op code of jal is 0000112

Format (?):

sub     $t1, $s6, $0   # the op code of add is 0 and the funct code is 1000102      

Format (?):

In: Computer Science

CPS/IOT have software components. Review SWEBOK. Make a table briefly defining each of 15 knowledge areas....

CPS/IOT have software components. Review SWEBOK. Make a table briefly defining each of 15 knowledge areas. Then for each area provide the bracketed breakdown directly from SWEBOK.

In: Computer Science

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Using the list container from the STL, write a program that will read the...

Using the list container from the STL, write a program that will read the information from a file into a list
and then display the list to the screen. Add your name. Sort the list by id. Print the list again
Use the provided disneyin2.txt file.
Do not hard code the file name; get file name from user.
Use the struct below
struct student
char firstnm[20],
int id,
You are to create a list of data type student : std::list<student> l;
The driver is to demonstrate that the above mentioned operations are performed.
Overload the << and >> operators so you may easily input and output a student.


Hewey Duck 123 90
Daffy Duck 342 92
Wiley Coyote 432 89
Goofy Dog 654 95
Daisy Duck 145 92
Sylvester PuddyCat 775 86
Tweety Bird 221 87
Mickey Mouse 666 66


#ifndef LIST_T_
#define LIST_T_

template <class BaseData>
List <BaseData>::List()
previous = 0;
currentNode = 0;
head = 0;
numNodes = 0;
currentPos = 0;

template <class BaseData>
List <BaseData>::List(List<BaseData> &init)
if (this == &init) return;
ListNode *newList, *current, *newNode;
current = init.head;
newList = 0;
head = 0;
while (current)
newNode = new ListNode;
newNode->listData = current->listData;
newNode->link = 0;

if (newList)
newList->link = newNode;
newList = newList->link;

else newList = newNode;

if (current == init.head)
head = newNode;
current = current->link;

numNodes = init.numNodes;
currentPos = 0;
previous = 0;
currentNode = 0;

template <class BaseData>
void List <BaseData>::insertBefore(const BaseData &item)
ListNode *p;
p = new ListNode;
p->listData = item;
if (numNodes)
if (head == currentNode) head = p;
p->link = currentNode;
if (previous) previous ->link = p;
currentNode = p;
head = p;
p->link = 0;
previous = 0;
currentNode = p;

template <class BaseData>
BaseData * List<BaseData>::examine()
BaseData *temp;
if (currentNode)
temp = new BaseData;
*temp = currentNode->listData;
return (temp);
return 0;

template <class BaseData>
List <BaseData>::~List()

template <class BaseData>
void List<BaseData>::destroy()
ListNode *temp;
currentNode = head;
while (currentNode)
temp = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode->link;
delete temp;


previous = 0;
currentNode = 0;
head = 0;
numNodes = 0;
currentPos = 0;

template <class BaseData>
void List <BaseData>::first()
if (numNodes)
previous = 0;
currentNode = head;
currentPos = 1;
currentPos = 0;

template <class BaseData>
void List <BaseData>::last()
while (currentNode->link)
previous = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode->link;
currentPos = numNodes;

template <class BaseData>
void List<BaseData>::makeCurrent (int position)
if (( position < 1) || (position > numNodes))
cout << "invalid position: "<< endl;
for (int i = 1; i < position; i++)
previous = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode->link;
currentPos = position;

template <class BaseData>
void List<BaseData>::prev()
int tempCurrPos = currentPos;
if (currentPos > 1)
ListNode *temp = previous;
if (currentNode == temp)
previous = 0;
currentNode = temp;
while (currentNode->link != temp)
currentNode = currentNode->link;
previous = currentNode;
currentNode = temp;
currentPos = tempCurrPos -1;
cout << "walking over front of list";
currentPos = 0;


template <class BaseData>
void List<BaseData>::next()
if (currentNode->link)
previous = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode->link;
cout << "walking over end of list";
currentPos = 0;

template <class BaseData>
int List<BaseData>::current()
return (currentPos);

template <class BaseData>
int List<BaseData>::count()
return (numNodes);

template <class BaseData>
void List<BaseData>::insertAfter(const BaseData &item)
ListNode *p;
p = new ListNode;
p->listData = item;
if (numNodes)
p->link = currentNode->link;
currentNode->link = p;
previous = currentNode;
currentNode = p;
head = p;
p->link = 0;
previous = 0;
currentNode = p;

template <class BaseData>
void List<BaseData>::remove()
ListNode *p, *temp;
p = currentNode;
if (numNodes)   //there are nodes
{if (previous)   //this is not the first node in the list
{   //any other node in list but first
previous->link = currentNode->link;
if (currentNode->link != 0)
currentNode = currentNode->link;
else   //deleting last node in list
currentNode = previous;
temp = head;
if (temp == currentNode)
previous = 0;
while (temp->link != currentNode && temp)
temp = temp->link;
previous = temp;
delete p;
{   //delete first node in list
head = head->link;
delete p;
currentNode = head;

//if first and last node in list
if (!numNodes) currentPos = 0;
else cout << "empty list" << endl;

template <class BaseData>
void List<BaseData>::replace(BaseData &item)
if (currentNode)
currentNode->listData = item;

template <class BaseData>
List<BaseData>& List<BaseData>:: operator = (List<BaseData> &init)
if (this == &init) return *this;

