List all major steps when developing android applications. Use code examples if possible. These steps should...

List all major steps when developing android applications. Use code examples if possible. These steps should pertain to the most commonly distributed android applications. Only consider Java-based applications.

In: Computer Science

Write a single statement that prompts the user to enter their age in years and places...

Write a single statement that prompts the user to enter their age in years and places the integer value in a variable named age.

Write a short code segment in Python that prompts the user to enter the number of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies they have, compute the total value and print that value

What convention is considered “standard” for the naming of variables and functions, in order to improve the readability of code?

What type of error will occur due to the following Python statement? -  Class = “Type II”

Using decimal scientific literal notation, write the number 314,159.

In: Computer Science

in your opinion what is Leach (2010) Can your computer make you happy in 200 words.

in your opinion what is Leach (2010) Can your computer make you happy in 200 words.

In: Computer Science

Write a C# console program that continually asks the user "Do you want to enter a...

Write a C# console program that continually asks the user "Do you want

to enter a name (Y/N)? ". Use a "while" loop to accomplish this. As long as the user enters

either an upper or lowercase 'Y', then prompt to the screen "Enter First and Last Name: " and

then get keyboard input of the name. After entering the name, display the name to the screen.


Create a Patient class which has private fields for patientid, lastname,

firstname, age, and email. Create public data items for each of these private fields with get and

set methods. The entire lastname must be stored in uppercase. Create a main class which

instantiates a patient object and sets values for each data item within the class. Display the

data in the object to the console window.


Modify the Patient class with two overloaded constructors: A new default

constructor which initializes the data items for a patient object using code within the

constructor (use any data). A second constructor with parameters to pass all the data items

into the object at the time of instantiation. Create a test main class which instantiates two

objects. Instantiate the first object using the default constructor and the second object using

the constructor with the parameters.


Modify the main class in the patient application to include a display

method that has a parameter to pass a patient object and display its content.


Modify the patient class with two overloaded methods to display a bill for a

standard visit based on age. In the first method do not use any parameters to pass in data. If

the patient is over 65, then a standard visit is $75. If the patient is under 65, then the standard

doctors office visit is $125. Build a second method where you pass in a discount rate. If the

patient is over 65, then apply the discount rate to a standard rate of $125. Create a main

method that calls both of these methods and displays the results.


Create two subclasses called outpatient and inpatient which inherit from

the patient base class. The outpatient class has an additional data field called doctorOfficeID

and the inpatient class has an additional data item called hospitalID. Write a main method that

creates inpatient and outpatient objects. Sets data for these objects and display the data.


Modify the base class of Problem 5 to be an abstract class with an abstract

display method called displayPatient that does not implement any code. Create specific

implementations for this method in both the outpatient and inpatient subclasses

In: Computer Science

In C++ with comments in code with screenshot In this assignment, you are asked to create...

In C++ with comments in code with screenshot

In this assignment, you are asked to create a class called Account, which models a bank account. The requirement of the account class is as follows, (1) It contains two data members: accountNumber and balance, which maintains the current account name and balance, respectively. (1) It contains three functions: functions credit() and debit(), which adds or subtracts the given amount from the balance, respectively. The debit() function shall print ”amount withdrawn exceeds the current balance!” if the amount is more than balance. A function print(), which shall print ”A/C no: xxx Balance=xxx” (e.g., A/C no: 991234 Balance=$88.88), with balance rounded to two decimal places.

When you submit your code, please upload your class code(s) and your test code to prove that your code works correctly.

