--> Take a copy of the / etc / passwd file to the root user's home...

--> Take a copy of the / etc / passwd file to the root user's home directory.
--> Transfer the username-userID information in this file to the file named user_idler.txt.
--> Export the file named user_idler.txt in alphabetical order to user_list.txt file
--> Show how many lines the file user_idler.txt consists of.
--> Find the number of lines for the letter in the file named user_idler.txt

In: Computer Science

Create a Python program that: Creates a sales receipt, displays the receipt entries and totals, and...

Create a Python program that:

  • Creates a sales receipt, displays the receipt entries and totals, and saves the receipt entries to a file
    • Prompt the user to enter the
      • Item Name
      • Item Quantity
      • Item Price
    • Display the item name, the quantity, and item price, and the extended price (Item Quantity multiplied by Item Price) after the entry is made
    • Save the item name, quantity, item price, and extended price to a file
      • When you create the file, prompt the user for the name they want to give the file
      • Separate the items saved with commas
      • Each entry should be on a separate line in the text file
    • Ask the user if they have more items to enter
  • Once the user has finished entering items
    • Close the file with the items entered
    • Display the sales total
    • If the sales total is more than $100
      • Calculate and display a 10% discount
    • Calculate and display the sales tax using 8% as the sales tax rate
      • The sales tax should be calculated on the sales total after the discount
    • Display the total for the sales receipt

Save the program and submit it to this site for grading.

In: Computer Science

C++ Bank Account Error Fix, full code. I am using Dev-C++ to Compile and Execute. The...

C++ Bank Account Error Fix, full code. I am using Dev-C++ to Compile and Execute.

The project is below, I have supplied the code and I'm getting an error in SavingsAccount.h file.

17   5   C:\Users\adam.brunell\Documents\Classes\C++\Week4\SavingsAccount.h   [Error] 'SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(std::string, double, double)' is protected


i.SavingsAccount: Assume an Interest Rate of 0.03

ii.HighInterestSavings: Assume an Interest Rate of 0.05, Minimum Balance = $2500

iii.NoServiceChargeChecking: Assume an Interest Rate = 0.02, Minimum of Balance = $1000

iv.ServiceChargeChecking – Assume account service charge = $10, Maximum number of checks = 5, Service Charge if customer exceeds the maximum number of checks = $5.

v.NoServicechargeChecking: Assume an interest rate = 0.02, Minimum Balance = $1000

vi.HighInterestChecking: Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Minimum Balance = $5000

vii.CertificateOfDepsit: Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Initial Number of Maturity Months = 6


B.Capitalize the first letter of the derived class names.

C.Use the following driver to validate your program:




#include "bankAccount.h"

#include "SavingsAccount.h"

#include "HighInterestSavings.h"

#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"

#include "ServiceChargeChecking.h"

#include "HighInterestChecking.h"

#include "CertificateOfDeposit.h"

#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


    vector accountsList;

       //SavingsAccount( Name, Account number, Balance ) - Assume an interest rate = 0.03

    accountsList.push_back(new SavingsAccount("Bill", 10200, 2500));

       //HighInterestSavings(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $2500

    accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestSavings("Susan", 10210, 2000));

       //NoServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.02, Minimum balance = $1000

    accountsList.push_back(new NoServiceChargeChecking("John", 20100,


       //ServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume account service charge = $10, Maximum number of checks = 5, Service Charee Excess Number of Checks = $5

    accountsList.push_back(new ServiceChargeChecking("Ravi", 30100, 1800));

       //HighIntererestChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) - Assume an inerest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $5000

    accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestChecking("Sheila", 20200, 6000));

       //Certificate(name, Account Number, Balance, Interest Rate, Number of Months) - Assume an initial interest rate = 0.05, Initial Number of Maturity Months = 6

    accountsList.push_back(new CertificateOfDeposit("Hamid", 51001, 18000,

                                                0.075, 18));

    cout << "January:\n-------------" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




        cout << endl;


    cout << "\nFebruary:\n-------------" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




        cout << endl;


    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




    cout << "\nMarch:\n-------------" << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)




        cout << endl;



    return 0;


The Expected Output is:



