In: Biology
The rough endoplasmic reticulium houses the ribosome that secrte intregal membrane and secretory proteins. Translocation of polypeptide chain through the membrane helps in proper folding to obtain the quarternary structure in sacs called cisternae. It also serves the purpose of transporting the synthesized protein to golgi aparatus from where the proteins are translocated to their destination.
If the process of translocation in the ER membrane gets messed up leading to improper folding of proteins, an aggregation of polypeptide chain takes place which in non-functional in nature gets targeted by proteasome and is gedraded into constituent amino acids.
Unfolded protein responce (URP) is a quality control check point in the cellular machinery, upon sensing the stress i.e unfolded protein it regulates attenuation of translation and cell-cycle arrest with help of PERK receptor. The main aim of this process is to restore the stress due to protein load and restoring normal functioning of endoplasmic recticulum.