In: Computer Science

please explain how does the following C code work. a) int function1(int num1, int num2) {...

please explain how does the following C code work.


int function1(int num1, int num2) {
int num = num1 ^ num2;
int result = 0;
while(num > 0) {
result += (num & 1);
num >>= 1;
return result;


int function2(unsigned int num) {
return num & ~(num - 1);


int f1(unsigned int x) {
int count = 0;
while(x) {
count++; x = x&(x-1);
return count;

d) double ldexp(double x, int exponent) is a C math function that returns x multiplied
by 2 raised to the power of exponent. How many narrowing and how many promotions
happen automatically in the following code line? Name them one by one and explain each
one separately.
float f = 2.2f * ldexp(24.4, 3.0 * 2) - 4.4;


int main() {
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int *b = a; int **c = &b;
printf("%d\n", **c*2);
printf("%d\n", **c-2*4);
printf("%d\n", **c+1-*b+1);
return 0;


In: Computer Science

Below is for C language typedef struct _node { Node *next; char *str; } Node; You...

Below is for C language

typedef struct _node {

Node *next;

char *str;

} Node;

You are given a function that takes in two Node* pointers to two different linked lists. Each linked list node has a string represented by a character array that is properly null terminated. You're function is supposed to return true if the concatenation of strings in a linked list match each other, else return false.


List 1: "h" -> "el" -> "l" -> "o" -> NULL

List 2: "he" -> "llo" -> NULL

Return: True

List 1: "je" -> "lc -> "l" -> "o" -> NULL

List 2: "h" -> "e" -> "ll" -> "" -> "o" -> NULL

Return: False

List 1: “e” -> “llo” -> “h” -> NULL

List 2: “h” -> “e” -> “l” -> “l” -> “o” -> NULL

Return: False

bool areListsMatching(Node *list1, Node *list2) {

// TODO: Fill this


In: Computer Science

Fill in the following table to show how the given integers are represented, assuming 16 bits...

Fill in the following table to show how the given integers are represented, assuming 16 bits are used to store values and the machine uses 2’s complement notation. (This is not necessarily MARIE.) Give values in the last two columns in hexadecimal as they would appear memory assuming the byte at address a is on the left and the byte at the address a+1 is on the right.

2-Byte Big

2-Byte Little




Endian (hex)

Endian (hex)



1111 1101 1110 0100
















byte a | byte a+1

byte a | byte a+1

In: Computer Science

You need to determine the kind of class a particular variable is. How can you determine...

You need to determine the kind of class a particular variable is. How can you determine this? How can you determine its identifier?

Explain the operations performed and their order in evaluating the following expression, and give the result of that evaluation. -- var = -8.0 + 3.0 * 4.5 – 2.0 / 33.0

Write a statement that assigns the integer portion of a floating point variable named wraps to wholewraps as a floating point variable.

Show by a Python code example how to load the Python math library and then determine the square root of the variable gross.

In: Computer Science

C++ programming question Write a program that will read input from a text file called "theNumbers.txt"...

C++ programming question

  1. Write a program that will read input from a text file called "theNumbers.txt" (you will have to provide your own when debugging). The text file that is to be opened is formatted a certain way, namely, there is always one integer, one character (representing an operation), another integer, and then a new line character, with spaces between each item. A sample text file is provided below.


144 + 26

3 * 18

88 / 4

22 – 8

16 / 2

20 * 20

-Your Program should read in all items, compute the answer to each expression (any decimals should be rounded to the nearest tenth), and output the answers to an output file of the user's choosing. The formatting of the output is that there is a set width of 10 characters for each answer, left aligned, with a new line character every 3 answers. A sample “answers.txt” is provided below. (not drawn to scale)


17000      54      22

14               8            400

-You may assume that the name of the text file that will be outputted to is always 20 characters or less.

-You may assume that there are only 4 possible operations ( + - *   /), add, subtract, multiply, and decimal division, and that no other characters will show up as the middle symbol.

- Appropriate error messages should be displayed if the file cannot be opened.

- Extra Credit: The answers in the output file ONLY show a decimal if the answer is not a whole number answer.

In: Computer Science

Using python, please complete these 4 exercises. Please limit your code to these skills: For loop...

Using python, please complete these 4 exercises. Please limit your code to these skills:

For loop

While loop

Input function

F strings



Nested ifs


Exercise 1

Using the following list, do the following:

  1. Sort it in ascending order
  2. In a print statement, referencing the list and its index numbers, print the lowest value and the highest value.