Savings account: Bill    ACCT# 10200    Balance: $2575.00

High Interest Savings: Susan     ACCT# 10210    Balance: $2100.00

No Service Charge Check. John    ACCT# 20100    Balance: $3500.00

Service Charge Checking: Ravi    ACCT# 30100    Balance: $1790.00

Higher Interest Checking: Sheila         ACCT# 20200    Balance: $6300.00

Certificate of Deposit: Hamid    ACCT# 51001    Balance: $19350.00



Savings account: Bill    ACCT# 10200    Balance: $2652.25

High Interest Savings: Susan     ACCT# 10210    Balance: $2205.00

No Service Charge Check. John    ACCT# 20100    Balance: $3500.00

Service Charge Checking: Ravi    ACCT# 30100    Balance: $1780.00

Higher Interest Checking: Sheila         ACCT# 20200    Balance: $6615.00

Certificate of Deposit: Hamid    ACCT# 51001    Balance: $20801.25



Savings account: Bill    ACCT# 10200    Balance: $2216.82

High Interest Savings: Susan     ACCT# 10210    Balance: $2315.25

No Service Charge Check. John    ACCT# 20100    Balance: $3000.00

Service Charge Checking: Ravi    ACCT# 30100    Balance: $1270.00

Higher Interest Checking: Sheila         ACCT# 20200    Balance: $6420.75

Certificate of Deposit: Hamid    ACCT# 51001    Balance: $22361.34

Press any key to continue . . .



#include "bankAccount.h"
#include "SavingsAccount.h"
#include "HighInterestSavings.h"
#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"
#include "ServiceChargeChecking.h"
#include "HighInterestChecking.h"
#include "CertificateOfDeposit.h"
#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;
int main()
vector accountsList;

   //SavingsAccount( Name, Account number, Balance ) - Assume an interest rate = 0.03
accountsList.push_back(new SavingsAccount("Bill", 10200, 2500));

   //HighInterestSavings(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $2500
accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestSavings("Susan", 10210, 2000));

   //NoServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume an interest rate = 0.02, Minimum balance = $1000
accountsList.push_back(new NoServiceChargeChecking("John", 20100,

   //ServiceChargeChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) -- Assume account service charge = $10, Maximum number of checks = 5, Service Charee Excess Number of Checks = $5
accountsList.push_back(new ServiceChargeChecking("Ravi", 30100, 1800));

   //HighIntererestChecking(Name, Account Number, Balance) - Assume an inerest rate = 0.05, Minimum balance = $5000
accountsList.push_back(new HighInterestChecking("Sheila", 20200, 6000));

   //Certificate(name, Account Number, Balance, Interest Rate, Number of Months) - Assume an initial interest rate = 0.05, Initial Number of Maturity Months = 6
accountsList.push_back(new CertificateOfDeposit("Hamid", 51001, 18000,
0.075, 18));

cout << "January:\n-------------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)
cout << endl;

cout << "\nFebruary:\n-------------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)
cout << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)

cout << "\nMarch:\n-------------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < accountsList.size(); i++)
cout << endl;
return 0;




using namespace std;

class bankAccount {
bankAccount(string name, double initialBalance);
string getName();
unsigned int getAccountNumber();
double getBalance();
double getInterestRate();
string getStatementString();
void deposit(double amount);
void deposit(double amount, string statement);
void withdraw(double amount);
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
virtual void printStatement() = 0;
void addStatementLine(string statement, double amount);
string name;
unsigned int accountNumber;
double balance;
static unsigned int nextAccountNumber;
string statementString;

#endif /* BANKACCOUNT_H */


#include "bankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

unsigned int BankAccount::nextAccountNumber = 1;

BankAccount::BankAccount(string name, double initialBalance)
stringstream output;

this->name = name;
balance = initialBalance;
accountNumber = nextAccountNumber++;
output << setw(60) << left << "Transaction" << setw(10) << "Amount" << " " << "Balance" << endl;
statementString = output.str();
addStatementLine("Initial Deposit", initialBalance);

string BankAccount::getName()
return name;

unsigned int BankAccount::getAccountNumber()
return accountNumber;

double BankAccount::getBalance()
return balance;

void BankAccount::addStatementLine(string statement, double amount)
stringstream output;
output << setw(60) << left << statement << setw(10) << amount << " " << getBalance() << endl;

void BankAccount::deposit(double amount)
deposit(amount, "Deposit");

void BankAccount::deposit(double amount, string statement)
balance += amount;
addStatementLine(statement, amount);

void BankAccount::withdraw(double amount)
withdraw(amount, "Withdrawal");

void BankAccount::withdraw(double amount, string statement)
if (balance >= amount)
balance -= amount;
addStatementLine(statement, amount);
addStatementLine(statement.append(" Overdraft"), amount);

string BankAccount::getStatementString()
return statementString;



