
In: Nursing

The following event laid the groundwork for the US federal government to take an increasingly prominent...

The following event laid the groundwork for the US federal government to take an increasingly prominent role in health care and public health over time:

The passage of the Affordable Care Act    

The writing of the US Constitution

The Civil War

The ratification of the 16th Amendment and resulting federal right to levy taxes


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(a) The Affordable care Act built on their tradition and granting states a significant role in implementing the law's coverage expansion , subject to a strong federal floor.

The federal government provides ;-

  • Protection for the people with preexisting the health conditions .
  • Uniform financial assistance for the people with incomes below 400 percent of the federal poverty level.
  • Individual and employer mandates to ensure people gain and keep coverge .

And states have the authority to ;-

  • Oversee their individual small and alarge grouped insurance
  • Manage their Medicaid program
  • run their own insurance marketplace  
  • create a basic health plan for the people earning between 38 % and 200 % of FPL
  • Set up the risk adjustment and rate review the programs
  • Make significant changes to their individual markets ( through the section 1332 state innovation wavier ) ans so long as teh coverage ,offered is affordable , comprehensive and the avilable to teh same number of the people a sunder the law ( without raising federal costs) .

State's roel in implementing the Aaffordable care act has increased even further under various regulation , guidance and the court decision .

(b) The United States Constitution does not the set forth an explicit to the health care and the supreme court has never interrupted the Constitution as guaranteeing a right to health care services from the givernment for those who cannot afford it ,as the supreme Court has , however held that the government has an obligation to provide medical care in certain limited the circumstance such as forthe prisoners . In additions , the several states have passed the laws that amended their state constittution or entered into interstate compacts to attempts to''nulify''or''op out''of the fede al indiviual health insurance mandate and other federal individual health care provision .The direct conflicts between federal laws and state nullification statues or the states consitutional amendments would raise constitutional issues which are the likely to be resolved inthe favor of federal law under the supremacy clause of the United States constitution. .State Consitution provides the consitutional rights that are more expansion than those found under thefederal consititution since federal right set the minimum standerds for the states .

(c) The American Civil War often credit for the ending salvery and reshaping the federal governement in U.S But the war between the States has another overlooked legacy thata it may have started a new era in the modern medicine .

Medically the U.S was hopefully prepared w hen the civil war began inthe spring of 1861 .Nearly 80 years had passed since tehend of theAmerican revolution thecountry's last major war and tehnew conflict was happening on a much bigger scale .Scientist meanwhile had yet to come up with the theory that germs cause diseases , Doctor's didn't know that they should wash their hands before amputating limbs .As soldiers from small towns came together in thelarge group and they became a newly exposed to thepathogens that their bodie s had never encountered before .

(d) The 16 th Amendment to the U.S constitution was ratified in the 193 and allows congress to levy a tex on income from any source without apportioning it among teh states and without regard to the census

Congress had imposed income taxes prior to the ratification of the 16th Amendment . Teh revenue Act of 1862 charged citizens earning more than $600 per year 3% of their income while those making over $10,000 paid 5% .The tax was collected in oreder to fund thecivil War ,rates were raised in 1864 but the  law was allowed to expire in 1872 .For the most part , however the federal governement raised most of its revenue from excise taxes and traiffs prior to 1913.

The 16th Amendment was supported primarily by the states inthe south and west , where teh tariffs that were at that time the primary source of income for the federal government excerbated an already steep rise in the cost of living..

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