In: Nursing
Propose ways that one can decrease the risk of cervical cancer?
2. The acceptability of cervical cancer screening is low in the population. Discuss how you can ensure that women in your population have adequate screening.
3. Describe the lymphatic drainage of the cervix
ways to decrease cervical cancer risk----
A)Do regular screening-- pap smear test is best way to identify any changes in cervix and also helpful to detect the noninvasive stage of the cancer. Pap smear is the cytohistological preparation of exfoliating cell from cervix stained using papanicolaou stain.if abnormal cells finding are there then colposcopic test of cervix and other part of uterus are done if the lesion are extended. Regular screening is required for 25-50 year aged women at a interval of every two years.It has been seen that if regular pap smear test is done then it can reduce upto 90% of the cases.
If there is any abnormality found after pap smear screening then doing colposcopic test .after that if it is invasive one surgical removal of the cancer and radiation and Chemotherapy is done.
Beside this it would be helpful if HPV DNA test is being done.
B)use of vaccination-- it would be better to give vaccination to girl aged 11-13 years with two doses for 6 month period interval. It is not compulsory that any one at child age who have not received vaccination can not get it but use can get it upto age of 26 years. Vaccine was made using recombinant technology and it produces high level of antibodies against HPV 6,11,16,18 type.
C) avoid unprotected sex-- there is a risk of Human papilloma virus infection if couple have unprotected sex. The individuals can be infected not only by usual sex but also skin to skin contact,oral,anal sex. So it is better to use condom or protection during the time of coitus.
D) avoid smoking -- it has been noticed that if the individuals who have a habbit of smoking have more risk than nonsmokers.smoking leads to damage of cervical cells.
2) Ensure women to have adequate screenings---
i) provide educational materials to the individuals and try to encourage the necessities of doing pap smear and also give the consequences if the screening is not done that is the development of cervical cancer.
ii) explain the individual women how the pap smear is carried out and show her the instruments are used.
iii) emphasize the importance of smear as a preventative measure .
iv) provide a comfortable atmosphere and safe environment for screening.
v) tell her it will not effect you ..or ensure her that it doesn't have any bad effects rather than explain advantages of it.give her confidence about pap smear.
3.Lymphatic drainage of cervix--
As cervix is the lowest part of uterus .......lymphatic drainage of cervix occurs to internal iliac /Hypogastric lymph nodes, external iliac lymph nodes, pre sacral lymph nodes,obturator lymph node.
Most commonly obturator lymph nodes getting effected in case of CA cervix.