#include "bankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class CertificateOfDeposit : public bankAccount{
CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance, int maturityMonths);
CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance);
int getMaturityMonths();
double getInterestRate();
int getCurrentCDMonth();
int getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths();
void withdraw();
void incrementMonth();
void printStatement();
int maturityMonths;
double interestRate;
int currentCDMonth;
int withdrawalPenaltyMonths;
void withdraw(double amount);
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
void deposit(double amount);



#include "CertificateOfDeposit.h"

CertificateOfDeposit::CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance, int maturityMonths) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
this->maturityMonths = maturityMonths;
interestRate = 0.05;
currentCDMonth = 0;
withdrawalPenaltyMonths = 3;

CertificateOfDeposit::CertificateOfDeposit(string name, double initialBalance) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
maturityMonths = 6;
interestRate = 0.05;
currentCDMonth = 0;
withdrawalPenaltyMonths = 3;

int CertificateOfDeposit::getCurrentCDMonth()
return currentCDMonth;

double CertificateOfDeposit::getInterestRate()
return interestRate;

int CertificateOfDeposit::getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths()
return withdrawalPenaltyMonths;

int CertificateOfDeposit::getMaturityMonths()
return maturityMonths;

void CertificateOfDeposit::withdraw()
if (getCurrentCDMonth() < getMaturityMonths())
bankAccount::withdraw(getBalance()*getInterestRate()*getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths(), "Early Withdrawal Penalty");
bankAccount::withdraw(getBalance(), "Close Account");

void CertificateOfDeposit::incrementMonth()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance()*getInterestRate(), "Monthly Interest");
if (getCurrentCDMonth() < getMaturityMonths())

void CertificateOfDeposit::printStatement()
cout << "Certificate of Deposit Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl;
cout << "Maturity Month: " << getMaturityMonths() << ", Current Month: " << getCurrentCDMonth() << endl;
cout << "Early Withdrawal Penalty: " << getWithdrawalPenaltyMonths() << " (months)" << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"


using namespace std;

class HighInterestChecking : public NoServiceChargeChecking {
HighInterestChecking(string name, double initialBalance);
void printStatement();



#include "HighInterestChecking.h"

HighInterestChecking::HighInterestChecking(string name, double initialBalance) : NoServiceChargeChecking(name, initialBalance, 5000, 0.05)


void HighInterestChecking::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "High Interest Checking Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl;
cout << "Minimum Balance: " << getMinimumBalance() << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "SavingsAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class HighInterestSavings : public SavingsAccount{
HighInterestSavings(string name, double initialBalance);
int getMinimumBalance();
void printStatement();
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
void withdraw(double amount);
int minimumBalance;



#include "HighInterestSavings.h"

HighInterestSavings::HighInterestSavings(string name, double initialBalance) : SavingsAccount(name, initialBalance, 0.05)
minimumBalance = 2500;

int HighInterestSavings::getMinimumBalance()
return minimumBalance;

void HighInterestSavings::withdraw(double amount, string statement)
if (amount + getMinimumBalance() <= getBalance())
bankAccount::withdraw(amount, statement);
addStatementLine(statement.append(" Overdraft. Below Minimum Balance."), amount);

void HighInterestSavings::withdraw(double amount)
withdraw(amount, "Withdrawal");

void HighInterestSavings::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "High Interest Savings Account Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Minimum Balance: " << getMinimumBalance() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "checkingAccount.h"


using namespace std;

class NoServiceChargeChecking : public CheckingAccount {
NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance);
void writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber);
void printStatement();
void withdraw(double amount, string statement);
void withdraw(double amount);
double getInterestRate();
int getMinimumBalance();
NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance, int minBalance, double interestRate);
double interestRate;
int minimumBalance;



#include "NoServiceChargeChecking.h"

NoServiceChargeChecking::NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance) : checkingAccount(name, initialBalance)
minimumBalance = 1000;
this->interestRate = 0.02;

