
In: Economics

These can large, global conflicts between entire religions or ethnicities or much smaller conflicts between people...

These can large, global conflicts between entire religions or ethnicities or much smaller conflicts between people who have different interests or hobbies. 

Now your job is to pick out one conflict that might occur in a business setting and objectively discuss the nature of that conflict, making sure that it is perhaps you can discuss a conflict that takes place between your two cultures?  Here are a few rules to go by as you write this 


Expert Solution

Individuals with different cultural backgrounds, work together in an organizational setting. Though, it creates conflict between the individuals that are based upon the different cultures followed by different people. The first source of conflict is different values and beliefs followed in different culture. One culture gives high significance to teamwork, but another culture focuses upon the individualism. It brings conflict in the team at the organizational level. The second conflict arises when different cultures, owning different religious values contradict each other. It brings intolerance that has a background associated with the cultural upbringing of the individuals.. Besides, the religious practices also become conflicting with the organizational culture apart from being in the conflict with individuals with different religious values. Third area of conflict is the degree of indulgence or openness offered by the culture. When people work together with differences in the degree of level of indulgence, then conflict is developed between the people. Besides, the lack of understanding of other cultures in the education provided by one culture, also creates conflict at work.

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