
In: Physics

The SPARTA organization runs a year round charter elementary school in St. Louis, MO. This organization...

The SPARTA organization runs a year round charter elementary school in St. Louis, MO. This organization believes that children need to be tough physically and mentally. To get tough physically the children exercise outdoors (in minimum clothing) everyday as long as it is physically possible (the children need to go inside before they become adversely effected by the environment, but not a moment too soon). The weather in St. Louis ranges from 95o F with 95% humidity in the summer to 20o F 55% humidity in the winter. SPARTA needs to hire a new overseer of their physical program. They need to choose between two excellently conditioned individuals, Jeremy 35 yr male 6'1", 190 lbs, 10% fat; or Maude 62 yr female, 5'3", 115 lbs, 17% fat. Both individuals claim to have extensive experience with work outdoors in all types of weather, and say their experience enables them to be able to “feel” when it is time to go in. Who should SPARTA hire, and why


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The SPARTA organization runs a year round charter elementary school in St. Louis, MO. This organization believes that children need to be tough physically and mentally. To get tough physically the children exercise
outdoors (in minimum clothing) everyday as long as it is physically possible (the children need to go inside before they become adversely effected by the environment, but not a moment too soon). The weather in
St. Louis ranges from 95o F with 95% humidity in the summer to 20o F 55% humidity in the winter. SPARTA needs to hire a new overseer of their physical program. They need to choose between two excellently conditioned
individuals, Jeremy 35 yr male 6'1", 190 lbs, 10% fat; or Maude 62 yr female, 5'3", 115 lbs, 17% fat. Both individuals claim to have extensive experience with work outdoors in all types of weather, and say their
experience enables them to be able to “feel” when it is time to go in. Who should SPARTA hire, and why?

Answer : Given
information about the candidates
Age : Candidate 1 : 35 years, Candidate 2 : 62 years
Weight : Candidate 1 : 190 lbs, Candidate 2 : 115 lbs
Body Fat Percent : Candidate 1 : 10%, Candidate 2 : 17%
Height : Candidate 1 : 6'1" , Candidate 2 : 5'3"
Gender : Candidate 1 : Male, Candidate 2 : Female

Now, from the given information
We can see that candidate 2 has a vastly greater experience as compared to candidate 1
But candidate 1 is young and fit, which only adds to his eligibility for the job
Candidate 1 is physically in a better condition as compared to candidate 2 , and has better physical body attributges like taller body, lower body fat percent
For physical training in humid conditions for young people it is hence expected that candidate 2 shall have a better experience to bring people inside when required while candidate 1 can be expected to lead by example in a better way
hence, if the strategy is to win in a compeitition then the coach should be candidate 1, while a more laid back approach focussing more towards safety of athletes should conclude with the election of candidate 2 as coach

Since the given humidity is too high and we know the fabled spartans and about their ferociousity, deriving from that the sparta should hire candidate 1

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