NoServiceChargeChecking::NoServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance, int minBalance, double interestRate) : checkingAccount(name, initialBalance)
minimumBalance = minBalance;
this->interestRate = interestRate;

void NoServiceChargeChecking::writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber)
stringstream output;
output << "Check #" << checkNumber;
withdraw(amount, output.str());

void NoServiceChargeChecking::withdraw(double amount, string statement)
if (amount + getMinimumBalance() <= getBalance())
bankAccount::withdraw(amount, statement);
addStatementLine(statement.append(" Overdraft. Below Minimum Balance."), amount);

void NoServiceChargeChecking::withdraw(double amount)
withdraw(amount, "Withdrawal");

void NoServiceChargeChecking::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "No Service Charge Checking Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl;
cout << "Minimum Balance: " << getMinimumBalance() << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;

int NoServiceChargeChecking::getMinimumBalance()
return minimumBalance;

double NoServiceChargeChecking::getInterestRate()
return interestRate;



#include "bankAccount.h"

class CheckingAccount : public bankAccount {
CheckingAccount(string name, double initialBalance);
virtual void writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber) = 0;




#include "checkingAccount.h"

CheckingAccount::CheckingAccount(string name, double initialBalance) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)




#include "bankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class SavingsAccount : public bankAccount
SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance);
double getInterestRate();
void printStatement();
SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance, double interestRate);
double interestRate;



#include "SavingsAccount.h"

SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
interestRate = 0.03;

SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(string name, double initialBalance, double interestRate) : bankAccount(name, initialBalance)
this->interestRate = interestRate;

double SavingsAccount::getInterestRate()
return interestRate;

void SavingsAccount::printStatement()
bankAccount::deposit(getBalance() * getInterestRate(), "Interest");
cout << "Savings Account Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl;
cout << "Interest Rate: " << getInterestRate() * 100 << "%" << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;



#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;

class ServiceChargeChecking : public CheckingAccount {
ServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance);
void writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber);
void printStatement();
int checksWritten;
static const int CHECK_LIMIT = 5;
static const int SERVICE_CHARGE = 10;



#include "ServiceChargeChecking.h"

using namespace std;

ServiceChargeChecking::ServiceChargeChecking(string name, double initialBalance) : CheckingAccount(name, initialBalance)
bankAccount::withdraw(SERVICE_CHARGE, "Service Charge");
checksWritten = 0;

void ServiceChargeChecking::writeCheck(double amount, int checkNumber)
stringstream output;
if (++checksWritten <= CHECK_LIMIT)
output << "Check #" << checkNumber;
bankAccount::withdraw(amount, output.str());

output << "Maximum Limit of Checks Reached. Check # " << checkNumber << " bounced";
addStatementLine(output.str(), amount);

void ServiceChargeChecking::printStatement()
cout << "Service Charge Checking Statement" << endl;
cout << "Name: " << getName() << endl;
cout << "Account Number: " << getAccountNumber() << endl << endl;
cout << getStatementString() << endl;
cout << "Final Balance: " << getBalance() << endl << endl;

Receiving Error in SavingsAccount.h

17   5   C:\Users\adam.brunell\Documents\Classes\C++\Week4\SavingsAccount.h   [Error] 'SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(std::string, double, double)' is protected

In: Computer Science

Compare and contrast two films (they may be feature films or documentaries, fiction or non-fiction) on...

Compare and contrast two films (they may be feature films or documentaries, fiction or non-fiction) on the way they portray organizational life, the nature of work, systems, or culture at work. These films can deal with any aspect(s) or function(s) of the organization (e.g., finance, HR, IT, R&D, production, sales, general management, etc.).

Specifically, are these films realistic depictions of how these firms would operate in real life? Describe the organizational culture, professionalism (or lack of it), respect for work and employees, leadership principles, efficiencies, motivational criteria, team dynamics, or tolerance for risk. For example, do the organizations accept and encourage risk-taking among employees? How are decisions made – via participatory/group decision making or top down/ authoritatively? Are there ethical issues presented in the films? Are the corporate cultures based on performance or careerism? Do the cultures encourage selfish or team-oriented behavior? Comment on the aspects of organizational behavior that you notice in the films.

Lastly, do the films provide any useful management lessons (be they positive examples of how to do things well, or depictions of what “not to do” in an organization).

