◆ comparision of mitosis and meiosis :-

◆ major cell events are :-
- cells ( eukaryotic )divide once in every 24 hours approximately
, illustrated by human cells in culture.
- Time for division of cells in a cell cycle varied from cell
type to cell type and organism to organism.
◆ cell cycle involves 2 stages :-
- interphase
- Division phase / M phase
● interphase :-
- it is phase between the two successive M phase .
- Cell grow in size to prepare for next division.
- Most active phase
- Metabolism of cell increase in interphase
- Cells not visible under microscope , so called interphase is
resting phase but now it is known as most active phase .
● interphase divided into 3 substage
- G1 - PHASE
- G2 - PHASE
● G1 - PHASE
- It is also known as pre DNA synthesis phase or 1st gap
- G1 phase is the interval between mitosis and the initation of
DNA replication.
- In that phase cell continuously grows and metabolically
- Cells rapidly synthesize different type of RNA and protein amd
cell organelles increase .
- Cells grow maximum in this phase.
- also known as DNA synthesis phase .
- Synthesis of histone proteins and replication of nuclear DNA
occours in that phase
- In this phase amount of DNA per cell doubles
- No increase in chromosome number
- Centriole replicate in late S phase and duplicates in the
● G2 - PHASE
- also known as post DNA synthesis phase or pre mitosis phase or
2nd gap phase
- Prepration for division phase occours .
- Tublin protein which is required for spindle fibres are
required for division phase are synthesized in G2 phase.
G0 phase :
- some cells in adult animals do not exhibit division e.g heart
cells and some divide rarely to replace dead cells in G0 phase
- Cells are metabolically active in that phase but proliferate
only when needed.
◆ division phase :.
- also known as M - phase
- It is the shortest phase in according to time.
- It is the phase where actual cell division occour.
- The division phase start with nuclear division (karyokinesis )
and ends with division of cytoplasm ( cytokinesis).
◆ M phase is divided into 4 stages in meiosis and
mitosis :-
- prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
for description of phases refer the table given
◆ significance of mitosis :-
- Development of organism occour by mitosis .
- Organism start it's life cycle as single i.e zygote and with
repeated mitosis in zygote leads to formation of whole body.
- Growth of multicellular organisms is due to mitosis .
- It is essential for cell to divide to restore nucleo-
cytoplasmic ratio.
- Main significance of mitosis is cell repair
◆ significance of
- chromosome number is reduced by half in meiosis.
- Genetic variability is increased from one generation to next
generation in the organisms .