
In: Nursing

1/ You are working in Urgent Care; one of your patients, Mr. R. ha an advance...

1/ You are working in Urgent Care; one of your patients, Mr. R. ha an advance directive and a do not resuscitate (DNR) order on his chart. Suddenly his wife rushes out of the room saying, “My husband has stopped breathing”. You automatically reach for the phone to call a Code. Then you remember the DNR; should you make the Code call? Explain.

2/ It has been said that health care providers do not make “cooperative” patients. Why?

3/ A member of your family has a disorder that can only be treated with extensive lifestyle changes. List specific suggestions for helping this relative make the necessary changes.


Expert Solution

1. The Code call should not be made for Mr. R, a patient with an advance directive and a do not resuscitate (DNR) order on his chart. A DNR order, also known as no code, is a legal order to not have cardiopulmonary resuscitation if the patient's heart stops breathing. So there is no need to call a Code for a patient with an advance directive and DNR on his chart. Making any attempts to resuscitate will be against the patient's wish and should not be done.

2. Healthcare providers do not make cooperative patients, it is the attitude of the patient that makes them cooperative and noncooperative. Cooperative patients are usually compliant and noncooperative patients are noncompliant. In a cooperative care system, patients and families are cooperative and compliant and function as part of the goal-oriented healthcare team. It is a patient choice rather than a physician choice.

3. List of specific suggestions for helping a relative make the necessary lifestyle changes to treat his/her disorder:

a. Avoid junk food with high sugar, salt, and fat content.

b. Exercise daily.

c. Eat a well-balanced diet.

d. Sleep 7-8 hours daily.

e. Drink 8 glasses of water per day.

f. Avoid any stressful situation and toxic/narcissistic people.

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