[15, 70, 15, 38, 49, 98, 62, 89, 2, 21, 40, 74, 36, 36, 65, 1, 55, 16, 24, 56]

Exercise 2 (1 Point):

Using the following list, do the following:

1. Iterate through each element in the list

2. Print out whether the element is positive or negative or zero on a new line for each element.

[-2, 1, -2, 7, -8, -5, 5, 10, -6, 7]

Exercise 3 (2 Points):

Create a new list using the range function, appending the values from the range function's output into the list.

The range function must:

  1. Start at 1
  2. Stop at 50
  3. Skip every other number

Hint: Use either a for loop or a list comprehension

Exercise 4 (6 Points):

In this exercise, you will be required to do the following:

Take the following phrase: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

  1. Convert it to a list
  2. Inspect each word in the list
    1. If the word in the list starts with a vowel (excluding y), then:
      1. add the letters "way" to the end of the word.
      2. EX: the word "and" would become "andway"
    2. If the word in the list does not start with a vowel (including y), then:
      1. take the first letter from the word and move it to the end of the word
      2. add to the end of the word, the letters "ay"
      3. EX: the word "money" would become "oneymay"
  3. Append each modified word to a new list
  4. convert the list to a string and print that string out
    1. HINT: use join()

So, the end result should be:

Hetay onlyway hingtay eway avehay otay earfay isway earfay itselfway

In: Computer Science

Briefly write about your thoughts about Freedom of Speech on the Internet.

Briefly write about your thoughts about Freedom of Speech on the Internet.

In: Computer Science

Can you think of a way that Excel can be used unethically and give an example?...

Can you think of a way that Excel can be used unethically and give an example?

Your answer must be a minimum of 2 paragraphs, no spelling errors, and complete sentences.

In: Computer Science

Which of the case studies that you read (Walmart, Target or 5 Big Data Industries) caught...

Which of the case studies that you read (Walmart, Target or 5 Big Data Industries) caught your attention and why? Before reading the articles, did you think about data being used in the manner that it is? Name one other organization that may be using data warehousing and data mining techniques and explain how it is being used. Or explain how after years of collecting data how the data in the Academic Database that was implemented in Modules 6 and 7 can be useful to the academic institution? Explain your answer in 100 to 150.

In: Computer Science

1.It is acceptable to let some else use your MSDSQ120 account if you are working close...

1.It is acceptable to let some else use your MSDSQ120 account if you are working close by in the lab. True or False

2. If I am a performing technical review on a plate map and I do not see a designated area for signature/initial and date, then the following is true: (choose the best response)

A. the plate map is exempt from my technical review

B. I only need to email the Originator of the plate map and say " I review the plate map"

C. I can apply my signature and date to the form.

D. I can apply my signature, date, and meaning of signature as "Reviewer" so that the purpose of my signature and date is clearly identify .

E. None of the above.

3. While in the lab, data should be recorded... ( Choose the best response)

A. On a scrap paper, then neatly written on the worksheet at the of the day.

B. Analyst should remember what happened in the lab with the assay and then record data at their desk.

C. While at the bench at the time each step is completed on the correct batch record.

4. Which examples below are acceptable format to document the date and time ( Choose best response)

a. 27Nov2020

b. 27Nov20

c. Nov 3, 2020

d. Nov3rd, 2020

e. January 3, 2020

f. All of the above

5. True or False : The date has been corrected according to Good Document Practices

(05Dec15) EE KAJ O6Dec15

6. True or False: We should record all data according to ALCOA documentation standards.

7. True or False : Recording data contemporaneously means that as long as it is recorded sometime during the day is acceptable.

8. True or False: Any pen is acceptable to use to record raw data as long as it is blue or black ink.

9. True or False : The date has been corrected according to Good Document Practices

(05Dec15) or 06Dec15EEKAJ 06Dec15

In: Computer Science