Pick a public health issue. Describe an experimental study you
would recommend related to learning more...
Pick a public health issue. Describe an experimental study you
would recommend related to learning more about the issue- causes,
effects, prevention strategies, etc.
Pick a health issue. You are an epidemiologist designing a
cross-sectional study to learn more about the issue. List 10
questions (not demographic) and choice of responses that you would
include in the survey/questionnaire.
Describe the experimental procedures you would use to study the
topic of whether or not playing violent video games is related to
increased aggression among youth in a within-subjects design. Be
sure to explain and provide support as to how your method of
measurement meets the criteria for a within subjects design.
Pick one of the theories or issues related to middle adulthood.
Describe the theory or issue, provide supporting evidence of any
resources that was used for the discussion.
1. What is one major issue in the public health arena that you
think merits more attention than it is currently getting from the
healthcare establishment, the media or the community at large?
Explain why you offer that issue and how you think it might be best
addressed in the future.
come up with a study (something you are interested in
learning more about) that would require the use of an ANOVA and
calculation of the f-statistic. What I'm lookin' for here is that
you would be able to identify a study that would require this
statistical procedure vs. the procedures we've learned previously
(t and z).
Walk us through the steps in the process of calculating
the f-stat
What is the role of education in global health? If you had to
pick an issue that could offer deliverable changes through
education in global health, which would you choose and why?
For this policy brief, you will pick one health issue to
discuss. It should be between 2-4 pages (1,500 words) and must
include the sections listed below. The purpose of a policy brief is
to give your reader a high-level overview of the issue at hand and
then recommend a policy or policies to address the problem. Think
of it as a vehicle to provide policy advice to someone who is not
an expert in that topic.
Pick a single...
For this policy brief, you will pick one health issue to
discuss. It should be between 2-4 pages (1,500 words) and must
include the sections listed below. The purpose of a policy brief is
to give your reader a high-level overview of the issue at hand and
then recommend a policy or policies to address the problem. Think
of it as a vehicle to provide policy advice to someone who is not
an expert in that topic.
Pick a single...