In: Computer Science
Problem 1: [10 Marks] Given a generic array with ‘n’ items (not only integers). Give a solution for checking whether there are any duplicate elements in the array or not? You just need to return a boolean (true or false). State the complexity of your solution. Can you come up with another solution that has O(n logn) complexity? Explain.
Problem 2: [10 Marks] Now consider the same problem as problem 1, but this time you only have positive integer numbers ranging from 0 to (n-1) in the array. Can you find a duplicate in O(n) complexity? Implement the solution.
Plz answer 2nd only
In: Computer Science
From 1977 to 1982, Internet Engineering Notes (IENs) were used to document and generate discussion about various topics related to the Internet and Internet protocols. One of the challenges facing the early Internet was inconsistent data representation, including byte ordering. IEN 137 addresses this challenge. Note the date of the IEN, which suggests that it is meant to be at least somewhat whimsical, although still addressing an important topic in computer and network systems.
In: Computer Science
Problem 5: (10 pts) Modify the patient class with two overloaded methods to display a bill for astandard visit based on age. In the first method do not use any parameters to pass in data. If the patient is over 65, then a standard visit is $75. If the patient is under 65, then the standard doctors office visit is $125. Build a second method where you pass in a discount rate. If the patient is over 65, then apply the discount rate to a standard rate of $125. Create a main method that calls both of these methods and displays the results
In: Computer Science
Problem 6: (20 pts) Create two subclasses called outpatient and inpatient which inherit from the patient base class. The outpatient class has an additional data field called doctorOfficeID and the inpatient class has an additional data item called hospitalID. Write a main method that creates inpatient and outpatient objects. Sets data for these objects and display the data.
In: Computer Science
Given an array A[0 … n-1], where each element of the array represent a vote in the election. Assume that each vote is given as an integer representing the ID of the chosen candidate. Can you determine who wins the election? What is the complexity of your solution? Hint: it is similar to finding the element that is repeated the maximum number of times.
In: Computer Science
Array List
Modified from CS2 Software Design & Data Structures by Cliff Shaffer. OpenDSA
#ifndef ALIST_H_RVC
#define ALIST_H_RVC
#include "List.h"
template // Array-based list implementation
class AList : public List {
ListItemType* listArray; //Dynamic Array
int listSize; //Current number of list items
int curr; //Position of current element
AList() {
MAX_SIZE = 1000; // arbitrary
listArray = new
} //end constructor
// Create a new list element with maximum size
"MAX_SIZE" as a parameter
AList(int m) {
listArray = new
} //end constructor
bool isEmpty() const {
return listSize == 0;
void clear() { // Reinitialize the list
listSize = curr = 0; // Simply
reinitialize values
// Insert "it" at current position
// return value indicates success
bool insert(const ListItemType& it) {
if (listSize >= MAX_SIZE) return
for (int i = listSize; i >
curr; i--) //Shift elements up
listArray[i] =
listArray[i - 1]; //to make room
listArray[curr] = it;
listSize++; //Increment list
return true;
// Append "it" to list
bool append(const ListItemType& it) {
cout << "\n\n******* This is
to be completed for the lab\n\n";
return true;
// Remove and return the current element
ListItemType remove() {
if (curr == listSize) curr--;
ListItemType it =
listArray[curr]; // Copy the element
for (int i = curr; i < listSize
- 1; i++) // Shift them down
listArray[i] =
listArray[i + 1];
listSize--; // Decrement size
if (curr > listSize) {
curr =
return it;
void moveToStart() { curr = 0; } // Set to
void moveToEnd() { curr = listSize; } // Set to
void prev() { if (curr != 0) curr--; } // Move
void next() { if (curr < listSize) curr++; } //
Move right
int length() const { return listSize; } // Return list
int currPos() const { return curr; } // Return current
// Set current list position
to "pos"
bool moveToPos(int pos) {
if ((pos < 0) || (pos >
listSize)) return false;
curr = pos;
return true;
// Return true if current position is at end of the
bool isAtEnd() const { return curr == listSize; }
// Return the current element
ListItemType getValue() const {
return listArray[curr];
bool find(const ListItemType& it) {
ListItemType curr =
cout << "\n\n*******
This is to be completed for the assignment\n\n";
return true;
bool findNext(const ListItemType& it) {
cout << "\n\n*******
This is to be completed for the assignment\n\n";
return true;
int count(const ListItemType& it) {
cout << "\n\n*******
This is to be completed for the assignment\n\n";
return 0;
Write the code for the find, findNext and count method in AList.h. This is an Array based list implementation problem in ADT, where we discuss about stacks
In: Computer Science
Choose an existing web site that you think can be improved or you have experienced problems with and explore the site thoroughly.
In: Computer Science
Find the K'th smallest element in an unsorted array of integers.
Find the K'th largest element in an unsorted array of integers.
please make two separate methods in java
In: Computer Science
What to submit:
One zip file named
This zip must contain one VS 2017 solution named Ass3, which contains one C# Windows Forms App project also named Ass3 and the project contains a default form, Form1.cs and Program.cs.
No change should be made in Program.cs, but your Form1 must be designed and implemented to satisfy the following requirements.
**Do not submit only a single file of the solution or project. The whole solution folder of VS 2017 must be zipped and submitted for grading.
In: Computer Science
What determines the capacity of an optical fibre strand?
In: Computer Science
Based on the statement, what are the possibilities that can happen to Uber Technologies Inc. autonomous vehicles Justify your answer. “Self-driving Uber kills Arizona woman in first fatal crash involving pedestrian”.
In: Computer Science
3. Write a Java program that generates a set of random strings from a given string of same length where no character is ever repeated and characters belong to the original string.
Input: “Hello World”
Output: “World oHlel”
In: Computer Science
use java Write a program that, given two binary numbers represented as strings, prints their sum in binary. The binary strings are comma separated, two per line. The final answer should not have any leading zeroes. In case the answer is zero, just print one zero i.e. 0
Your program should read lines from standard input. Each line contains two binary strings, separated by a comma and no spaces.
For each pair of binary numbers print to standard output their binary sum, one per line.
In: Computer Science
numbers = [75, 635, 274, 353, 534, 684, 381, 67, 968, 155, 502, 149, 10, 789, 757, 379, \
732, 386, 692, 473, 797,
272, 538, 703, 629, 179, 197, 521, 411, 590, 818, 892, 896, 951, 365, 800, 76\
7, 651, 584, 220, 584, 221,
23, 819, 794, 957, 74, 985, 395, 544, 324, 464, 980, 293, 980, 208, 560, 651,\
710, 21, 322, 968, 610,
947, 622, 369, 504, 113, 785, 119, 46, 332, 137, 865, 127, 333, 83, 403, 696,\
771, 733, 811, 220, 451,
559, 446, 895, 90, 591, 257, 506, 208, 432, 197, 16, 344, 261, 830, 115, 924,\
288, 442, 464, 213, 409,
815, 495, 205, -123, 147, 930, 69, 188, 419, 880, 815, 291, 646, 464, 888, 31\
0, 228, 529, 218, 565, 642,
315, 328, 288, 374, 208, 830, 834, 879, 75, 983, 112, 556, 736, 211, 582, 437\
, 717, 833, 719, 684, 518,
517, 744, 350]
I got to find average, maximum and minimum value from that given list in Python
In: Computer Science