
In: Economics

Do a Google search on one Trump environmental regulation rollback, and also check the New York...

Do a Google search on one Trump environmental regulation rollback, and also check the New York Times Environment page for additional information. Find two or three regulations that the President proposed to roll back during the 2017 to 2020 period. Now do a little research on these rollbacks. addressing the following questions.

1. What is the proposed change to the existing regulation?

2. What is the status of the proposal? Has it replaced the previous regulation or is still in the proposal phase or under court challenge?

3. Who wins and who loses from the change?

4. What was the Trump EPA's justification for the change? Why did environmentalists oppose the change?

5. What is the pollution reduction or resource protection goal of the original law the regulation is supposed to be enforcing?


Expert Solution

Trump being into the presidency has made huge changes into the environment policies may it be to pull down paris climate agreement to cutting federal funding for science & environment initiatives.

There are more then two or three roll backs in 2017 to 2020

1) Oil & Gas companies get access to sage grouse habitat - a bird called sage grouse is about to lose its habitat due to some environmentalists as the Trump member announced to dismantaling conservation plan

2) Supereme court refuses to halt youths climate change suit - it happened when supereme court reduced to halt the trial in a case bought by 21 youths who sued the fredral government for its role in causing global warming

In terms of the above stated regulation what stated -

a) Things which proposed changes in the existing regulation for the sage grouse were the new directives ledmacting interior sectary David Bernhardth saying now it gives states more control over the habitats they can do open fossil fuel extraction. second one has a case the trial was to began quite earlier but was delayed after the Trump administeration asked by the supereme court to intercede & block the case.

b) Status for both the cases were positive as no such allegation were made for the youth case or the prevention of the birds habitat case . No these case arent under court challanges they have aready been approved by the courts

c) Environmentalists wins from the changes thoses trying to protect them from geting with held by the eyes of law in both the cases. & justices is served those against the law lost it.

d) Trumps EPA justification for the change was to open piblic land to lease & allow waivers for drilling inthe grouse breeding grounds & for the other case Trump lawyers have argued repeatedly in numerous appeals that the policy making on climate change does not belog to court.So the environmentalists oppose the change because it was against the envirinment laws

e) The pollution reduction was clearly mentioned in the second regulation that ther will be a lot of carbon emisson in the atmosphesre if ther will be check which might destabilize the climate & for the sage grouse habitat if ther will be no contolled emisson of polluted gases in the air the rare spicies will extinct very soon for negligence.

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