Feel free to post a clip (via YouTube link or other source) that you think might help dramatize your point (Or maybe even entertain us!). Some of my favorite work-related films include: Margin Call (2011), Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), Joy (2015), Office Space (1999), Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year (2009), Harlan Country U.S.A. (1976), American Factory (2019), and Executive Suite (1954). What are some of yours?

plz +400 word essay

In: Computer Science

use logism: For each of the following functions, simplify using Karnaugh Maps, then build, and hand...

use logism: For each of the following functions, simplify using Karnaugh Maps, then build, and hand in a properlydocumented circuit. You need to submit both a K-Map as well as the circuit for each part. a) F1 (a,b,c,d) = Σ(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9,10,11) b) F2 (a,b,c,d) = Σ(2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15) δ(a,b,c,d) = Σ(0, 5, 7, 9, 10)

In: Computer Science

Use the Affine cipher algorithm with k1=7,k2=11 to encrypt the following message : I want to...

Use the Affine cipher algorithm with k1=7,k2=11 to encrypt the following message : I want to get a hundred in this test

In: Computer Science

What is Enterprise Governance and IT Governance in Enterprise Architecture? PLEASE write in your own words!...

What is Enterprise Governance and IT Governance in Enterprise Architecture? PLEASE write in your own words! thanks

In: Computer Science

Write a code in C to shift serially the content of the register labelled x through...

Write a code in C to shift serially the content of the register labelled x through the bit #1 of Port A starting with least significant bit. Include the port configuration. Do not include any directive.           

In: Computer Science

(Do the algorithm and flowchart) Write a C++ program that reads integer numbers and print it...

(Do the algorithm and flowchart)

Write a C++ program that reads integer numbers and print it in horizontal order of the screen

In: Computer Science

Python3 *Use Recursion* Write a function called smallest_sum(A,L) where A is the value and L is...

Python3 *Use Recursion*

Write a function called smallest_sum(A,L) where A is the value and L is a list of ints.

smallest_sum should return the length of the smallest combinations of L that add up to A

if there are no possible combinations then float("inf") is returned.


smallest_sum(5, [2, 3]) == 2

smallest_sum(313, [7, 24, 42]) == 10

smallest_sum(13, [8, 3, 9, 6]) == float(‘‘inf’’)

No Loops and map/reduce functions are allowed

In: Computer Science

The Gary class is subject to C++ unit testing and therefore has stricter requirements for composition....

The Gary class is subject to C++ unit testing and therefore has stricter requirements for composition. Each required member function will be denoted. (

1) Gary shall be constructed with a parameterized constructor accepting an unsigned integer input parameter representing the size of the board (denote here as BoardSize). Assume that BoardSize is odd! Gary shall initialize his position to be the middle cell of the board, e.g., if the BoardSize is given as 5 Gary would be initialized at index (2,2).

(2) Gary shall contain public member functions which return an unsigned integer type and accept no input named Gary::get_row() and Gary::get_col() which return Gary's row and column position on the board respectively.

(3) Gary shall contain a public member function which returns type void and accepts a Cell pointer called Gary::move(Cell*) which shall (a) alter Gary's orientation based on the Cell's color (b) change the Cell's color (c) move Gary one unit forward in the new orientation

(4) Gary shall contain a public member function which returns type orientation (defined as an enumeration enum orientation {up, right, down, left};) and accepts no input parameters called Gary::get_orientation()

In: Computer Science

Instructions: SLLQueue (13 pts) ● Using the three properties below, implement the queue interface using the...


SLLQueue (13 pts)

● Using the three properties below, implement the

queue interface using the SLLNode class from Lab 2:

head_node → SLLNode object or None

tail_node → SLLNode object or None

size → int, keep track of queue size

● Implement enqueue( ), dequeue( ), front( )

● Use SLLNode methods:

get_item( ), set_item( ), get_next( ), set_next( )

● (5 pts) In enqueue(item):

○ Add new SLLNode (with item) after tail_node

○ Update tail_node and size properties

○ If first item, update head_node property too

● (6 pts) In dequeue( ):

○ If empty, raise Exception('Empty queue: cannot dequeue')

○ Remove head node and return its item

○ Remove any links from old head node

○ Update head_node and size properties

○ If queue becomes empty, reset head_node, tail_node

● (2 pts) In front( ):

○ If empty, raise Exception(Empty queue: no front')