ListNode *temp, *newList, *current, *newNode;
currentNode = head;
while (currentNode) //delete existing left side list
temp = currentNode;
currentNode = currentNode->link;
delete temp;

current = init.head;
newList = 0;
while (current) //copy list
{ newNode = new ListNode;
newNode->listData = current->listData;
newNode->link = 0;
if (newList)
newList->link = newNode;
newList = newList->link;
else newList = newNode;
if (current == init.head)
head = newNode;
current = current->link;

numNodes = init.numNodes;
currentPos = 0;
previous = 0;
currentNode = 0;
return *this;



#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using namespace std;

template <class BaseData>
class List
struct ListNode
BaseData listData;
ListNode* link;


List(List& init);
void first();
void last();
void makeCurrent(int position);
void prev();
void next();
int current();
int count();
void insertBefore(const BaseData& item);
void insertAfter(const BaseData& item);
void remove();
void replace(BaseData& item);
BaseData* examine();
List<BaseData>& operator = (List<BaseData>& source);
void destroy();


ListNode* head, * currentNode, * previous;
int numNodes;
int currentPos;


#include "list.t"

In: Computer Science

write a script named that is used to do simple arithmetic for the user. There...

write a script named that is used to do simple arithmetic for the user. There should be no command line arguments. Instead, all values from the user should be prompted for and read in to the script using the read command. Specifically, you need to ask the user for two integers and an operation string. The operation should be "add", "sub", "mul", "div", or "exp", for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation, respectively. Your script should take the two numbers, perform the requested operation, and output the result. Here is a sample run:

[user@localhost ~]$

Enter an integer: 5

Enter another integer: 7

Enter an operation (add,sub,mul,div,exp): mul

5 * 7 = 35

[user@localhost ~]$

The script will have to translate the operation string to the correct operation using either a case statement or if/else statements. Note that you do not need to verify that the numbers given are actual numbers, but you DO need to verify that the operation string is one of the five listed operations. If it isn't one of the five, print an appropriate error message and exit.

Be sure to test your script thoroughly. When you're done, TAKE A SCREENSHOT (5) of the output of the script using some example inputs.

TAKE A SCREENSHOT (6 – your script. I can’t grade if your screenshot is not readable. Bigger font please! If you can’t control font size, please submit the file as text format.

In: Computer Science

Complete the following for full credit in this assignment: Complete the coding requirement for the Class...

Complete the following for full credit in this assignment:

Complete the coding requirement for the Class Method Bodies:

Write the constructor: This should initialize all of your class fields and dynamically allocate memory for your array that will hold your stack data. You should use the constant “n” as the size for your fixed-size stack.

Write the push method: This should add the item in the formal parameter to your stack. Caveat: You need to check and make sure you aren’t going out of bounds with your array. If so, you need to ignore requests to add to the stack as it is full. After that, you can simply add the item and update your cursor (“top” field).

Write the toString method: If the stack is empty, simple return empty brackets “[]”. Otherwise, build a string that consists of every item in the stack inside the brackets and separated by commas (e.g. [1,2,3]). You must use a loop to do this, but you will likely have an extra comma at the end. You can use the substring method to remove the ending comma.

Write the isEmpty method: This can be done in one line if you are savvy. Simply return whether the size of your stack is zero or not.

Write the size method: This can also be done in one line depending on how you programmed the rest of the class. Simply return how many items are currently in the stack.

Write the peek method: This should return the value at the top of the stack. If the stack is empty, return -1. Caveat: Make sure you check whether the stack is empty BEFORE you try accessing array elements otherwise you could crash the program.

Write the pop method: This should return the value at the top of the stack and then remove that item from the stack. We can use “lazy evaluation” which means we don’t actually remove the item but only remove access to it. Simply decrement your cursor variable to remove access to it. If the stack is empty, return -1. Caveat: Make sure you check whether the stack is empty BEFORE you try accessing array elements otherwise you could crash the program.

Write a clear method. This should set the stack to the empty state. In other words, it “resets” the stack to how it was when you first created the stack object. You should use “Lazy Evaluation” for efficiency.

public class Lab05{
   public static void main(String[] args){
       StackInt st = new StackInt();
       p(st.isEmpty());           // This should be true
       p(st.peek());               // This should be -1
       p(st.size());               // This should be 0
       for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
           st.push(i);            // This adds 10 items to the stack
       p(st.toString());           // This should be [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
       p(st.isEmpty());           // This should be false
       p(st.peek());               // This should be 9
       p(st.size());               // This should be 10
       p("Popped " + st.pop() + " from stack...");   // This should be "Popped 9 from stack..."
       p(st.toString());           // This should be [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
       st.clear();                // This should clear the stack...
       p(st.isEmpty());           // This should be true
   public static <E> void p(E s){

In: Computer Science

convert -4972.67 to IEEE-754 single precision and double precision both. Need a lot of explanation. (Atleast...

convert -4972.67 to IEEE-754 single precision and double precision both.
Need a lot of explanation. (Atleast 1000 words)

In: Computer Science