○ Return head node’s item


class SLLQueue:
   def __init__(self):
       # constructor: set properties head_node, tail_node, size
       self.head_node = None
       self.tail_node = None
       self.size = 0

   def __repr__(self):
       # string representation of SLLQueue object
       display = []
       node = self.head_node
       while node != None:
           node = node.get_next()
       display = ', '.join(display)
       return 'front [' + display + ']'

   def is_empty(self):
       # check if queue is empty
       return self.size == 0

   def enqueue(self,item):
       # TODO: Write your code here...
       # TODO: add new node (with item) after tail_node
       # TODO: update tail_node and size properties
       # TODO: if this is the first node added, update head_node too
       pass # TODO: remove this line
   def dequeue(self):
       # TODO: Write your code here...
       # TODO: if empty, raise Exception('Empty queue: cannot dequeue')
       # TODO: remove head_node and return its item
       # TODO: remove any links from old head_node (Hint: set to None)
       # TODO: update head_node and size properties
       # TODO: if queue becomes empty, reset head_node and tail_node
       pass # TODO: remove this line

   def front(self):
       # TODO: Write your code here...
       # TODO: if empty, raise Exception('Empty queue: no front')
       # TODO: return head_node's item

       pass # TODO: remove this line

In: Computer Science

QUESTION 6 A single line comment in C++ language source code can begin with _____   ...


A single line comment in C++ language source code can begin with _____

a) //
b) ;
c) :
d) /*


What is the output of the following program?

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class abc { public: int i; abc(int i) { i = i; } }; main() { abc m(5); cout<<m.i; }

c)Compile Error
d)None of the answers


The following operator can be used to calculate the value of one number raised to another.

a)None of the answers
b) ^
d) ^^   


What is the output of the following program?

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { // local variable declaration: int x = 1; switch(x) { case 1 : cout << "Hi!" << endl; break; default : cout << "Hello!" << endl; } }

a) Hi
d)Compile Error


What is the output of the following program?

#include<iostream> using namespace std; main() { int a[] = {1, 2}, *p = a; cout<<p[1]; }
c)Compile Error
d)Runtime Error

In: Computer Science

Cyber Security is a major concern to legitimate businesses around the world. It is also the...

Cyber Security is a major concern to legitimate businesses around the world. It is also the largest growing illegitimate business. What are the 2 to main attack vectors on the technical side discussed in class? What is the 1 main vector for attack on the social engineering side? Explain how IT managers can best thwart attacks. What is a good business approach to creating a solid defense strategy? Explain the elements.

Please explain thoroughly wit at least 500 words. do not copy paste answers from the web too i can. do that as well. Thank you very much.

In: Computer Science

Module 2 Programming Assignment – Battleship Refactor Refactor your Battleship drawing code from Module 1. Download...

Module 2 Programming Assignment – Battleship Refactor

Refactor your Battleship drawing code from Module 1.

Download the OO template for the basic battleship game, (refer below)

The template has the outline of a battleship game using OO constructs. You need to add the Grid class and complete the code so that it runs correctly.

At a minimum, you need to complete the Draw and DropBomb methods with code similar to the previous assignment. There will be changes due to the different layout, but the core of your code will do the same thing.

In this Module we are adding 2 new features:

  1. Variable sized grid ­ the trivial part of this is making a 2D array based on the passed in size. The second part is adding some ships to that grid ­ we cannot use the constant array from Module 1. You need to come up with a very simple algorithm to add a few ships to the grid. This is purely test code so it doesn't have to be sophisticated in any way (there is time for that later in the class). If you can't think of any ways ask in the forums. Do not ask the user (your teacher) for input to place these ships.
  2. Game over detection - This will be implemented in the readonly property Grid.HasShipsLeft. In this property you will determine if there are any ships left not hit with a bomb. The algorithm should look through the array for any remaining ships each time the property is read.

You may add as many other methods, fields or properties as you feel are required for the assignment.


The code will be tested with grids ranging in size from 5 (the smallest you can fit a size 5 ship) upwards. Make sure that all aspects of the game work correctly without crashing or hanging.

You must use the template code provided!

Like in Module 1, please make sure you show the ships in the grid. At this point we are merely testing our game logic and hidden ships make the game very hard to test.


using System;
namespace BattleshipSimple
internal class BattleShipGame
private Grid grid;

public BattleShipGame(int gridSize)
grid = new Grid(gridSize);

internal void Reset()


internal void Play()
while (grid.HasShipsLeft)

//Read input from user into x, y
int x, y;

grid.DropBomb(x, y);



using System;
namespace BattleshipSimple
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var game = new BattleShipGame(10);
ConsoleKeyInfo response;

Console.WriteLine("Do you want to play again (y/n)");
response = Console.ReadKey();

} while (response.Key == ConsoleKey.Y);

In: Computer Science